Page 38 of Bad Boy Crush
“You are. There’s no comparison.”
A full-fledged grin broke out on Ant’s handsome face. Before she could give him an answer about the date, her phone trilled in her hand. She showed him the screen: Hunter Medway.
Ant held out his hand and she gave him the phone. “Lou’s phone, this is Ant. Hello?” His fireside eyes burned into hers while he listened to the response. “I don’t know. Lemme check.” He pulled the phone away from his mouth. “He wants to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“About what?” He pulled the phone from his mouth again. “He says it’s none of my goddamn business.”
She took the phone, keeping her gaze locked with his. “Hello, Hunter.”
“I’d like to take you out today, beautiful. Put on your sexiest dress. When can I pick you up?”
How presumptuous was this asshat?
“I’m sorry, that’s not going to work. I have a date.” Ant reached overhead and held onto the top of her doorframe. Her eyes wandered down his fit triceps to where his T-shirt rode up and revealed a slice of his tanned belly. Yummy. “Ant and I will see you at Salty Dog for the reveal, right?”
Silence. Then a click.
She shrugged. “He hung up.”
“That’s a shame.” Ant let go of the doorframe and offered her his hand. “Shall we?”
“We shall.” She collected her purse and keys. They walked to his truck hand in hand, and then he opened the passenger door. She reached for the seatbelt, but he took it from her, leaning over her to buckle her in. Aware of the heat between them, she stiffened when his face bypassed hers. He smelled clean and like pine trees, and he was close enough to completely muddle her mind.
“I’m not going to kiss you again,” he said.
Disappointment took up residence in her chest. “No?”
“Not until you ask me to. And Lourdes”—he rested his hand on her bare knee and squeezed“—you are going to have to ask. No more freebies. Got it?”
She licked her bottom lip, swallowing a whimper when his eyes strayed to her mouth. “Got it.”
“Good.” With a curt nod, he shut the door. During the short drive to Endless Avenue, he fiddled with the radio instead of talking. The entire way, she thought about how, when, and where she was going to ask.
They started at the marina, where food trucks, game booths, and chain saw art that wasn’t in the final competition were displayed.
By noon, the sun was blazing in the clear skies above. It was hot, but not unpleasant. She’d chosen wisely on her outfit. As she and Ant made their way through the crowd, a few people wished him good luck. When his response was a muted nod, she couldn’t help pointing out, “You don’t like being recognized on the street?”
“Not particularly.”
“Another Evergreener in a long line of celebrities,” she said with a sigh. “There are so many of you here.” Evan Downey was known for being an illustrator, and Asher Knight was a world-famous rock star. Not to mention the local attention Sofie, Donovan, and Evan’s wife Charlie had. “Did you know some of Charlie Downey’s photographs have been featured in Rolling Stone?”
“I did.”
“What if you’re featured in a magazine like…” She searched her brain and came up empty. “What’s the equivalent of Rolling Stone in the woodworking industry?”
He chuckled. “No idea. I don’t need to be recognized worldwide. I like being known by certain people.” He angled his head, peering at her from beneath thick, dark eyelashes.
“Me too.” She weaved their fingers together. Holding his hand felt as natural as if they’d been holding hands for years. While not sexual before, the connection between them had been there all along.
Elli and Brady, also hand in hand, were coming their way. Elli, her attention on Lou’s and Ant’s linked hands, greeted them with, “Hey…guys.”
“Hi.” Lou was oddly embarrassed. Ant tightened his grip to reassure her.
“There’s an axe-throwing booth over there,” Brady said. “I hit a bullseye.”