Page 29 of Forever Changed
I look down to the floor and shrug. “I had a nightmare.”
He sighs and bends down to grab my bag, “Come on, let’s get some food, before you pass out.” He walks towards the exit and I wipe my eyes. I follow after him and cringe. I need to shower before anyone sees me. My blond hair is messy and matted with sweat and I know I probably smell. “I should shower first,” I tell him, but he just shakes his head. “We’ll grab a taco at the cart on the way home. I know you didn’t eat breakfast, Lay. You never do on days like today.”
I nod, because he’s right, and I have passed out before after a strenuous workout. We walk outside and the brightness from the sun immediately has me seeing spots. I feel lightheaded and East grabs my arm, steadying me. He helps me over to a bench and I take a seat as he runs to the taco cart across the lawn to get me some food. Laughter hits my ears and I glance that way. Cara is sitting on a thick blanket eating a sandwich with her friend and Milo. I watch them for a few moments, wishing I could go over and join them. She throws her head back and the sun shines over her face, making her blue eyes sparkle. She really is beautiful. “What are you looking at?” East asks, handing me some tacos, startling me.
“Thanks.” I gesture in their direction and he smirks. “I got this. Eat. I’ll be right back.” He grabs one of his tacos and jogs her way. I don’t know what he says, but he gets on one knee and hands her the taco as if he’s proposing. Sassy rolls her eyes and Milo looks uncomfortable. Cara falls into a fit of giggles, nodding her head yes. She takes the taco and gives him a big smile. He leans in and kisses her cheek, before hopping up and taking off to the taco truck once more. She watches him go, biting her bottom lip. Sassy says something and she shrugs, before taking a small bite of the treat. A small smile permanently on her lips. I finish up my lunch and stand. I go to toss the garbage away when I run into someone. Penny is standing there glaring at Cara with her lips pursed. Her eyes meet mine and she snaps, “What’s taking you so long? She’s been here for over a week, Layton. I want the bitch gone.” I go to reply, but she turns and stomps off. East comes up to me, shoving a taco in his mouth and holding my bag. I sigh and start the walk home. After his mouth is empty he asks, “What did Penny want?”
I pause and give him a glare. “What she’s been wanting since the end of last year. Ruin an innocent, bathe in the blood of a virgin. You know, the usual.” I shrug and continue walking. He laughs, but doesn’t say anything.
We reach the front door, and I take my bag from him before walking up the stairs to my bedroom tossing it in the corner, I slip my shoes off, shut my door, and smile. The note from this morning is still there. I don’t know what I would do without Jase Hawthorne in my life. I’d probably be dead. I shake that thought away and head to the shower, stripping as I go. I turn the hot water on and step in. I lay my forehead against the tile, letting the hot water pound my neck and shoulders. I’m going to be sore tomorrow. I step back and grab my body wash—well Jase’s body wash and squeeze some in my palm, rubbing it along my upper half. The curtain shifts, and a cool breeze hits my skin. A warm body presses against my back and I relax into him. This. This is what I needed: all the anxiety, panic, tension from today, immediately slips away. “Are you okay?” he rumbles in my ear, kissing my shoulder. I nod, but don’t speak. I just want one moment of peace. One moment of stillness. Just him holding me. Keeping my mind calm of all the bad thoughts. He wraps his arms tight around me and I sigh. “I love you J,” I whisper over the beating waterfall in front of us. “Don’t ever leave me.” He turns me to face him and places his hand on my neck, tilting my chin til I meet his eyes. “I will never leave you, Lay.” He places a quick kiss on my lips, then backs away. “Hurry and finish up. I have a pizza on the way, and I rented us a movie.” I give him a small smile and he leaves.
Yeah I really love that man.
