Page 1 of Devil in Disguise
Softened flesh cavedin around my fist from the force of the violence inflicted on it. No longer was it a face under my hand but a mess of damaged features. His eyes were swollen so shut he likely couldn’t see anything. His nose was shattered to the point I was sure no plastic surgeon would ever be able to put it back together. His mouth, however, was still intact because I needed my victim to be able to talk—that was the most important thing.
He needed to be able to give me the information I was looking for.
“P-p-please…” The blood around his collar looked like little red flowers decorating the fabric. But little red flowers had no place on a dog collar.
“P-p-please,” Brando mocked behind me as he sifted through the tools on the trolley, determining which one he might use next.
“Listen, Father.” I wiped my hands off on the handkerchief from my pocket before adjusting the loosened cuff at my w. “I know you’re not smart enough to figure this out on your own, so I need to know who you told about us. So, I’ll ask nicely one more time: who’s talking?”
He managed to mumble a nonsensical reply. A prayer of some kind, which wasn’t helpful. Such a shame. I would have to kill the guy and do the dirty work myself. Not ideal, but you never knew how devout these religious types were. They thought because I existed, an angel would come and smote me to save them.
Truth be told, none of us had ever seen an angel in all our existence.
“Brother.” Amadeus appeared in the doorway, nodding his head toward the hall.
Arching my eyebrow, I glanced at Brando. “Hands to yourself.”
I might have claimed a young vessel, but I was still Lucifer. I was the Chosen One, and my demonic kin answered to me when necessary.
I stepped into the hall and met Amadeus. “What?”
“He’s not talking. He denies the footage is him with the priest.”
“Alright, let me handle it. Watch Beelzebub and make sure he doesn’t come off his leash.”
I slipped by him and headed to the second interrogation room where the deacon was slumped over in the chair he was bound to, a bloodied, beaten mess of a man.
“Wakey, wakey, minister. I hear you know nothing about nothing, is that right?”
“Return to hell, demon spawn.” He spat a wad of blood and saliva toward me, landing on my Italian wingback's toe.
Shaking it off with a look of disgust, my eyes trailed back to him, and I smiled. “Alright, listen. I’m not going to lie to you. I’m going to enjoy this. There’s something special about corrupting a clergy member, you know? So, now I will have one last play, then I will send your soul to Hell where it belongs.”
His eyes drifted as I spoke, and as they met mine, I revealed my true face to him. He pissed himself, and the reek of ammonia filled the small room. Turning to the small table at my left, I reached for the brass knuckles when he spoke again.
“Wait, wait, wait!”
“Oh? You suddenly know something?” I turned back to him as I slipped my fingers through the ring holes, pressing the cold metal into my palm and making a fist to test the position.
“I know something about the priest that will get him to talk.”
“That isn’t what we’ve been asking you about. We want to know who you two told about our existence.”
“I know, but until Father Adams told me yesterday, I didn’t know–or even believe him, until your guys picked me up. But if I give you something that will make him talk, would you spare me?”
“Just you?” I lifted an eyebrow with intrigue. Seemed as though maybe the deacon was afraid of this hell spawn after all, knowing what was in his heart and where it would land him.
“Yes, just me. Please.”
I shrugged. “You understand the cost of allowing you to live for now?” He nodded his head greedily, and a broad grin spread across my face. I loved making deals with desperate men. “Alright, what do you know about the priest?”
“He has a daughter. No one is supposed to know about her. I saw a picture of her once, and he’s been secretly sending money every semester to pay for her tuition.”
Huh. A secret love child, I didn’t see that coming. Naughty father. Guess there were some sins he couldn’t avoid.
“I’ll have to verify this information. So, sit tight. Someone will come and free you when it’s confirmed.” I walked back out, passing Amadeus. “Kill him.”