Page 116 of Truck Stop Titan
What a great, God damn boost to the ego knowing someone cared that I made it home safe.
Eliminating the distance between us, I hooked an arm around her waist, and teased her with a peck on the cheek. “Mim sleeping?”
She shook her head against my shoulder. “Just kissed her goodnight.”
God damn, she smelled like berries. And when she turned to face me, that heady gaze meeting mine, swear to Christ, I died a thousand deaths and came back a better man each time. When I leaned down for the kiss I’d craved, she moaned, leaning into me.
That ass filled my hands, and I squeezed before giving those soft cheeks a hard slap. “Get naked and get in bed, gorgeous. I’ll be right there. Got something to show my angel.”
Moriah went soft and pliant in my arms, and I took her full weight, so damn happy for something solid to hold.
She smiled, gutting me, then righted herself and downed the rest of her wine in one swallow, a playful lilt to her grin. I watched her saunter down the hall, then went back to my duffel and pulled out the box. When I cracked the door to Mim’s room, she lay curled on her side, hands tucked under her cheek, eyes blinking open at the sound of the door.
“Dane!” she squealed.
Knocked me dizzy every damn time, that voice more powerful than a bullet to the chest. That little lady sprang from the bed and wrapped around me in one graceful leap. I hoped she would never tire of my ugly mug.
Clutching her small body, I lowered my ass to the bed. “Guess what I found?”
She pulled her face away from my neck, her tiny hands braced on my shoulders, wise eyes searching mine. “What?”
I handed her the box.
“My treasure!” With a penetrating shrill, she wiggled off my legs and slid to the floor with a thunk. That sweet little angel hugged the tin rust bucket to her chest like it was the most precious gift, looked at me, then the lunchbox. Me. The box. That dazed and amazed expression raised me higher than the clouds, made the extra day away from my girls worth every miserable second.
The storage facility had been easy to find, especially with Tito’s help. And what do you know, that damn key of Mim’s had fit the shitty lock. When we’d lifted the gate, my heart had damn near oozed out of my chest and dripped to the floor. In the center of that cold, vacant room lay a pile of dirty blankets, a small stack of tattered children’s books, one dead flashlight, bloody rags, a box of bandages, and a God damn treasure chest in the form of a Scooby Doo lunch box.
That strong little girl had lived through hell, and still, she’d been the one to pull my pathetic ass out of the grave I’d dug.
“You gonna open it or what?” I grumbled, hoping to hide the lump in my throat.
I’d cleared the box of its other contents. Money—dirty, no doubt. And yes, every cent would go to Mim. She’d earned it. I’d also found three thumb drives, each containing records of club dealings, none of them legal. Evidence that could put every member, including myself, away for life.
Mim lifted the lid. As if afraid to disturb their resting place, she dusted a finger over the pieces of broken glass, colorful rocks, bottle caps, and a tattered feather, giving each item equal attention. When she pulled a rusty old hex nut from the box, holding the filthy thing between her small fingers, her breath hitched. She pushed to her feet, and bounced my way, stopping between my knees, and twisting the damn thing back and forth in my face.
“What’s this, Little Lady?”
“Your ring.”
“My ring, huh?”
“Rocky said when you love somebody, you give them a ring, and they’re yours forever.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Yours forever?”
Lips curled between her teeth, she lifted those sleepy eyes to mine. “Now you have to be my daddy. This is your daddy ring. And you can never take it off.”
Daddy. God damn. That word had always soured my stomach. Coming from Mim, so innocent, so trusting?
My eyes burned. Chest ached. I blinked away the blurry vision and pulled my saving angel tight against my chest.
Seconds passed before speech was possible. “With or without the ring, I’m yours forever, Little Lady. I’ll always protect you. Always love you.” I cupped her cheeks. Kissed that little nose, then her forehead. “Best present ever, baby girl.”
Mim giggled, scrunching her face, and swiping my beard away.
She dropped the nut into my hand. “It won’t fit on your finger.”