Page 84 of Truck Stop Titan
“I apologize. I assumed you and Dane were an item, considering…” He let the sentence hang. Charm seemed second nature to the handsome man, with those ridiculous good looks, intoxicating emerald eyes, and that dimple he wielded like a weapon, working their magic, weaving a spell that almost made me forget we were having a conversation.
But then I realized, Dane and I had kept our fling private, neither of us ready to put a name to whatever it was that was happening between us. And Mr. Rossi obviously knew something I did not, and judging by that annoying, albeit sexy smirk on his face, I should have known. “Considering what?”
With a deep, throaty chuckle, he offered, “Reynolds and I are old friends.” He pinned me with a stare, waiting for me to connect the dots, a gleam in his eye, clearly enjoying himself.
Carlos Rossi and Dane old friends? Seemed unlikely. Still, my insides warmed, the mystery solved. “Let me guess.Mr. Reynoldsgot me this job?” Dane had gone behind my back to keep Mim and me in Whisper Springs.
“Apologies if that was meant to be a secret.”
Mr. Rossi did not appear sorry in the least.
I should’ve been furious, but I couldn’t muster an ounce of indignation. Why? Because although dirty and underhanded, Dane had fought to keep Mim and me close. And damn it, sometimes, being fought for felt really effin’ good.
“And because he got me this job, you assumed that we’re an item?”
He nodded, his grin fading. “Dane wouldn’t have called me otherwise.”
I wanted to ask why Dane wouldn’t have called him otherwise. I wanted to know more, but I was a professional, and I would act as such. However, I wasn’t about to let that handsome devil off the hook. “Mr. Rossi. We’re both adults here. Let’s be honest, you enjoyed letting that little secret leak, didn’t you?” I offered a wink.
He countered with a panty-melting smile and a wink back. “Have a good day, Miss Peterson.”
I smiled and waved, keeping my glee in check.
# # #
A warm, heavy weight lay over my stomach, rousing me from a daunting dream. Blinking sleep haze from my eyes, I slowly filtered my nightmare from reality, drawing measured, quiet breaths in attempt to steady my racing heart.
Though drowned in darkness, I knew who shared the couch with me, whose thighs my calves were perched upon, whose strong finger traced a circle over my stomach. The scent of alcohol, sweat, and night air permeated the room.
“How long have you been here?” I tried to rise, but he held me steady, a firm grip on my ankle with one hand, the other weighing heavy on my abdomen.
“Couple hours,” came a clipped reply.
Agitation rippled the air, adding substance to the silence.
“What happened today?”
“Best you don’t ask.”
“I have every right to know.” I kicked free of his grip and shoved to the sitting position. “You said you would take care of Mim. You didn’t. And I had to hear from Slade that you’d pawned her off.”
The couch shifted. “Fuck,” floated through the room, more pained than angry.
Weary, and in no mood to fight, I straddled Dane’s lap, ignoring the scratch of denim on my bare thighs. I reached for his beard, but he clamped my wrists and pressed my hands to his bare chest instead, his warmth doing crazy things to my libido.
His silhouette revealed cuts and swollen areas, his handsome mug clearly marred. “What happened?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“You can talk to me, you know.” I kissed his cheek, a featherlight assurance. “I’m on your side. Whatever it is.”
His chest rose and fell. “Don’t need to talk.”
Uncomfortable silence followed, and I knew if I could see his face, I’d find those eyes gone dark.
I swallowed my trepidation. “Whatdoyou need?”
His fingers tightened around my thighs. One deep breath. A moan that sounded like a growl.