I wake up early for once and start my morning routine, immediately regretting it. “Oh my god. Oh my god!” It gets louder as a video plays for my eyes to see. I so do not want to see that. I quickly turn it off, then turn it back on, making sure I’m not still dreaming. If my eyes could pop out of my head they would be right now. They would run away and bleach themselves. A loud moan comes from the screen and I turn it off. My door flings open and Sassy’s smirking at me. “Are you watching porn?” I shake my head so fast my bun comes out of the hair tie. I know I’m flushed and my face is probably beet red. “Cara, it is completely normal to watch porn or,” she pretend gasps and whispers, “masturbate.”
Oh god.
“Don’t be embarrassed, girl. Since I know you're not getting any, you do you babe.” I shake my head again and she laughs.
“No it’s not what you're thinking. Um it’s my best friend’s sex tape,” I say with a wince and she pauses for a moment not sure how to respond. Finally she says, “Can I see?” I hand her my phone and she presses play. I hear Memphis' voice and instantly start to feel a wetness in my panties. “Fuck babe, this shit is hot. Who is the chick? I wouldn’t mind her riding my face like that.” She snorts and keeps watching. I didn’t get that far. One flash of Memphis hard and naked was more than I could handle. I’ve always wondered what he looked like, and now that I know I don’t think this attraction will go away. “I don’t know. I haven't spoken to him in a while.” My phone rings and Sassy hands it to me. I sigh and answer, “Hello.”
“Oh my god. Did you see?”Cassie immediately squeals and I cringe, pulling my phone farther from my ear. “Yeah unfortunately. Who would post that on Instagram? How did it get past the violations monitor?” She starts laughing her butt off and I shrug, giving Sassy a look.
“Babe. We just saw Memphis naked, dick hard and fucking Dolly Ray, and you’re worried about legal ramifications?”
I sit up and lean against the pillow. I close my eyes and try to remove the images of him sweaty, head tipped back in bliss, hips thrusting his large, veiny, angry, pierced …
“Cara, are you still there?”
My eyes pop open and Sassy is staring me down, eyes full of heat. I give her a look of ‘what’ and she rushes from the room muttering, “At this point I need to invest in something rechargeable.” Whatever that means.
“Yeah Cass I’m here. I just really don’t want to discuss my future step-brother that way and I just woke up.”
“For someone who reads as much as you, I’m shocked you’ve never read a forbidden step-brother romance. You may be related soon by marriage but that doesn’t mean you’re blood. You can still fantasize about him, girl. I have the perfect book for you. Look up Kings Of Westbrook High by Bethany Winters, Callie and Damon are just gahhhh, chef’s kiss babe. You need them in your life,”I laugh at her antics and agree. I’m always up for a new read, and she’s right. I have always shied away from the ‘forbidden,’ but maybe I need to read some to figure out my own taboo drama. “Sounds good, babe, I’ll download soon as we hang up, but I need to go get ready for classes today. I miss you. Talk soon.” We hang up and I toss my phone on the chair in the corner, far, far away from me. I grab my shower things, I think a cold shower is just what the doctor calls for this morning.
Friday night finally hits and I get to check out that study room downstairs. I was right, it's practically a deadzone down here. I pull out my phone and text Connor, asking if he wants to join me.Kings of Westbrook Highis waiting for me on my Kindle. Cassie was right. I was hooked from page one. The tabooness of their relationship is beyond hot and makes me think super naughty things about Memphis. I know I should stop and put it away, focus on one of the guys here, but I can’t help wondering about a future where we could be together.
“Hey Cara,” Connor says, startling me during a really hot scene involving more than one guy on a roof near a pool. I know my face is red. I immediately turn my Kindle off and give him a big smile. He leans down to give me a hug and I melt. Connor’s hugs are the best. “Hey. Thanks for coming down here,” I tell him as he moves back and takes a seat beside me.
“Nowhere I’d rather be,” he says so seriously I know he’s telling the truth. “So what's on the agenda tonight? I was actually thinking of messaging you about grabbing some dinner. Would you, maybe, want to grab some pizza or something?” he asks, hesitantly. I nod yes and he jumps up, pulling me from the couch, tossing me over his shoulder. “What are you doing?” I squeal through my laughter. He grabs my phone and Kindle, shoving them in his hoodie pocket and walks towards the door. “I’m not letting you change your mind Cara. You said yes.”
