Page 56 of Bad Boy Crush
“I said maybe I’d go out with William tomorrow night.”
“She is,” Lisa said and then turned to May. “You are. Unless there is someone here you’d like me to ask out for you?”
May’s “No” was under her breath. She’d made it clear multiple times that Xavier was not on the witness list. “Lou, you, and Ant come out with us. Lisa refuses to scrounge up a partner to go on a double date with me.”
“Why do you need to double?” Lisa asked, waggling her empty beer can.
“I am garbage at blind dates,” May said. “If you and Ant are there, you can keep the conversation flowing.”
“I’m free.” Ant’s wide palm cupped Lou’s hip. “I should take her out to a proper dinner, anyway. We sort of skipped dating.”
“So we heard.” Lisa grinned.
“Come out. First round of drinks is on me,” May offered.
“First round of drinks is on William,” Lisa corrected. “You’re a total ten, baby. He owes me for setting you two up.”
“Thank you.” May preened.
“You’re sure you don’t mind?” Lou whispered to Ant.
“Course not. I want to take you out.” His hand traveled from her hip to her ribs. “Give you an excuse to wear a dress again.”
“You like me in a dress?”
“I like you more out of it, but yeah.”
She elbowed him. They’d skipped the getting-to-know-each-other part too. There’d been no need for it since they already knew each other. The flirty banter was new, and a hell of a lot of fun.
“What was that I heard earlier about Lisa’s ‘damn sex guy’?” Thankfully Ant kept his voice down, whispering the request into her ear.
“I told you—nothing.”
“You told me ‘girl stuff,’ and I know how you three talk. Level with me.” Dipping his voice low, he muttered, “Does it have anything to do with eating pussy, because I haven’t nearly had enough of yours yet.”
She gaped at him, but his even expression didn’t so much as twitch. She also missed the next minute’s worth of conversation since her mind had catapulted to the gutter.
Mm. Yes, she would like more of that as well…
* * *
“Right there. Oh, God.” Lou dropped her head back on the wet shower tile, and spread her legs wider. Ant was on his knees, his face between her thighs, barely able to hear her with water streaming into his ears.
After another hour and a half at Xavier’s, she’d driven May and Lisa home and promised to meet Ant at her house. He’d lingered for a few, not wanting to leave too early and be forced to wait for her in the driveway. He also hadn’t wanted to appear overly eager.
“You and Lourdes,” Xavier had said once the girls were gone. “Nice.”
“It’s been a long time coming.” Brady had crushed his beer can underfoot and then stood from his seat.
“A long time coming” wasn’t an exaggeration about how long Ant had been waiting to get to this point with her. When she’d arrived home, he’d met her at her car door and kissed her hard.
“Tell me what you talked about that had you so hot and bothered,” he’d said against her mouth, denying her another kiss until he had answers.
“Sex that can only be summed up by the word ‘damn.’”
“Which part is your favorite part, Lourdes?”