Page 42 of Forever Changed
Frankie pulls her into a hug and kisses her head, “Thank you Sassy. Thank you both for everything. I’ve imagined this day for way too long, and I never thought it would happen for me.” She pulls away and dabs her eyes with a napkin I hand her. “You girls went above and beyond for today,” she says. I give her a smile and a small hug. Yeah, Sassy and I stayed up all night on the phone making arrangements for this spur of the moment wedding. Connor, Layton and Jase came over and helped me bake and decorate their cake. They also offered to grab the flowers so I could spend time getting ready. Someone knocks on the door, and Sassy goes to answer it, coming back a few seconds later with a clap. “Okay, babes, it’s showtime.”
I check my hair one last time. Frankie’s favorite flowers are sunflowers, and I couldn’t help but smile when she told me. The day I met her son included a patch of sunflowers. Seems fitting. I follow Sassy outside to a small white carpet we placed over the sand. I wait for the music to start. Tears fill my eyes, and I blink to keep them from falling. Memphis stands at the altar beside my father and his eyes glue to me for a moment, before he sniffs and looks away. The view is incredible. Sand, ocean, sunset, it’s magical. I pass the guys, and Connor reaches out to brush his finger along my hand. I offer them all a small smile and walk to stand opposite my father. The song changes and we all look over to Frankie. I turn to watch my father as his face lights up with joy, and so much love shines in his eyes. My breath hitches, I look up to the sky and smile.I know you would be shining down on us today, Mama. I miss you, but this is a good thing. No one could ever replace you, but Frankie is the right one to stand in. I love you.I blink my eyes to stop my tears once more and take a deep breath. My heart is breaking, but this is a good thing.
The sun is starting to set over the water. I don't know how they pulled this off, but I'm happy my mom is able to get the wedding of her dreams. Not necessarily the ceremony she pictured, but that doesn't matter. All she wanted was a man to love her right and take care of her. My father was a horrible, selfish man who didn't deserve her, or me. If I’m ever blessed with children one day in the future. The far far future. I will love them with every breath that I have and never hurt them or treat them as if they are an inconvenience, or a bane of my existence. Cara laughs at something Xavier says from his seat in front, and I pause, watching the sunlight glow off her golden hair. The happiness she feels makes her eyes the brightest blue I’ve ever seen. She's a true masterpiece, songs should be written about her. Hell, I have a notebook full of songs about her that will never see the light of day because people will know without a doubt who I wrote them about. She’s always been my muse. My phone vibrates and I quickly check it before the ceremony begins.
Dolly:When are you coming home? I miss you.
I sigh and look off towards the water. Things are better between us, and I think I may actually legitimately like her. Crazy right, but she's shown me a side that most people never get to see.
Me:I'm flying back tomorrow morning. Pick me up at the airport at six?
I press send and move closer to my new dad. Funny to think that Harry’s now actually my dad since he's been in my life for forever, and I’ve always thought of him like that. My mom glides down the sand in a simple, but elegant, white sundress. She has sunflowers in her hair and it reminds me of the day I met Carson Matthews for the first time.
“If you keep doing that Ms. Margaret will be mad.”
I glance up, but the sun is shining in my eyes, so I have to cover my forehead with my hand, but that doesn’t help much. I’ve seen my mama do it sometimes. There is an outline of someone, but it’s blurry.
“What?” I ask, and hear a small scoff. “If you keep pulling up Ms. Margaret’s sunflowers, she’s going to be angry. She spent all last summer planting those. I should know, I helped.”
I toss the flowers I was picking in a pile and turn to leave. “Wait, you're not going to keep them? Seems a waste,” the little voice says.
When I glance over my shoulder I pause. A little girl a few years younger than me is standing there, filthy, with her hair a mess.
“You can have them if you want.” Her eyes get big and her smile gets huge. “Oh thank you. I’ve never been given flowers before.” She bends down and quickly picks them up. I turn to go, but stop myself. “I’m going to get ice cream, wanna come?” She hops forward and grabs my hand, tugging me the rest of the way. I’ve seen her around, I think my dad works on her farm. We get to the ice cream place and I choose mine, while she taste tests all the flavors.
“What's your name and how old are you?” I ask as she licks her strawberry cone. I got chocolate, but I kinda want hers now. I wonder if she’d switch.
“Carson, but some people call me Cara and I am eight. Howboutyou?” she asks, but it's all mumbled with her mouth full. I laugh and her cheeks pinken. She’s funny. “Memphis, and I’m twelve. Today is my birthday,” I say, looking down at the melted mess in my hand. We were supposed to go swimming, but my dad was mad about something so my mom gave me some money and sent me away for the day.
“Happy birthday Memphis,” she says, handing me the rest of her ice cream with a big smile. I take it with a smile of my own and eat it in two bites. She giggles and hops up. “Come on, let's go swimming. My daddy just got us a new pool, but I haven’t been in it too much. My mama has been sick,” she says with a sad look, before rushing off towards, I think, her house. “Come on, slowpoke, last one there has to jump in with their clothes on,” she screeches with a laugh. I don’t know who this girl is, but I think I found a friend.
“Do you, Francesca, take Harold to be your husband, to spend eternity with, to lend your strength and love in times of sadness and pain?” the preacher asks, snapping me from my memories. After that day swimming with Carson, I had become a fixture in her home. It was my safe haven and where my shortcake lived.
“I do,” My mom replies, before sliding a ring on Harry’s finger. Cara dabs her eyes with her sleeve, glancing my way a few times. I wonder if her heart is breaking as much as mine is, now that we’re officially family. I catch her eye and give her a small smile. She bites her lip and tries to smile back. A noise catches my attention and Connor is there gazing at Cara as if she is his sun and moon. His everything. I shouldn’t be surprised. I saw those pictures from the beach. They looked like the perfect Barbie and Ken. I should be happy for them, and I have Dolly. But if that’s true, why is Xavier looking at her the same way, and what about those other guys yesterday morning? Who is she seeing and why do I care so much?
“I now pronounce you soulmates, you may kiss the bride.”
Harry kisses my mom and I beam at the look of elation on her face. Sassy comes bounding over to me, giving me a huge hug, before swinging Cara in her arms. The flowers fall from her hair and she shrieks in laughter. She looks happy. I should feel relieved that she has found so many people to care and watch over her in my absence, but I find myself pissed and jealous as hell.
Harry sweeps my mother from her feet and over to the dance floor. As soon as we entered the small restaurant Harry bought out for the night, I made a beeline for the bar. Cara and the guys rode with Sassy in her SUV so they haven’t arrived yet.
“Hey, what can I get you, suga’?” a cute brunette asks me. I glance at the selection and nod to the tab of Coors light. “I’ll have whatever's on tap thanks darlin’,” I tell her with a wink. She gives me a napkin and my beer with a smile. Her number is written underneath, and I chuckle, but the pen bleeding through the paper gives me an idea. “Hey hon, can I have a clean napkin and a pen please?”
She hands some over and I start writing down all the thoughts running through my head.
I always thought this would be us someday.
Holding hands as the preacher prays.
Giving you my heart and soul.
Because shortcake, you make me whole.
Standing at the altar with our friends and family by our sides.