Page 71 of Truck Stop Titan
Moriah came through the open door. “Hey.”
No sense scrambling to get out.
Her gaze lingered on me, a smirk settling on her face, until she noticed the dropped trash bag, and the Clearblue sticks.
“Crap,” she mumbled.
“Yeah. Crap.”
“Dane, I—”
I choked on my anger, shoving that shit deep. “You need to tell him. You need to tell him today.” I didn’t try to get up. I hadn’t the energy, physical or otherwise. “You can’t move to Whisper Springs if you think there’s a chance to fix things between the two of you.”
“No. God, no. Wait. What?”
“He’s a fucking asshole who doesn’t deserve you, but you’re having his baby. I hate the fucker, I want to kill him, but he’s the father of your child, and he needs to know. You can’t keep something like this from him.”
Shaking her head, she mumbled, “Matthew never wanted kids, Dane. That’s why I dumped him in the first place. He didn’t want me to bring Mim home. He wanted me to leave her to the state. I mean, seriously, what kind of human being would abandon any child in need, let alone family? But that doesn’t matter—”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” Was she seriously considering not telling him? That wasn’t the Moriah I’d fallen for, and God damn I was pissed, not just at her, but myself for giving a shit, but God damn.
Pure rage gave me the muscle I needed to get myself out of the tub, and I cornered Moriah, making my distaste for her decision clear. “I was an unwanted child, and fuck’s sake, I swore I would never do that to a kid, which is why I’d never considered having any. But you can be damn sure, if I’d been foolish enough to knock-up a chick, I’d want to know. I had a kid out there anywhere, I’d make sure that kid knew his father. I’d make sure he knew he was wanted, whether I believe I’m dad material or not.”
Those hazel beauties filled with liquid shame and I hoped to God I was getting through to her.
I planted one arm on the wall above her head, cupped her cheek, and stole a kiss. Our last, most likely, if she chose to do the right thing, because I wanted her, true, but I wasn’t one to fuck around with another man’s woman.
She tasted like salt and sunshine, and what was meant to be a goodbye seemed more like the beginning of a slow death, because the knowledge that I might never taste her again, feel her skin against mine, or that I may never be the target of that precious smile, or hear that laugh, or share a private conversation in the dark of night, well that shit cut like the drag of a slow blade that would peel my flesh away layer by layer until I drew my final breath.
I kissed harder, pulling her tight to my body, taking my last greedy fill.
Moriah sobbed into my mouth, curling around me, clinging with every muscle in her body, like she, too, understood we were sharing a goodbye.
I pulled away. Studied those fucking gorgeous eyes. Brushed that soft, unruly hair off her face, and whispered, “If circumstances were different, gorgeous…” I choked on my words, unable to speak the truth I’d held in since our first night together.
“What.” She blinked up at me, her hands fisting in my T-shirt. “Say it, Dane. If circumstances were different, what?”
Fuck it.
“I’d make you mine. Make sure the world knew you and Mim were mine.”
“Dane,” she said, barely a whisper, her voice as broken as I was.
My guts twisted something fierce. I’d protected myself from bullshit emotions my entire life. Seemed I’d been right in doing so, because every time I’d thought I’d cared for someone, they’d been taken from me. My mother. Slade. Addison. Rocky. Still, I gave her what she needed to hear, knowing that was the last I’d ever be able to give.
“I’d never let you go.”
“Dane, I—”
I jerked away from the wall. “Don’t say it. Moriah. Don’t. I can’t hear it.” I would break. In front of her, in front of Mim, I’d crumble, and they needed me whole to get through the next couple of days. Until I knew she was okay enough for me to go.
“Dane. Wait!”
I found Mim at the front door, a smile on her face. “Ready for the park?”
She nodded. I knelt and grabbed her laces, tying the left, then the right shoe.
Moriah came down the hall, face flushed, pulling her hair into a knot on top of her head.