Page 51 of Average Joe
“Who knows.” Con pointed a finger first at me then at the heirlooms. “But man, I’m telling you, hide this shit somewhere safe. Today.”
The doorbell sounded, raising my hackles, the chime loud and out of tune. I jogged toward the door. Halfway through the living room, I slowed to enjoy the scene. Marley cradled Ginger in a football hold, dirt on both of their faces. Ginger’s tongue hung loose, a smile on her furry face. Marley wore a scowl that erased all the unease I’d suffered only moments ago.
Damn, that woman wielded some mystic voodoo power.
I forced my grin straight, going for calm and collected, and pulled open the door. “Hey, neighbor.”
“Seriously,” she huffed, dodging a lick. “You have to do something about her digging.”
I snatched my dog free of Marley’s hold, and hell, I deserved an award for not laughing at the amount of dirt covering her chest. “Sorry about that.” I kissed Ginger’s head to hide my grin, ignoring the earthy stench and gritty fur.
“Can you fill that hole today? Please?”
“Just about to head out, but I’ll take care of it first thing tomorrow.”
Marley looked down at herself, mumbled, “Dammit,” then brushed at the soil on her tee, spreading the stain. “Do something about her digging. I mean it. What if she got out to the street?” Her disappointed mother expression was spot-on.
Consider me chastised.
She pulled at the hem of her shirt and grumbled, “It’s ruined.”
“I’ll buy you a new shirt.”
“You don’t have a job.” Angry eyes snapped to mine, her smile anything but friendly. Shit was about to get nasty. “What are you gonna do, steal me a two-bit rag from the thrift store?”
“Low blow, girl,” I warned, though I was anything but offended. Turned on? Without a doubt. Eager to spar? Hell, yes.
When I should’ve sealed my lips, I couldn’t help but throw gas on her flame. “I’m sure you didn’t buy that tit hugger at Goodwill. A high-class business owner like yourself can certainly afford to shop at one of our city’s finer establishments. Nordstrom Rack, maybe?”
“That wasn’t a low blow.” Hands to hips, she went off at me like a dollar store firecracker. “Did I lie? Do you have a job? Or a clue what it’s like to work a steady nine-to-five? Or work your ass off twenty-four seven to try and make something meaningful or successful out of nothing?” She stepped closer, her heat scorching my soul. “No. You’ve probably wasted your entire life taking from those who do.” Eyes glassy, she scolded, “Don’t you dare mock me, you criminal lowlife burden.”
And then she unwittingly threw down a challenge by adding, “You couldn’t run a business even if you had Jeff Bezos for a partner.”
With that, she turned and left, her fine ass jiggling as she hurried down the porch steps. When she hit the walkway, she threw over her shoulder, “I’ll fill the damn hole myself.”
I watched until she was out of sight, then turned to find my buddies standing behind me, faces wet with tears of laughter.
Good God, the buzz in my veins. Addicting. “She’s fun, right?”
“Oh, you’re in trouble, my man.” Frank slapped me on the back, then headed out the door. “Catch you two later.”
“Thanks for the help. I owe you, big time.”
Back in the kitchen, Con helped himself to a San Pellegrino. “What are you gonna do with this windfall?”
I couldn’t contain my smile. “I have an idea.”
Marley would be pissed, but ah, hell, what fun I’d have ruffling her feathers.
* * *
“A coffee stand?” Bridget asked, her sun-kissed nose crinkling as she headed toward the sink.
She ran her empty mug under the water and gave it a good rinse before facing me again. “There’s a coffee stand on every corner.”
True. But none like I had in mind.