Page 27 of Forever Changed
“So what do you say? May I please have a second chance, Carson Matthews?”
Sassy makes her presence known, and I can’t be more thankful. “Don’t fall for it Cara. It’s all lies.”
My eyes bug and I give Miss Sassafras a glare. She rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips. “Do not give me that look girl, I’m just telling the truth.”
East grimaces. “She’s right. I do have a bit of a bad reputation.”
Sassy scoffs, throws her hands in the air, before spinning and going to her room. The door slams and I jump.
“Okay, so let me get this straight.” I take a deep breath and hold my hand out to keep him from inching closer. “You have a reputation, but I should give you a second chance, because even though we met today, for the first time I must add, I have somehow walked into your heart?”
I burst out in laughter. “That is the biggest load of horse shit I have ever heard there buddy,” I choke out through my giggle fit. His mouth pops open and his face starts to pinken. “I’ll just go,” he mutters, shuffling to the door. His shoulders are drooped, and he looks seriously upset. I calm down and decide to give him a little wiggle room. “I’m not looking for anything serious right now East, but I could use a friend, so text me later. Regardless of feelings and attitude issues, we do have an assignment to finish.”
He stops before opening the door and looks over his shoulder. The grin on his face makes me pause, he really is beautiful. “You got it Cara.”
After he leaves and the door shuts with a soft click, I shuffle over to Sassy’s room and gently knock. She opens the door with a pout, as if she wasn’t listening to us the whole time. Her hair is sticking up and she has an empty glass cup on her desk. I move back a few steps and give her my best puppy dog eyes. “Don’t be mad,” I whisper and she scoffs.
“You really had to pull out the eyes? And how are you so good at it?” My facade cracks and I give her a big smile and wink. “So food and alcohol?” I ask, she throws her door open and shoves me to the couch, “God, yes girl,” she moans and I laugh.
After we eat the delicious steaks and pasta that she ordered from a place nearby I sit in front of her on the floor, as she braids my hair. I take a deep breath and finally ask her what’s been on my mind. “So. East, tell me the gossip.” She tightens the hold on my hair and I wince. “Oww.” She lessons the pull and sighs. “He’s not a good guy Cara. I’m not sure about his brother. I haven’t dealt with him, but remember when I told you my friend Milo had a hard time last year?” I nod and she smacks the side of my head gently, “Don’t move,” she scolds. I hold perfectly still and stare at the bathroom door. “He tried to join the Hawthorne fraternity, I guess his dad was a member, so technically he was a legacy like you are to Kippa. They were horrible to him. Hard to imagine, but Milo is on the football team. He’s actually an amazing kicker. You should see him sometime.” She trails off as if in a memory.
“I’d love to, Xavier and Connor are also on the team. I love to watch the games, I grew up around football. My dad used to coach, and Memphis was the quarterback since freshman year. But stop stalling, babe.”
She sighs and goes back to braiding my hair. “Hell week was, well, hell. They made all the guys shave their heads, which wasn’t so bad—that's actually common. Then they made all the pledges confess to their dirtiest secret. I won’t say what it is because that’s Milo's story to tell, but East and some of the guys on the team turned it against him. Ostracized him to the point where he almost hurt himself. I found him,” she whispers. I shiver and look over my shoulder, my hair forgotten. I gaze into her glassy eyes. “He’s such an amazing person Cara, and he didn’t deserve that. If I had been five minutes later he would have jumped from that roof and I would have never gotten to know how adorkable he is. I worry about you. The Greek system here is full of assholes. I know you have your mind set, but just promise me you’ll watch your back, trust no one Cara, especially a Hawthorne.”
I lie in bed later that night thinking about everything that happened today and what Sassy told me. I feel for Milo, life is precious. I can’t imagine feeling so helpless to take my own life, and that East would push him to that point. He doesn’t seem the type. I mean it was last year, so maybe he’s changed. Then again, I’ve only just met him. My phone dings, and I unplug it from the charge cord. I really need to get a longer cable.
East:Hey so about what I said earlier …
East:Can we just ignore it … I think being your friend sounds like a good idea.
