Page 11 of Changing Her Tune
It was mildly suggestive but could also be taken as an innocent statement. But her eyes flipped to mine, and a rosy hue found its way to the apples of her cheeks. She licked her bottom lip slowly before catching it between her teeth, trying to hold back the smirk on her face. Maybe it wasn’t as innocent as I thought.
Skye extended her leg, drawing her toe slowly up my calf. My cock was already standing at attention, longing for her touch. Goddamn, this girl did things to me that should be illegal. Visions of bending her over this table and pounding into her from behind flashed through my mind. I reminded myself she was pregnant, and flinging her around like the caveman she turned me into was probably not for the best. I certainly didn’t want to hurt the baby.
“Cash,” Skye asked quietly. “Are you okay?”
I offered her a smile of reassurance. “Yeah, I’m picturing how big your belly will be after eating all this food.”
She laughed and patted her stomach. “Will it be food, or will it be a baby?” She continued to laugh for a moment before the smile faded.
Panic rushed through me. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s not that. I—This is not exactly how I saw my future. I graduated high school eight months ago, and as a graduation present to myself, I got pregnant … I was enjoying my college program, too.”
“Where were you going?”
“Just a local college, nothing exciting, but I was studying design.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Design?”
“Yeah, interior design. It’s only a two-year program, but I figured I’d get an internship and pay my dues for a few years. Eventually, I’d start my own company.”
I shrugged. “Why can’t you still do it? I mean, I get you’re going to have a baby, and that’s going to be tough … But could you do it part-time? So it takes you four years instead of two. Most people attend college for four years, so it wouldn’t put you behind.”
“I thought about it, but my parents were less than enthused when I told them I was pregnant. They’ll come around once the baby’s here because who doesn’t want to be grandparents at some point? But my brother is fifteen, so they still have somebody at home. And now they’re going to have a baby to watch as well. It puts me in an awkward position where I don’t feel I should ask them to watch the baby for me if I need to go to classes. So, I figured I’d wait until the baby was a bit older and then go. But then I think, would I go back, or would I be too far into working trying to make ends meet that going back would feel impossible?”
I stared at her, ready to open my mouth and say something crazy, but then the waitress interrupted us, appearing at the side of the table with the tray laden with all the meals.
“I’m sorry, this is only half of it.” She set my coffee pot and mug in front of me before laying plates on the table. “I’ll be right back,” she promised before turning and hurrying away. I stared at Skye as she licked her lips and surveyed the food.
I had the chance to ask her to move in with me, but the words stuck on my tongue. It wasn’t like I didn’t have the money. She could live with me, all expenses paid, and I’d help her pay for the baby. Then she could go back to school. We’d have to figure out childcare, but I could easily pay for that too.
It bothered me that Roman was the one who got her into this mess, and he could walk away scot-free and not ruin his life at all. But her entire life would be upended for the next eighteen years at least, and she would never get the chance to follow her dreams.
As she dug into a plate of fried chicken and waffles, I resolved I would do whatever I needed to ensure she and the baby were well taken care of and her dreams didn’t have to go up in smoke.
Iwanted to believe our lunch at the diner was a date. But after I made a flirtatious advance, Cash didn’t reciprocate. So, I figured he was still on the side of us being just friends. We texted every day nonstop as he finished the tour in LA. There was still talk of heading into the studio to record the next album, which would keep him in LA for the time being.
So, he had offered to fly me out for a week, suggesting we use this to corner Roman again and make him do the right thing. Logan helped me pack what I needed and then drove me to the airport, wrapping me in a tight hug with tears in her eyes.
“Why are you crying?” I laughed, brushing her cheeks clear.
“Everything is changing. We’re supposed to be in college together, but here you are, getting closer to giving birth every single day. Now you’re flying out to LA to stay with your rock star boyfriend for a week—”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I interrupted.
Logan rolled her eyes. “Yet,” she muttered. “I have a feeling you’re going to go out there and not come back. Then it’ll become: we only see each other at Christmas and then not at all—”
“Hey.” I frowned, grabbing both her hands tightly. “When we were four years old and found out we had the same birthday as we walked to get our birthday cards from the principal, we declared we were best friends for life. I meant it then, and I still mean it now. Do you?”
Logan nodded her head affirmatively. “Of course.”
“Good.” I squeezed her hands. “Then it’s true. And I plan on taking Roman for everything I can for child support, so that should mean I have enough to fly you out every couple of months. I can’t imagine my daughter growing up without her Auntie Logan in her life, and I know you can’t picture not having your soon-to-be niece in yours either.”
Logan let out a slow breath as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. “Promise you’ll call every night and give me an update about what’s happening. And I hope you stick it to Roman because he deserves it.”