Page 87 of Hallows End
Good. I miss you. Get some rest, if you can.
You rest, my love. I’ll see you soon.
Love you.
I cozy down with Nera, and before I can even turn on the tablet, I drift off to sleep.
The bed is jostled, and I wake to find Breena slipping under the covers.
“I need you,” she says, her voice shaking.
“I’m here.” I open my arms, and she wraps herself around me, shivering as badly as her voice. “Hey, what’s going on? Talk to me, Breen.”
Nera lays his big head on her side and watches with worried brown eyes as Breena clings to me in the moonlight.
“Bad dream,” she whispers. “Really bad.”
“It’s okay,” I assure her, rubbing her back. I kiss her wet cheek. “It’s okay, honey.”
“Oh, goddess, Lucy.” Her voice catches.
“Do you want to tell me about it?”
“Absolutely not.”
I hold her close and pat Nera’s head, comforting them both until we all fall asleep.
“You spoil us,” I announce as I pop more pancake into my mouth. Lorelei came over first thing this morning by car, and Breena’s been stuffing us full of her special pancakes, bacon and homemade mochas.
It’s thebest.
“I love that you’re so nurturing,” Lorelei adds. “You’re going to be an awesome mom someday.”
Breena snorts, but I see the small, satisfied smile on her lips as she turns back to the stove so she can flip the pancakes.
“There’s no secret to these,” she says. “I just add a little extra vanilla and a bit of cinnamon.”
“And a lot of love,” I continue. “Maybe some eye of newt.”
That makes her laugh. “I can’t help that I like to take care of the people I love. I’ve always been this way. I like to cook for you, sew, make you things.”
“Acts of service is your love language,” I inform her. “In spades.”
“What’s your love language?” Lorelei asks me.
“Hmm.” I take a bite of bacon. “Maybe physical touch. I’ve always been a hugger. What about you?”
“I think it’s quality time,” she says after pondering it for a minute. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.
“I’ll get it.” I stand. “You keep making pancakes.”
I walk to the door, surprised when I see Giles standing on the other side of it.
“Hey,” I say as I pull open the door but then pause. “Wait. Say something that only therealGiles would know.”
It doesn’t make him laugh. “Where is she?”
He brushes past me, a man on a mission.