Page 23 of Tell Me a Story
“Love you, Brock.”
“Love you too.”
“You’re close to your mom?” Joey asks.
“Yeah, we’re tight. She’s cool.”
“You’re lucky,” she says, glancing out the window.
I don’t know what to say to that, so I don’t say anything. Instead, I reach over and lace her fingers with mine. She lets me hold her hand all the way home.
I’m sitting on the bed in my room when I hear the shower turn on in hers. The house is quiet. I’m not sure where Caleb is. My guess is he’s catching a quick nap before we leave. I should be doing the same. We had a hard practice today, but I’m too keyed up. The small velvet box that contains the earrings is clutched in my fist as I think of how to give them to her. Sure, I could wait, but I don’t want to. I’m all about instant gratification, and call me crazy, because I admit it sounds that way, but I want to see them on her. I want to know that she’s wearing something I gave her when we walk into Sully’s tonight.
Getting her to accept this is a far reach and even further to get her to wear them tonight, but I have to try. That’s when an idea hits me. Reaching into the nightstand, I grab the small tablet of paper and a pen that I put there a few nights ago. Placing the earring box on the bed, I put pen to paper and begin to write.
Once upon a time, there was a princess named Joey. She had big brown eyes and dark brown hair. She was breathtaking. All the men in the land thought so, even Prince Brock. The prince craved her attention, but to no avail. One day he had an idea. He would give the princess jewels so she knew he was thinking about her always. It gave him extreme pleasure deciding on the perfect gift. He chose a pair of diamond stud earrings that he knew would look beautiful on her. He hoped she would accept his gift and wear the jewels. There was nothing in the world that would make him happier.
Princess Joey, these are for you.
I read over the letter three times before I finally decide it’s good enough. Hopefully, she will read my words and accept the earrings without complaint. Folding the letter in half, I scrawl her name on the outside of the paper, grab the box, and slip out of my room. I stand in the hallway listening for Caleb, but the house is silent except for the sound of the shower.
Blocking out the fact that Joey is once again naked and just mere feet away from me… again, I step into her room and place the note and the box on her nightstand next to her phone. Moving back, I stare at the bathroom door, and images of her naked body, wet with soap sliding over her curves, has me reaching into my pants and adjusting myself. This is a constant issue where she’s concerned, and I’m going to have to literally take matters into my own hands before we leave tonight. Otherwise, everyone is going to know how she affects me.
Not that I care about that. Not really. But I need to make sure we’re both on the same page. We’ve been dancing around this attraction that sparks between us. Then there’s the issue of her brother. Caleb and I have been best friends for years, and I owe it to him to tell him my plans. That is if Joey is on board with it. It’s my respect for him that will initiate the conversation, but I’m not asking for his permission. No, this thing between us, this electricity that shocks my system every time she’s near, is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s also not something I’m willing to lose or just toss away.
I’m well aware I could lose my best friend over this, but if he felt this connection, if he could only experience what she does to me, he would understand. If not, well, I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it. If she wants me, I’m hers, at least until we see where this is going to go. Will we crash and burn, or will the embers of the flames stay hot? Either way, my hope is that even if he’s not okay with it if things work out between us, he will be.
The water shuts off in the bathroom, and I bolt out of the room and across the hall to mine. Closing the door behind me, I lock it for good measure and strip out of my clothes. Another solo session is in order for me tonight, and it’s images of Joey that will be fueling my fantasy.
Caleb and I stand at the bottom of the stairs, waiting on Joey. We’re both dressed in slacks and dress shirts, with ties. It’s irrational, but my chest puffs out just a little bit knowing she and I are going to be matching. Hopefully, Caleb doesn’t comment. I can just blame it on a sales associate that wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“Joey!” Caleb calls up the steps. “Move it, sister! We’re going to be late.”
“I’m coming!” she calls back.
I shuffle my stance as my nerves get the better of me. I’ve never given a woman such a lavish gift. I’ve never wanted to, and now all I can think about is seeing her in that dress with my earrings in her ears.
“Finally,” Caleb says, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Damn, sis, you clean up nice,” he says, whistling as she reaches the bottom step.
“Thank you. The two of you look very handsome,” she tells us.
“Are we ready?” he asks us.
“All set,” I manage to croak. I have to force myself not to stare at the beauty before me. Her hair is down, and I can’t see her ears, and the suspense is killing me. It’s stupid, and if I wereasked to explain my need for her to wear my gift, I couldn’t. It’s just a need.
“Let’s bounce.” Caleb twirls his keys on his finger and turns to head for the garage.
“You’re beautiful,” I tell her. My voice is low and husky, even to my own ears.
“Thank you. Oh, I read your story,” she says as she tucks her hair behind her ear. There, like a gleaming beacon, is the diamond stud earring. All I can do is nod. There’s a lump in my throat that I can’t speak over. My heart hammers in my chest and my hands are clammy. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I don’t understand this feeling, but there is one thing about all of this that I do understand. I want more. I want all she’s willing to give me.
Now, I just need to find the balls to tell her and see where we stand.