Page 4 of Devil in Disguise
My ears pricked at her name on his tongue. I wanted to cut it from his mouth so he never said it again.
“Yeah, I’m taking my time with that one. Once she has me, she’ll be ruined.” He grabbed his crotch and thrust it into his hand before they all laughed again.
“No, but seriously, what’s taking so long? She opens her legs for anyone. You heard what happened at rush week?”
My little Eve, a whore? No. I didn’t believe it.I stepped closer, wanting to hear what they were going to say.
“Yeah, well, like I said, once she has a taste of me, she’ll be ruined for everyone.” He smirked at his friends before stopping at her door, nodding at it. “Maybe I’ll go and give it to her now.” He rapped his knuckles on the door and grinned at his friends. “Go on. I’ll give you the blow-by-blow later.” They left, still jeering at him as he knocked again.
Eve was still out-cold, thanks to me, not that it stopped him. Once his friends were gone, he pulled an army knife out of his pocket and began to pick the lock. Stepping up behind him, I slipped my hand over his mouth and enjoyed how his body stilled as he sucked in a sharp breath.
Then we appeared at the warehouse where I’d left the priest.
“What the fuck?” He stumbled away from me, looking around, confused and scared. He spun and found himself face-to-face with me.
I grinned, a new plan already forming. It was perfect, too perfect, but it also ensured I could stay right next to my little Eve, and that’s all I wanted now.
“Welcome.” I stepped forward, sliding my hand into his pocket.
He jerked back to get away from me, and I reached out with my other hand, gripping the front of his shirt and holding him in place while I fished out his wallet. Letting go, he immediately fell back, and I slid his driver’s license out.
“Duke … Foley?” Waving my hand, he flew into a chair, held by invisible bonds.
“What do you want?”
“Your life.” I tossed the wallet onto the table of torture tools, scattering them everywhere. He noticed them, and his eyes bugged out. I picked up an ice pick and twirled it around. “These aren’t for you, not yet.”
“Listen, man, whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.”
“I already told you, I want your life.”
“I … I don’t understand …”
“You know Eve, right?”
“Yeah, I guess we’re kinda seeing each other, but it’s not serious. I just wanted to get laid. You can have her, man. She’s a bit of a whore anyway. I’d give her nine inches, but she’s probably so loose she’d only feel—”
In a flash, I was in front of him with my hand around his neck, squeezing so hard a whistling noise escaped him like a whine.
“I doubt it’s nine inches, but let’s see.” I released his neck and turned back to the table holding my tools. My fingers hung over the drywall knife before grabbing it and nodding at Duke. His pants disappeared off him, exposing all—and this was me being generous—five inches.
“So you should know, this is going to hurt. And I’m going to like doing it to you because no one, and I mean no one, speaks about Eve like that.” I slammed the knife down, cutting right through his testicles and prick before swooping to pick them up. Screams filled the room, and I would be worried if we weren’t safely tucked away in a warehouse inside a paid-for neighborhood. But the screaming helped with my creativity—I shoved his balls and dick inside his mouth.
“Now, where were we?”
Duke was unrecognizable in the end as I surveyed my work. Pulling my handkerchief from the back of my pants, I wiped the blood off my hands for a final time. Apparently, I’d been angrier than I’d let on to the poor guy, but that wasn’t entirely his fault. My evening with Eve had left me tense and pent-up. The brunette had gotten under my skin, making me feel things a creature of the underworld like myself wasn’t supposed to.
It was a dangerous feeling, and yet I couldn’t stop thinking about her or her smile. The memory of her made my stomach clench, and my cock harden. Inexplicably, I wanted her, yet instead of claiming her, I took her home.
What. The. Fuck?
It was for the best she didn’t know who I was. Naturally, she would stay away from me if she did. I was a trained killer. I was someone who could get the job done and not blink at the violence. I could shove a guy’s dick in his mouth and not flinch because I was that twisted in the head. It’s what I was meant to do and was created to be.
I shoved the handkerchief back in my pocket, heading back for the priest. I still needed to find out how far the information about our existence had traveled. If it made it to the Vatican, the Church would rain holy hell down on us. Their biggest arsenal being their exorcists. It didn’t kill us but sent us back to the pit. Crawling out took time and diminished our numbers which meant a diminished number of souls.
And not hitting the baseline was bad for business.
The small, obedient voice in my head reminded me Eve was a part of the baseline. I was meant to add her number to the bigger picture, yet I’d let her slip by. Never mind if my siblings found out … if my father did … Well, he wouldn’t need an exorcist to put me back in the pit. That’s for sure.