Page 22 of Changing Her Tune
I nodded too. “Yeah, for sure. If you had asked me whether I’d be sitting with you talking about my love life and my new baby, I would’ve told you to—" I paused, stuttering. “I’m not sure I can say that on live TV.”
The audience cracked up, and the talk show host grinned at me.
“I’m sure we can all fill in the blanks there, but it wouldn’t have been nice … Although you seem nice.”
I laughed and nodded. “I am, honestly. I have a bit of a foul mouth. My mom says it’s probably my worst flaw.”
The talk show host grinned more. “Yeah, my mom says that about me too.”
The audience started laughing again, and Cash squeezed my thigh reassuringly. So far, so good.
“So, let’s go over this because I can’t possibly be the only one who’s confused about everything that happened. Was it Roman’s baby? Was it not Roman’s baby? What’s going on? Please tell us.”
The whole audience began cheering and clapping as heat rushed to my cheeks. I couldn’t believe these people were that concerned over what was going on in my life. I glanced at Cash, who nodded to tell me it was okay. Taking a deep breath, I smiled for the cameras and then began explaining everything that had happened in the last few months. All the nitty-gritty details, while trying to leave out the foul language this time but being as expressive as possible so everybody could understand what was going on in my head.
When we revealed it was Cash’s baby, you would’ve thought that we had told them the president had been shot with how the room gasped. Then, everyone cheered. The room roared to life as I laughed in surprise and looked at Cash, who smiled adoringly at me.
“Since then,” he added, “we’ve put our stories together. We’ve pieced what we both remember that night to create one story that fully explains what happened and why Skye thought the baby was Roman’s.”
“So, I guess the next question everybody’s dying to hear is—are there any hard feelings between you? Rumor was you and Roman were on the outs over this.”
Cash grimaced. “Yeah, well, obviously, our hands are a little busy these days. I haven’t had the chance to talk to my bandmate, but everybody’s coming to meet the baby this weekend. As far as I know, Roman intends to be there. I’m sure we can talk about everything.”
Everyone began clapping. Cash continued, “For Roman’s sake, it’s a good thing he has no responsibility in this because now, he can take the time to get better and get to a place where he can put the drama behind him.”
The host looked surprised. “Does that mean Roman is seeking help?”
Cash nodded. “I don’t know the details, but as far as I understand, the band is on a hiatus from our next album while Roman works on himself, and hopefully, he’ll be better in the new year. Then, we will be back with an album bigger than ever.”
The audience clapped and cheered over the host, trying to send well wishes to Roman before thanking us for our time.
Cash rose, helping me to my feet and giving my hand another encouraging squeeze. He paused then and turned to the host. “There was one other thing I wanted to announce while we were here.”
I frowned, glancing at him in surprise as he suddenly sunk to one knee in front of me. The audience behind him gasped as he pulled out a small, black velvet box.
“Holy shit,” I gasped, apologetically covering my mouth and looking at the producer.
“Skye, I know everything has been so fast up until now, but now we have a family, there is nothing in this world that makes me happier than you. I can’t even remember what life was like before you because I don’t think I was living, just existing to get myself to the moment I first laid eyes on you. I am so proud to call you mine and Honey my daughter, but would you do me the greatest pleasure and take my name? I want to live happily ever after with you as the Savages. Will you marry me?”
“Say yes!” the audience screamed behind me, but I didn’t need their encouragement. I already knew the answer.
Sinking to my knees in front of him, I threw my arms around his neck with a laugh. “Of course! I want nothing else.”
“Well, there you go, everyone, America’s Sweethearts are getting married, and how lucky were we to witness this moment?”
Skye never got a baby shower, so as I walked out into the backyard and spotted her sitting there surrounded by gifts and love from the band, it sent a flurry of warmth through me.
I had a lot to make up for. Until Skye walked into my life, the band was like my brothers. As much as I disliked Roman for the things he did, I didn’t dislike him as a person because he was a good bandmate. When it came down to it, he took our music seriously. But I was so caught up with being angry at him for how he was treating Skye that I’d pegged him as the bad guy in the story for the last couple of months.
In truth, he wasn’t a bad guy—just a haunted man who’d made some bad choices. But none of them had to do with Skye anymore, and for that, I owed him an apology. It disappointed me that he hadn’t shown up today. I was hoping he would, so we could make amends.
At least Tate and Nico loved Skye. You’d never know that besides the meet and greet all those weeks ago, this was the first time they were meeting her. They walked into my house with open arms embracing her tightly and telling her how glad they were that she would be in our lives. That’s when they pulled out all the presents Skye was now making her way through.
Tate bashfully admitted he spent quite a bit more time in the baby store than he expected, and when he walked out, he realized he might’ve overdone it.
“I was too excited about being an uncle to care.” He shrugged with a grin as Skye unwrapped a tot-sized drum set for Honey.