Page 82 of Hallows End
“I know.” I brush a strand of her bright red hair off her cheek.
“But it’s just…I’m safe. I have Delia and a whole store full of people. Nera’s here. I promise not to leave the building to go to my garden or anywhere else.Please, go take a break. You really need to go into Hallows End, Jonas. You haven’t been back in almost a week.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Jonas.” She takes my hand and presses my palm to her cheek. “Those people still need you. After things changed with the baby being born, you need to check on them more than ever. Just in case.”
I take a deep breath and feel frustration bubble within me. I know she’s right, but I hate the idea of being too far away from her.
What if I can’t reach you like this again?
I’m here. We’re stronger than ever, Jonas.
I nod, kiss her forehead, and then her lips. “I know that I need to go back to check in with them. I’m going to make the rounds, make sure that everything is as it should be, and then I’m coming right back.”
“I think that sounds like a good idea.” She kisses my lips with a loud, happy smack. “Have a good walk.”
Nera wakes as I open the back door to the garden. I point at him and then at his mistress.
“Keep watch.”
He sits up, coming to attention, and I nod in approval.
“Good boy. I’ll see you both soon.”
The walk into the woods and over the bridge is one I could do with my eyes closed. As usual, my clothes change as I cross the small bridge, along with the weather.
I step from late autumn sunshine into a cold drizzle.
I shouldn’t have stayed away from Hallows End for as long as I did. Idohave responsibilities here that I can’t ignore, even if Lucy is the priority.
Did you get there okay?I hear her ask in my mind, and I’m relieved to know that the tether hasn’t been blocked.
Yes, just entering my cabin now. I’ll make sure everything is good here before I walk through the village.
I walk inside, and everything is as I left it after the baby’s birth last week.
Good. All is well here, too.
I gather some things from my desk and shelves to take back to Lucy’s with me when I go, set everything on the chair by the front door to pick up on my way by later, and then set off through town.
At first, everything seems normal. It’s halfway through the month, and it looks like it always does at this time during the cycle.
But when I get to Louisa’s cottage, I frown. She’s not out front tending to her garden as she always is, even when there’s rain. In fact, it doesn’t look like anything has been tended in a few days.
That’snotnormal, so I walk to the front door and knock.
Louisa’s husband, John, answers the door, looking exhausted and worried.
“Jonas, thank the goddess.”
“Is something wrong with Louisa?” I step inside and look through the doorway to the bedroom where Louisa lies in bed.
“She is ill,” John says and swallows hard. “Fever, chills. She will not eat or drink any water. She seems to see things that are not there at all.”
“May I?”
“Yes, please.”