Page 20 of Forever Changed
I grab the number and my phone, then sit on my chair. I open up a new text thread and quickly type.
Me: Hey this is Carson Matthews. I tried to stop by the house today, but no one was home. Can’t wait to meet y’all.
I send it off and wait, but no reply, so I toss my phone next to me and grab my notebook. Maybe I had the day mixed up. A knock sounds on the door and I smack myself on the forehead. I hop up and move towards the door.
“I’m such a bad new friend,” I say as I open it to a little Sassafras rolling her eyes at me.
“Don’t sweat it girl. How about we order some food and pop a movie in. I’ve been waiting to crack open this bottle of tequila.”
“I’m all in on the food and movie. I’m not much of a drinker though. Unless you have beer. Then I’m your girl.” She scrunches her nose up at that and I laugh. “Yeah I bet y’all are more champagne and top shelf liquor people here, but back home we like to drink cold beer after a hard day's work.” I place my hands on my hips and she scoffs, “Now, missy, don’t be stereotyping just yet.” I roll my eyes and toss a pillow at her collapsing in a fit of laughter.
“Just order the food girl,” I say when I can breathe again. I was looking forward to meeting my sisters, but a night in with Sassy sounds like just what I need.
I wake up on our living room floor with a random pillow and Sassy’s hand in my face. I smack it away and she groans, before rolling back over and going to sleep.What time is it?I reach for my phone, but it’s not there. Oh that’s right I left it in my room. I sit up and use the arm of the couch to help me get to my feet. Yeah, sleeping on the hard floor is not good for my back or neck. When I make it to my feet, I shuffle into my room and grab my phone. I have two messages.
Unknown: Hi. Sorry about that. We must have got our wires crossed. Brunch is this morning at Eleven a.m. Hope to see you there.
I glance at the clock and freeze. It’s just now ten-thirty a.m.Oh my god. I am so late.I grab my shower caddy and run out the door right to the coed showers and throw my pjs over my head, not caring if someone happens to see a show. Today is the day I finally meet my sisters. I’ve been waiting for this moment since I was eight years old. But why does it have to be brunch? I have never brunched in my life. What am I supposed to wear? I’m going to show up looking a hot mess and late to boot. How did we pass out in the living room? I remember watching some Lifetime flick and that’s it. I guess the past few days caught up with me. I throw my towel over the stall and click the water on, not caring that it hasn’t heated up yet. I rush through washing my body and hair then rinse quickly and hop out of there. I grab my towel, wrap it around my dripping body and swoop down for my discarded clothes on the floor, before rushing back to my room.
“Whoa baby, where is the fire?” a cute guy, catcalls to me, but I don’t have time for this today. I throw the door open and slam it shut.
“What?” Sassy groans before falling off the couch.
“Sorry girl, I’m so late. Talk later.” I run past her and she gives me a glare, rubbing her shoulder. I throw my clothes on the bed and drop my caddy on the desk. I open my closet and cringe. I have no clue what to wear for brunch.
“Sassy I need you,” I cry, and she laughs walking into my room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “You wake me up before noon on a Sunday and want me to help you? You gone and lost your mind.” She glances at me and must see the panic on my face because she sighs and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Okay what's the issue here?”
I turn and give her a big hug and she groans. “Girl, I think we are going to be the bestest of friends, but you need to stop hugging me half naked.” I burst out in chuckles and my cheeks heat.Yeah that's probably a smart idea. “Help me brunch please,” I beg, waving my hand at my closet.
I show up five minutes late, but at least I look presentable. The girls said to dress for brunch so I’m wearing my favorite pastel summer dress with a cute flower pattern and wedges. I even managed to put my hair in a half bun and curl the rest, thanks to my amazing roommate. I so owe her.
I went light on the makeup and grabbed my mother’s shawl at the last moment as well. I wanted her to be here with me on this day, she was so excited about it. I ring the bell and wait a few moments before ringing it again. I look up to the sky and whisper, “miss you, Mama.” I step to ring the bell once more when a voice snaps from inside. “Good Lord, I’m coming already. Keep your panties on.”
The door is thrown open and a snooty redhead is giving me an evil eye, while looking me up and down in disgust. “Can I help you?” she snaps. I step back a little nervous from such hatred shining in those green eyes and nod.
“Hi, I’m Carson Matthews.”
“I know who you are,” she snaps once more. Wow I should nickname her Snappy. “You’re late. And what the hell are you wearing? This is a Kippa/Hawthorne party not tea with the queen!” She scoffs then walks away. I hesitantly follow and close the door behind me before having to jog so I don't lose her. Wow, this house is beautiful. I’ll have to take a moment later and actually take it in. I pass a huge kitchen with white cabinets, and white marble. What’s with all the white?
“Are you coming?” she snaps, and I nod, moving my feet once more.
The patio is full of girls half dressed in bikinis laughing and joking.
“What is she wearing?” I hear from beside me. A pretty girl gives me a once over and cackles. “Why does she look like she’s going to church?” another girl says, trying to whisper, but must be a little tipsy. I look down at my dress and sigh. Haha they got me. I gently remove my shawl and place it in my purse. Then I pull out my phone and find Sassy’s number.
Me: I need you. Can you bring me a bikini and a pair of jean shorts to the Kippa house.
Sassafras:Sure thing girl, but that’s an odd ensemble for brunch. I thought you looked perfect.
I take my hair out and messy braid it, rolling my eyes as I walk over to the patio table where an older girl is sitting, drinking a mimosa. She must be our chapter president. I move closer and extend my hand. “Hi. Carson Matthews. Thank you so much for having me here today.”
She looks up at me over her designer sunglasses and winces, taking in my ensemble. I keep my hand extended for a few seconds longer, but she shows no desire to shake it so I slowly lower it. “I’m sorry I’m late. I received Penny’s message late this morning. I’m usually quite prompt,” I babble starting to feel nervous that she hasn’t said anything to me. She looks at me a moment longer than sighs. “We have a lot of work to do with you.” I go to question such a rude statement but she continues, “So you're the one. The legacy?" I nod and adjust my braid that is hanging over one shoulder.
“Yes. My mother was a Kippa back in the nineties. Are you Penny?” I ask. She winces, but then her snarl turns into a wide beaming grin that's faker than her spray tan. I shiver at the crocodile smile. I would have preferred she stuck to her snarling.