Page 71 of Tell Me a Story
“What time does your flight leave?” Joey asks me as we’re standing in the kitchen. She’s making a pot of chili, and I’m soaking up as much of her time as I can before we’re both heading off in separate directions this weekend.
“We fly out tomorrow afternoon.” This season is the first ever that I’ve dreaded an away game. I never had anything or anyone holding me at home before. Now that I do, I never want to go.
She nods. “The retreat is only a couple of hours away, so I’m going to drive. I plan to leave early tomorrow afternoon as well. We have to be checked in by tomorrow night to start the team exercises first thing Saturday morning.”
“I hate being away from you.” I’m well aware I sound like a whiny bitch, but it is what it is. I want to be where she is all the time.
“It’s only for a weekend. I wasn’t planning on traveling to the away game anyway, so even if I wasn’t going to the retreat, you still wouldn’t see me.”
I hate that she’s right. I hate even more that this is a part of my job, and there is nothing that either of us can do about it. Well, unless I can convince her to travel with the team. “We should discuss you traveling to all of my games.”
“Right,” she drawls. “Do you actually think my dad is going to let that fly?”
“We don’t need his permission.”
“Brock, I can’t afford to fly to all of your away games.”
“I can afford it.” That’s something else I love about her. She couldn’t care less how much money I have in the bank.
“It’s a waste of money.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I’d pay just about anything not to have to be away from you.”
A slight blush coats her cheeks from my words. “That’s your future children’s inheritance you’re spending,” she teases.
“Ourfuture children. And I’ve invested well, add in the endorsement deals, and our kids will never have to work.” I adjust my stance. The thought of her growing round with our babies is hot as fuck.
“But they need to work. These hypothetical children that you speak of. They need to know what it means to work hard for something and accomplish it.”
“I agree with you. You were the one worried about their inheritance,” I say, pressing a kiss to her lips.
“We talked about this,” Caleb groans, stepping into the kitchen.
“What? It was a simple peck on the lips.”
“My sister’s lips,” he challenges me.
“The love of my life’s lips,” I fire back with a grin.
“Leave him alone.” Joey smiles up at me.
“Fine.” I kiss her again for good measure.
“That smells great, Joey.” Caleb comes to stand on her other side and leans over, getting closer to the pot.
“Well, it’s ready. Grab a bowl.” She points to the bowls I set out for us earlier on the counter beside Caleb and takes a step back. I immediately pull her into me, her back aligning with my front, and wrap my arms around her.
“Thanks for dinner, Sunshine.”
She tilts her head back, and I kiss her nose, making her giggle. “You’re welcome.”
The three of us sit down and have dinner together. We keep the topic light, steering clear of anything football or related to their dad or Joey’s mom. I enjoy these moments, but as I sit here, I realize it’s time for me to find my own place. Joey and I can’t live with Caleb forever, and I want to start making those memories with her in our home.
“Your night to clean,” Joey tells me.
“Yes, dear.”
“Ah, man. She’s already got you toeing the line. You sure you want to be all in love and shit?” Caleb teases.