Page 57 of Truck Stop Tempest
“YOU READY?” TITO ASKED,voice gruff, eyes worried.
I nodded. Turned away. Chickened out. Turned back.
Strong arms wrapped around me. “You can do this, Bunny.”
Lordy, how I wanted to believe him.
Two days ago, Slade had come to Tito’s door holding brand new uniforms and begged me to come back to work at The Stop.
My first instinct was to tell her no.
But she had offered me a lifeline, and, in a sense, a chance to earn back my dignity.
My brother’s murderers had walked away with my entire savings. Three thousand dollars. I couldn’t refuse Slade. I needed the job. As much as I wanted to hide in Tito’s apartment, where I was safe, warm, and fed, I needed to stand on my own two feet.
“Okay. I can do this.” I forced the words, not wholly believing them, but determined to make them truth eventually. “I’m good. I’m ready.” Faking a smile, I kissed his cheek, then left him alone in Slade’s office.
“Toodaloo,” Charlie sang from the kitchen as I passed the service window. “Glad you’re back.”
“Me, too,” Slade chimed from behind the counter.
“Me, three,” Margie shouted from table five.
“Me, four!” an unfamiliar, but friendly voice shouted from somewhere near Charlie.
Slade came closer and bumped my hip, her ponytail bouncing behind her. “Hey, girl. Thanks for coming back. We’ve missed you.”
Words of gratitude lodged in my throat, stuck behind a thick lump of emotion. Forgiveness was not easy to give, yet she’d handed me a clean slate, no conditions.
“I’m sorry about your brother,” she whispered, pulling me into a hug. “I know how it feels to lose a family member. If you need to talk, I’m here, okay?”
“Thank you,” I mumbled, moisture pooling in my eyes.
She stepped back, holding me at arms’ length. “If you ever need a minute, go lock yourself in my office.”
A deep voice rattled over my shoulder, “You must be Tuuli.”
I turned to find a pair of exotic green eyes, amped by a set of sinful dimples.
“Hi,” I squeaked, shaking his offered hand, struggling to hold the eye contact because wow, the guy was so beautiful it almost hurt to look.
“Tuuli, this is Charlie’s nephew, Eli. He’s joined the crew.” Slade smiled and winked. “He’s a jack of all trades. Cooks. Cleans. Even waits tables when we need help.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Glad to finally meet the famous Toodaloo.” He shot a glance through the kitchen window. “Uncle Charlie just about cried when Slade told him you were coming back.”
“Eli!” Charlie shouted from somewhere in the back. “Not paying you to chit-chat.”
Eli flashed a killer grin before disappearing.
“Cute, yeah?” Slade wiggled her brows.
I nodded, laughing. Cute didn’t come close. The guy was fitness model material. Looked nothing like Charlie. No doubt he’d attract a female cult following to the diner.
The cowbell rattled, drawing my attention to the front door and the gorgeous woman storming my way. A breathtaking blonde with a tailored suit, designer heels, and steely blue eyes.
My stomach dropped. So did the stack of menus I had just grabbed.