Page 8 of L.O.V.E
If I skipped my morning coffee and cut through two alleys, I could still make it to work on time. Although, starting work without my coffee would not be a good idea.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I slammed through the back exit of my apartment building. Speed-walked down the brick alley while breathing through my mouth to avoid the urine stench. Narrowly missed a head-on with a produce delivery truck, then turned on the next corner and waited impatiently for the crosswalk light to allow me safe passage.
I’d made it across the busy street and was two buildings from the bank when a large figure caught my eye. I stopped dead, my heart racing.
Holden stood on the sidewalk, leaning against the bike rack, arms crossed, head down. Chin-length hair tucked behind his ear. Thank the good Lord, he hadn’t seen me. I turned on my heel and raced around the corner, running smack dab into a steel-hard figure.
“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry.” I rubbed my nose, my eyes watering something fierce.
The deep voice penetrated my body like a possession. “Whoa. Sorry.” A long pause, then his chest rose and fell. A smudge of my lipstick marred his blue and silver medallion tie. “Are you okay? Wait…you?”
Righting my glasses, I lifted my chin to see the face of the man that held me steady. Confusion, or maybe curiosity, knitted his brows. Thick dark lashes almost overshadowed his piercing eyes, more gold than brown. Then I looked at my arms, because where he gripped my biceps, his thumbs rubbed slow circles, as though he’d soothed me a thousand times before. Like we were familiar. Like I was his and he was mine.
The suit under his wool coat was crisp and clean, and he smelled like expensive cologne, citrusy and sensual. I braved another gander at his face and,dammit, there it was again, that beautiful, wanting, knowing, needing gaze.
I was hungover, out of breath and,oh, God, lighter than air in the man’s grip.
His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “Do I know you from somewhere? I mean, other than the coffee shop?”
Speechless, I moved my head back and forth. He had a lovely mouth. Full lips, the bottom slightly larger than the top. Would he taste as good as he smelled?
“Are you okay?” he asked, his fingers curling into the soft wool of my blazer, his voice calm, warm, and alluring.
Chalk it up to insanity, lack of sleep, lust, or destiny—but most likely insanity—I rose high on my toes, slapped a hand around his neck, and pulled that man in for kiss. I couldn’tnotkiss him. We were brought together that very moment in time for one purpose and one purpose only. A kiss. I knew it in my soul.
His lips were soft and smooth. He tasted like mint and coffee, his flavor registering at the same time I realized he’d stiffened, dropped his arms, and wasn’t returning the affection, but pushing me away.
Stumbling back a step, I brought a finger to my lips. “I’m— Oh, God, I’m so sorry.”
I turned on a dime and dashed back the way I’d come.
“Wait!” he called.
Appalled, I moved forward, my lips singed, my ego bruised.
Holden came my way the moment he spotted me. I shoved right past the crazy brute and had made it to the front door when he grabbed my shoulder and swung me to face him.
“Baby, please, let—”
My palm met his cheek with a loud crack. Every bone in my hand protested, white-hot pain jetting up my arm. Holden didn’t budge, but he did let go of my bicep.
“Leave me alone,” I whisper-shouted.
I turned and left him to stew.
I made it to work with one minute to spare and one hundred percent of my spirit drained.
“You gonna talk to her, or what?” I slapped Ellis on his back and nodded toward the hot little number who’d joined CFC a few weeks ago. The woman obviously had a thing for Ellis, sneaking glances, turning down the horde of men who’d made a move.
She wasn’t the only female member of our gym, but she was the only one who incited locker-room porn stories.Fuck. I swear men were worse than women when it came to gossip.
“Back off, bub.” Ellis shoved me away and upped the ramp on the treadmill. “I’m playin’ it cool.”
“Stay cool for too long, another one of these meatheads are gonna make their play.”