Page 44 of Forever Changed

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Page 44 of Forever Changed

“They made us all strip into our underwear, then they wrote every flaw we have on our bodies, before dowsing us in water.” Okay I’ve heard of and witnessed some sorority hazing, but that seems a little extreme. “What else?” I ask and she hiccups burrowing into my neck. I run my hands gently up her back as she whispers, “Afterward they sent the girls away, but because I’m a legacy they said I needed to stay. They tied me outside to the pillar and let some of the fraternities throw things at me. It was mostly rotted fruit, but somehow a rock was in the mix.” She starts shaking harder and I grip her tighter. I lean back and let her rest on my chest. I grab the blanket and cover us. “It’s going to be okay, babe,” I tell her as she shakes. “I should have never come here, Xavier,” she says softly. “I should have never left Kansas. I don’t belong here. Everything I try to do just bites me in the ass.” She looks up at me, “Why does everyone hate me?” she asks in a broken voice.Fuck she is breaking my heart right now.I place my hand on her bruised cheek and rub my thumb gently across her skin. “You, Carson Matthews, are amazing, and those girls are petty and jealous. Don’t let them win, babe,” I tell her. She closes her eyes and leans into my touch, sighing. “Can I stay here tonight?” she asks in a half asleep tone. “Sure, babe,” I say and roll over spooning her from behind. As exhausted as I am, I’m barely holding myself back from kicking some Kippa ass. No one touches my girl, and they’re damn lucky the other guys aren’t here to witness this. My dick wakes up, and I shift to keep from poking her in the ass. She doesn’t know I have feelings for her, and I’m not ready to tell her. Connor was right. I can’t start something with Cara until I’m ready to commit to one person. I’m not, at least not yet, but fuck she makes me want to.



I grab some coverup to hide the black eye. Sassy was so pissed, I had to prevent her from going down there with a baseball bat Harley Quinn style. She wanted me to report them, but if this is just a tradition of some sort, then I would be upsetting my sisters. All the other girls didn’t get the humiliation, or abuse, but they did get the flaws treatment. No one else has come forward, so I don’t want to be the one to snitch. Mama said these were the best days of her life, but so far they’ve been total and utter hell. I’m thankful for Xavier, for being there for me and holding me all night, but now I’m starting to feel things for him, and I know Connor said he’s fine with not being exclusive, but I don’t think his best friend counts. I grab my bag and head to the café. I really need something strong to wake me up and get me through today. Since that night the guys have become extremely clingy. They weren’t there, and they didn't know about it thanks to being away that weekend on a fraternity trip. When I told them, they were mad and gave Penny the riot act. She has been avoiding me since, and Jase has become super attentive while Connor has become protective. If someone asks me one more time how I’m doing, I may just snap. I care for my guys, I really do, but I’m not some delicate flower. I grew up on a cattle ranch for goodness sake.

I grab my coffee and a muffin, before rushing to Drama class. Mr. Bourne has started to come around to me, and I seriously love the insight and personal experiences that he shares. I take my seat and East slides in beside me at the last second. I give him a hesitant smile and he shoots me a wink. I wish I could say that I’ve forgiven him for everything he did, especially after he helped me out the other night, but I still feel anger and betrayal. Not to mention I’m kinda, maybe, seeing his twin. That’s just weird. I may like reading about twin sandwiches, but I think the Layton and Jase sandwich will suffice. I zone out thinking about that night and I know East is watching me blush. “What are you thinking about?” he whispers. Warm air hits my neck, making me shiver from his breath. Someone behind us coughs ‘slut’, and I move away from him. I don’t know why everyone is being so cruel. I’m the furthest thing from a slut, but it doesn't matter. East spins around and glares at the girls behind me. “Slut shaming, really, Tina?” he says with a growl, before facing the professor.

“I have to agree with Mr. Hawthorne, Tina, please escort yourself from my class and don’t come back until you’ve grown the maturity level that’s required to learn from my wisdom.”

I bite my lip to prevent my smile, and the girl behind me stutters and huffs, before finally standing. Her bag smacks into the back of my head hard and I wince. Heels click on the hardwood stairs and the door slams shut. East looks over at me and places his hand on the back of my head “Are you okay?” he asks while gently running his fingers through my messy pony.

I look into his eyes. “Yeah, thanks,” I say quietly as the teacher clears his throat. “Now that’s over, how about we get back to today’s lesson. I want everyone to pair up and start collaborating on a fun little jingle.” A few people groan and he scowls.

