Page 80 of Hallows End
We decided to do this in the aunts’ garden.
“I’m sorry that your coven isn’t here with you,” Lucy says as she takes my hand. “I know you care about many people in Hallows End and wish they could be here for this.”
I kiss her forehead and take a long, deep breath. “One day, they’ll know. We’ll celebrate with them then.”
“It’ll just be a long string of parties,” Lorelei adds with a smile. “As it should be.”
“I’ve kept this for you.” Hilda steps forward, holding a braided leather strap in her hands. “This was the cord that your parents used for their ceremony, and I know that your mom wants you to use it for yours.”
“I can still see her,” Lucy says with a watery smile, looking over Hilda’s shoulder. “And I’m glad because I’d bereallymad if she left during this part. Thank you for saving it for me. I’ll keep it safe for, well…later.”
I want babies, Jonas Morley. Lots of babies.
I smile, my heart skipping at the thought. I’d come to the realization long ago that I would never be a husband or a father. It was something I had to grieve and move past. And I had.
But now, it’s within my grasp.
I will marry Lucy tonight and promise to love her for as long as I exist.
I just hope that existence is long enough to give her the children she craves.
Let’s start with this. We’ll add babies later.
She snorts. We move into position under the bright, star-filled sky lit by the glow of the almost full moon and pledge ourselves to each other.
“Let’s begin.”
My head comes up at the man’s name, and I see that he’s just walked through the door of Lucy’s apothecary. Lucy walks to him and offers him a hug, but he skims the room, his eyes narrowed and calculating.
When he sees me, he walks over and shakes my hand.
“What are you looking for?” I ask him quietly so as not to disturb the customers browsing in the shop.
“Just checking the energy,” he replies. “It seems calm.”
“There’s been nothing since we returned last night,” I confirm, still amazed that it was only yesterday that we came back to clean, and less than twelve hours since Lucy and I were handfasted. I’m a married man.
“Good. Congratulations.” He shakes my hand with a smile. “I have so many questions, but those can wait for a later time.”
“I suspect we have some of the same ones,” I reply. “But I love her. She’s meant for me.”
“She is. For better or worse. And I have something for you.”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a simple black velvet box.
“I know this isn’t the original box it came in, but what’s inside is pretty damn old. Open it.”
I flip the top and feel emotion roll through me. “This was my mother’s ring.”
It’s a gold band with a single simply set ruby. I haven’t seen it in centuries. And when I take it out of the box, I can feel my mother’s essence in it.
“It’s been passed down and was given to me, but it should be yours, Jonas.”
“If it was given to you, you should keep it.”
“No,” he insists. “She was yourmother.You knew and loved her. She’s merely a story to me. There’s a big difference. Besides, when my time comes, the woman I love is an aquamarine girl.”