Page 2 of Changing Her Tune
“Tell me how sexy I am, sweetheart,” he said with a grin, nuzzling his face into my neck.
“You’re beautiful—perfection—” My fingers flexed and tightened their grip on his shoulders as my eyes searched the room for Logan. But it was hard to see anything among the haze and the crush of bodies. The music was so loud, and suddenly, I found myself both overstimulated and understimulated, and I had no idea what to do about it.
Thankfully, the server returned quickly, not wanting to leave Roman Knolls waiting. He held out my bottle and a baggie for Roman. I realized then what he meant by an ounce. The nervous fluttering in my stomach turned to full-on waves crashing against my insides.
“Have you ever done this?” he asked with a grin. “It makes you feel like you’re flying.”
“N-no,” I stuttered as he popped the bag open.
He licked his finger and dipped it inside. He held it to my mouth, brushing his fingertips against my lips. The powder lightly coated them, and I tasted bitterness.
“Open for me, sweetheart,” he whispered, his gaze hard as he stared me down, willing me to follow his command.
Roman was probably not used to anybody telling him no. Being the rock god he was, people did what he asked, no questions. I was torn. Did I disappoint my idol or compromise my beliefs? I didn’t have much choice as his finger pressed harder into my lips, brushing the powder against my tongue, which my saliva immediately dissolved.
I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, but the opening was all he needed as he finished wiping the powder and pulled back with a smile.
“You’re going to love this. Trust me. Wash it down.” He nodded to the bottle in my hand, and I brought it to my lips, taking a slow sip even though the voice in my head was screaming drugs and alcohol should not mix.
Roman grinned as he watched me like the puppet master observing his doll’s performance. “So, I believe you were telling me how amazing I am.” He leaned back as he opened the bag again, dipping his finger back in. This time, he brought it to his mouth and rubbed it against his gums.
“Yeah,” I said, my mind becoming hazy. I wasn’t certain whether it was from the drugs or my sudden discomfort with the situation.
“Do you mind?” Roman nodded at me.
I wasn’t sure what he was asking, so I shrugged. He slid one hand along my back, straightening my spine and forcing my chest toward him. He tilted the baggy and dropped a little mound of powder on the curve of my breast. Nudging it around a little bit, he got some semblance of a line before he leaned in and sniffed the whole thing off my skin.
With a soft groan, he leaned back, closing his eyes and rubbing his nose. “Keep talking about me, sweetheart.” His words slurred together, and he smiled to himself.
I watched him for a moment as disappointment seeped into me. This was not how I envisioned this going. I sat there for a while, waiting to see if Roman would do anything, but nothing happened. He was too high to be bothered to talk or to care I was still there.
He didn’t move as I slipped off his lap, confirming he was totally out of it. I walked through the room, searching for Logan. If the room was trippy before, the darkness and shadows now consumed it, edging closer to me with every step.
Faces blurred, and while I tried to look for Logan, none of them belonged to her.
I turned to look at a man. Roman. He was back. I smiled at him. “You weren’t wrong. I feel wonderful. But this room is crazy.”
“Okay,” he said with a nod, “Let’s get you somewhere to sit, Sweetness.”
His hand slid into mine, his skin coarse but warm. He guided me through the crowd while I looked around.
“Have you seen my friend?” I asked softly.
“Yeah, she’s looking for you. I’ll help you find her.”
He guided me through the bodies and down a hall that seemed to cave in around me. A hallway couldn’t be this long, yet it was like walking through a tunnel with no end. When we finally found the end, he pushed the door open and let me inside. The first thing I saw was a bed, and relief rushed through me as I released Roman and hurried over to it, falling onto my back.
“Ohh, yes. I’m lying in clouds. I’m sure of it.” Waving my hands back and forth, I rolled around like a dog on the bed, savoring how comfy it was.
“I’m going to go find your friend. I’ll be back.”
“No. Wait.” I held up my hand, waving him over to me. He hesitated for a minute, and I grinned. “I’ll tell you how amazing you are,” I teased.
“Oh, I don’t need to hear that, Sweetness,” he promised as he walked over and sat on the bed beside me.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” I asked him, recalling earlier when his hands were on my thigh. I wasn’t sure if he was doing it because he could or was genuinely interested.