“So I know I fucked up big time, but is there any chance you would let me partner with you again?” he pleads and I roll my eyes. I glance around to the other students, but they all seem paired. I face him and give him my evil eye. “I swear to god, East Hawthorne, if you pull the same crap as before, I will hunt you down and fill your underwear with fire ants and itching powder, then I will go to Professor Bourne and tell him what you have been up to. Oh and I’ll even go to your coach, since you seem to love football so much.” I growl. He winces and leans away slowly, raising his hands in front of him, “Okay. Sheesh. I get it. How about this, I’ll even allow Jase to kick my ass if I ever ghost you again.”

I think it over for a minute and smile. “Last chance, buddy, and I want snacks again.”

He bursts out in a laugh and Professor Bourne pops his head in between ours, making me yelp in fright.Holy shit he scared me.“Am I interrupting something here?” he asks in an innocent tone, but I watch as his lip twitches just slightly. I shake my head, and East glares. “I’m sorry. We were just discussing the assignment,” I tell him softly. He backs away and moves to another group. East waggles his brows at me, and I laugh quietly.Please don’t let this bite me in the ass again.


“So, J can't stop talking about you,” he says, ignoring the assignment we’re supposed to be doing. I blush again and try to change the subject. “Focus, East, we need to get this done, and you promised to help this time,” I say, pointing at his notebook.

“I know and I will. I feel like a dick for backing out on you last time, but some things came up and it …” he trails off, giving me puppy dog eyes. “It's just complicated,” he finishes in a somber voice.

“I told you we could have a fresh start and I meant it, but know this Easton Hawthorne, this is your last chance. I’m dealing with enough assholes at this school, and I refuse to be surrounded by them in my personal life as well.”

He grabs my hand and gently moves his thumb over my knuckles. I allow it, because it’s nice.

“I promise Cara, this time I will do the work. I really am sorry,” he says softly. I sigh and nod, before looking down at my book once more. “Okay, so for jingle ideas, I was thinking maybe using a known beat and changing the words?” I suggest, and his eyes light up. “I know just the one,” he says excitedly.

We work on making up silly rhymes, and I can admit I’m having a good time. I haven’t laughed this much in a while and the snacks he brought are delicious. I’m beginning to think us being friends might work, well that is, until he tries to kiss me. He leans down aiming for my lips and I back away, shoving my book in his face. He whines, and I cringe. I may have hit him a bit hard. I remove the book and he rubs his nose with a wince. “There will be absolutely none of that, Mister. Try it again and I’ll leave,” I say in a stern voice. His eyes flash with lust, but I ignore it. “You're right. I’m sorry, Cara. I just got caught up in the moment and it doesn’t help us sitting in the same spots as last time. I can’t get you out of my head, but I’ll stop. I know I fucked everything up,” he says sadly, looking off towards the bookshelves in the corner.God I’m an idiot. Why am I always drawn to emotionally unavailable douche canoes?I take a deep breath and move a little closer. “You didn’t completely ruin everything, but now it’s complicated. I mean I am kinda dating your brother and a few others—”

He kisses me so hard I see stars.What did I just say? Why is he such a good kisser? Why haven’t I stopped him yet?I pull back, and he groans, licking his lips. He rests his forehead on mine, before backing away and writing in his notebook. We get back to work and he doesn't try to flirt anymore, sticking to appropriate topics. I almost start to think I imagined the last five minutes when he says, “For what it’s worth Cara, I’m fine with sharing you, and the guys won’t care either.”

I drop my pen and stare at him in shock. Four guys want to be with me, what alternate reality have I fallen into? I sit back and sigh, looking at the ceiling.Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore.


I leave the gym with J after a brutal workout when I spot Carson sitting on a blanket under a tree. I haven't been sleeping well with the nightmares making a comeback, and I could use some cheering up. “Hey babe, I'll catch you later,” I tell him, giving him a quick kiss, before walking her way. He chuckles behind me, but doesn't interfere. Some may say our relationship is destined to fail, because we aren't one hundred percent committed to each other. But that's the furthest thing from the truth. Jase and I may like to include a girl in our bedroom from time to time, but we are one hundred percent committed at all times. I know he loves me, and I love him with everything I am. “Hey, what’s going on?” I ask Carson after plopping next to her on the blanket she laid on the ground. I’ve noticed she tries to avoid the library these days. A few days ago a group of girls came in and harassed her. I stood up to shout at them, but they ran off after the librarian yelled. She jumps a bit and glances at me, eyes wide with a hint of fear. “Oh, hi Layton.” She gives me a big smile of relief and I melt. “How are you?” I ask, and she shrugs, looking down at the book in her hands. “Okay I guess, all things considered,” she says softly. I lean over and glance at the title of the book she's reading and smile. It’s one of my favorites. “Is that the first book you have read by C.A. Rene?” I ask and she nods. “Yes, but so far I love it, so I’ll probably read everything else she has written soon.” Her eyes light up as she talks and I zone out watching her. She gently shoves my shoulder and I laugh. “I’m also a fan. I love her dark, twisty mind. The way she hooks you and you can’t stop until the last page is read. She helps quiet my thoughts sometimes,” I say quietly. I can’t believe I shared that last part. A hand trails my cheek and she brings my gaze to hers. She rubs her thumb gently along my chin and I tremble, just from that soft touch. I clear my throat and gently back away.