I laugh even harder till my eyes are full of tears. “Please put me down you goof,” I say, smacking his really nice ass, and he pauses. “Did you just spank me?”
I do it again and he retaliates by smacking mine. I startle and then moan.Holy crap. He stops and sets me down. I hide my face with my hair and look at the ground. That was seriously embarrassing, but I never thought I would like being spanked. It’s that damn book getting me all hot and bothered before he showed up. My back is gently pushed against the wall and my chin tips up to meet his dark blue eyes. “Do you know how you make me feel Carson Matthews?” he asks, staring me down so hard, I think he can see my soul. I shake my head, and he slowly moves closer, giving me time to stop him. He rests his forehead on mine and nudges my nose with his, until pressing his lips against mine. The kiss is soft and sweet until a growl escapes his lips and he grabs my hips picking me up. I have no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips, so I don’t fall. He crushes me to the wall, grinding his hardness into the perfect spot. I gasp and he takes full advantage of my mouth being open. It’s messy and so hot. I mewl, grinding as close to him as I can. I rip my lips from his and hit my head against the wall. Ow. I glance around and notice we’re out in the open, anyone could walk in and see this. I bite my lip and blush. Connor groans and moves back for my mouth, but I remove an arm from his neck and press a finger against his lips. “Connor, set me down,” I say softly, still trying to catch my breath. His eyes glaze with a look of hurt and he places me back on the floor.
I grab his hand and give it a tug. He glances at me with confusion and I give him a little smirk. When we enter the small room with the window seat, I shut the door and push him back until he sits down. “Look Cara I’m so—” I shut him up by straddling his thighs and taking his lips once more with mine, grinding down hard on his growing bulge.Oh my god. He feels amazing, so thick and hard. Gripping my hips he moves me back and forth, kissing me until I can’t breathe. I pull my head back, arching my chest into his face. He kisses my neck and I bite my lip to keep my moans quiet. “So beautiful,” he mumbles into my cleavage. I smile and shake as the friction brings me to a place I have never been before. “Oh. Oh. Oh my god,” I moan loudly and he groans with me, before chuckling into my boobs. I shift and he whimpers, gripping my hips from moving. My panties are soaked and my breaths are coming so fast, I may pass out. But if that’s what everyone is talking about, I want to do it again and again. I grip his sweaty honey hair and tug his head back meeting his lips with mine. He groans into the kiss and pulls back, I release his head and lean back a bit. I glance at his flushed face and internally smile.I did that. Oh my god I did that. I suddenly feel awkward and look down at the wetness on his jeans. “So um, yeah. I need to take a shower,” I say, before climbing off his lap and rushing to the door.
“Wait, Cara,” he calls, but I can’t handle the look I know he’s going to give me right now. “Call me.” I say before running out into the hall and upstairs to my room. I unlock the door and slam it shut. I lean against it, panting.Wow. I move to the bathroom to clean up and even though I feel awkward now I can’t deny I feel amazing.Yeah I really need to do that again.
I leave the bathroom and go to my room to change. I need new panties and then food. I’m starving and pizza sounded really good. I throw a hoodie on and some sweats. I walk to the door and grab my keys from the floor. I must have tossed them there earlier. I look around for my phone, but can’t find it.Crap.It was in Connor’s pocket. I slam my forehead against the wood and groan. This is going to be so weird. I open the door and step out, almost tripping over something.
A smile instantly hits my lips and I sigh in relief. A box of pizza sits in the hall outside the door with my phone and kindle on top of it. There is also a note, but I’m nervous to read it. I bend down and pick up the box, bringing it back into the room. I place it on the table and take a seat. I remove my phone and kindle, setting them off to the side and open the box. He got me my favorite calzone. I think I may love him. I pick up my phone to thank him, but pause. I should read his note. I hesitate but unfold it.