East:If I’m being honest I could use a friend.
I read his messages a few times before replying. I should tell him to go to Hell, but we do have that assignment together and it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to have him on my side against the Kippa Nu girls. I glance up at the ceiling, “Please don’t let this bite me in the ass.”
Me:On one condition. You bring snacks. I’m a basic chick, feed me and tell me I’m pretty.
I get a string of laughing, crying emojis, then a thumbs up. I plug my phone back in and snuggle down with my baby blanket. After today I need the comfort of home. I still don’t know why someone would be so cruel to me. I may not be a millionaire heiress, but I’m not poor either. My clothes are all name brands from the popular stores. I should be able to fit in with these girls. So why can’t I?
“Cara, wake up,” Sassy yells at me from the living room. I blink my eyes for a few seconds. I tossed and turned all night thanks to someone in the dorm either having loud sex, or a party. I glance at the clock and moan. Yeah two hours of sleep isn’t going to cut it. I pray this isn’t a regular thing. My door swings open and a bright eyed, bushy tailed Sassafras comes hopping into my room. I raise my brows and bite my lip in confusion. Didn’t she tell me she’s not a morning person? So why does she look like the energizer bunny right now? “Um good morning,” I croak, she looks towards my window with a wistful smile on her face. “Oh it is definitely a good morning.”
I give her a once-over. Her hair is mussed and is that a hickey on her neck? I point to it and she blushes. “Oh my god, girl. I just can’t keep it in. I’ve been waiting an hour for you to wake up.” She squeals and jumps on top of me, wiggling until I’m shoved against the wall and she’s in my spot. “So last night I got a text from an ex. Well I guess we were technically never together, since she was still so far in the closet, she never saw the light.” She waves her hand at that and turns to face me. “Anyways, she came out to her family over the summer and was hoping we could get together and chat—” I cut her off, “Wait, when was this? We went to bed at like one a.m.”
Her grin gets bigger, if that's even possible. “Like two a.m. I think. I was just dozing off and heard the chime. Anyways, where was I?” She puts her finger to her chin, tapping for a moment. “Oh right. I told her I didn’t think it was a good idea, and she told me that she’s out now and missed me. We have plans for coffee this morning and if things go well, I may be getting a special afternoon treat,” she says with an eyebrow wiggle. Um, wow. I open my mouth and close it a few times. I’m not sure what to say to her, and I need coffee. Lot’s of coffee. She sits up, jumping from the bed and rushing to her room, before coming back with her shower things and giving me a look. “You’re a virgin, aren't you?” I sputter and turn bright red. “Oh my god. How is that possible?” Shower forgotten, she jumps back on the bed. I sit up and run my hands through my mess of tangles. I shrug and bite my bottom lip. “I always thought I would save it for my best friend, but things have changed. Now I guess it just depends on me. I’ve never really thought much about it. My girls back home think it's a big deal, but to me it’s just whatever.” I laugh and she nudges my shoulder.
“Well I’m telling you this now babe, you’re banging, and it won’t be long til it’s gone. Especially with all the guys sniffing after you.” My eyes pop at that and she laughs. “You’re so clueless. I love it and can’t wait until you realize what everyone else sees in you.” She stands and claps her hands, “Now come. I have a date and you have class.” I glance at my clock and laugh.
“Sassy, you woke me up thirty minutes before my alarm.”
She winces and looks at the floor, shuffling her feet. “I almost woke you up two hours ago, but that dirt bag was blaring his music all night and I heard you tossing and turning. So I thought that would be cruel.” She looks at me with a shrug, then gives me a huge smile. “I really like this girl Cara. I just hope she doesn’t hurt me again.” I climb from the bed and give her a big hug.
“If she does I’ll kick her ass.”
She bursts out in giggles and I back away. Taking her hand, I tug her out the door, grabbing our shower stuff on the way. “Now come, you have a date to get ready for.” I shoot her a wink and she wipes her eyes from the water filling them from laughing so hard. I don’t know why she doubts me. Sassy is amazing and if someone hurts her ... I will hurt them. Simple as that.