“So tell me what’s been going on? Jase has told me a few things, but he said it wasn’t his business to disclose,” I ask her. She blinks for a moment and the light leaves her eyes. She looks down to the ground and holds her arms across her stomach. “It’s sweet that he didn’t say anything, um, I honestly don’t know where to start.” She takes a deep breath then continues, “I came here because my mama would tell me amazing stories about the days she pledged Kippa Nu. Ever since I was about ten she would talk about her friends, the parties, the sisterhood, even some of her dalliances,” she says with a small laugh. “My mama was a very open person. She made it almost a fairytale every bedtime. I was so excited to come here, but what was once a fairytale is now a horror story and I don’t know how to change it.” She wipes her eye and shrugs, “Plus I’m super homesick so that probably hasn’t helped,” she says.Wait. I can change that.

“Oh that's an easy fix. Give me ten minutes.” I jump up and jog back to the house. I throw the door open and Jase almost flings a box of cereal in the air. “Babe. What the fuck?” he shouts, I move closer and take the box, then kiss him hard. He tries to deepen it, but I back away with a coy smile. He gives me a once over then scowls, crossing his arms. “What do you want?” he huffs. I give him my best grin, that I know works every time and hold my hand out. “I want to take our girl over to Mable Farms. She's homesick and I think this would help. I'd like it to be just us. If that's okay?” I ask. I know he won't have a problem, but I don't ever want him to feel left out. He gives me a shake of his head and smiles, before handing me the key to his white Ford F-150 Raptor. I kiss him one more time quickly, hand him his snack, then spin and jog back to Carson, leaving the door wide open. I arrive as she's packing up her things, “You weren't going to leave were you?” I tease, and she yelps. “Oh my god, what is it with people sneaking up on me?” she gasps out. I laugh and point at my body. “Ah babe, I couldn’t sneak even if you were wearing earplugs.” She laughs and shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been on edge lately. I wasn’t leaving, just cleaning up.” I take her bag and grab her hand.

“Come with me.”


We pull up to a farm that moonlights as a petting zoo, and Carson squeals in delight. If I thought my smile could get any bigger it would. I don't like seeing her miserable, and I’ve made a decision. No matter what happens I’ll put a stop to Penny's plan.

“Layton, is this what I think it is?” she says in excitement. I nod, and continue driving to the main house. Mable is a friend of ours, and she always lets me and the guys come to ride, or swim. I park out front, then rush to open Carson's door before she does. I help her down and she throws her arms around my neck, squeezing me tight, before pressing her lips hard on mine. I groan into her mouth and she smiles. A screen door slams and I pull back, glancing towards the front steps, Mable stands there with a bright smile on her face. “Layton, honey, how are you? I’ve missed you. How are Jase and East?” she asks. I grab Carson's hand and pull her towards Mable. “Hey, May, we're really good. I'd like to introduce you to our girl, Carson. Carson, this is Mable.” I let her hand go. May pulls her into a hug. “Wow, aren't you just gorgeous, I can see what my boys like about you,” She says with a wink my way. Carson laughs and pushes some hair behind her ear. I love when she leaves it down and curly. She's beautiful with it up in a messy bun, but I like seeing her relaxed, and carefree. We follow May down a path, and she talks softly, “You both came at the best time. We have a ton of little ones in the nursery barn, and I was just about to feed them.” Carson speeds up.

“Do you know where to go, babe?” I ask, and she stops, glancing over her shoulder. She bites her lip and I internally moan. I want to bite that lip. May points toward a whitewashed barn with blue stripes, and Carson takes off.

“Oh my god. Can I keep him? He is just the cutest thing on the planet.” I find her snuggling a baby goat when May and I finally reach the barn. She is a fast little thing. She cuddles the baby goat, then takes her phone out of her back pocket, snapping a quick selfie.

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