Page 47 of Forever Changed
“No Cara, I think you’re sweet. I would be honored to be your first, but only if this is truly what you want.”
It is. He’s given me so much pleasure and I want to return the favor. I slowly reach up and give him a chaste kiss. Then look him in the eyes, and nod. I’m not sure I could speak now if I even tried. I’m shaking like a leaf with nerves. I’ve seen how big he is, how will I ever fit that in my mouth? “I don’t think I’m ready to go all the way yet, but um, maybe you could help me give you a blowjob?” He jumps from the bed, rips his pants off, and lies back down, leaning over he kisses me hard and takes my hand placing it on his rock hard dick, moving it up and down slowly, then faster. He groans into my mouth and I back away. I glance down and keep stroking him, while kissing his neck, chest, going lower like he did to me. When I reach his cock, I give it a small kiss on the tip, before licking the slit on top. A liquid drips and I lick that up too. He groans, fisting his hands to his sides. It’s a bit sour, tangy, but not unpleasant. I stroke him once more, before placing my mouth over the tip and sucking lightly. His hips jump up, shoving him a little deeper. I glance his way and he’s biting his fist. I stop sucking and he falls out of my mouth with a pop sound. His eyes flash and nostrils flare as I start to lick him like a tootsie pop, just can’t bite. That’s one thing I’ve learned from listening to my friends talk about their experiences. That, and to play with his balls. I reach down and give them a little tug and he groans louder. I take a deep breath then try to deepthroat him. I gag and saliva starts to drip down to the base. Yeah, that didn’t work. Why is he so damn big? I use my hand to make up for not being able to swallow him like Lay can, and I can’t stop gagging, but everytime I do he grunts, so maybe he likes it?
“Fuck baby, I need to …” he groans thrusting his hips up making me gag harder. My mouth is starting to hurt so I nod. Fingers thread through my hair and he tugs, making me moan. My scalp is tender thanks to Ella earlier, but I can’t say I hate it. He takes over, thrusting faster, and shoving me down harder. His legs start to shake so I think he’s close. I reach down and tug his balls. He taps my arm, “Fuck baby I’m going to bust.”
But I suck harder, making him shout, before coming in my mouth. I swallow what I can but some still dribbles out. He lets me go and I sit up, wiping my mouth on my arm. I glance his way, but his arm is over his eyes, and he’s panting hard.
“I’m sorry. I’m so bad. I made a huge mess,” I say quietly, embarrassed. He bursts out laughing and leans up, kissing me sweetly. “You are so adorable, Cara. That was amazing.” Oh okay then. I give him a small smile, then he kisses me more, pulling me back to the bed. We don’t bother putting our bottoms back on. I pull the blanket over us and he presses play on my laptop again. We cuddle and I am just about asleep when he comments, “Someday I want you and Lay both to blow me.”
Well fuck. Now I’m horny again.
I leave Cara’s room after she falls asleep. I wish I could stay the whole night, but I have to get home and help plan for the next party. Halloween is a big deal here. I shoot her a quick text so she knows I didn’t bail and start the short walk home. I pass Penny and my good mood instantly deflates. “Ah, just the little worker bee I was looking for,” she says with a big smile on her face. I sigh and keep walking. “I don’t have time right now, Pen. I have to get home,” I say and she growls, “Do not call me Pen.” I stop and face her, “You’re right, I’m sorry. What’s up?” I ask and she smiles, turning on her phone, playing a video I have seen many times. She flashes it in my face and I just catch the trees, and shovels that East and Lay are holding, covered in sweat and dirt. A shiver runs down my spine and I sigh in defeat. “What do you want, Penny?” I say softly, giving in to whatever she wants, because I love my family and I will do anything to protect them. “I want Carson Matthew’s heart on a platter, Jase, and I think it’s time you delivered. I want to wake up and her to be gone.” I glance back at Jhonson Hall at the innocent, sweet girl who lies asleep, cuddling her pillow just inside that brick building. I turn back to Penny, “Why? What did she ever do to you to deserve such hatred?” She looks off into the empty courtyard and shrugs. “She was born. Get it done, Jase, or daddy will be getting an interesting wake up call soon,” she says, before patting my cheek condescendingly and walking towards Kippa House.
I roar into the night and jog home. I hate her. I hate her with a passion. I reach the steps and stop, staring up at the night sky. I need a sign or something to tell me what I should do, because I don’t know how much more of this I can handle.
I take a quick shower, then climb into bed. Lay is sprawled in the middle, covered in sweat. Fuck, I should have been here for him. I fix the blankets, then roll over on my side. I stare at the wall for a while, thinking of ways to fix this shit that we are in.
Lay rolls over, cuddling into me, and I tense up. He stirs, waking up, and moves his hands up and down my back soothingly, helping me to relax. “What’s wrong, J?” he says in a rough voice, scooching closer to press his lips to my bare shoulder. I sigh and twist to face him. “I love you Lay,” I say, leaning over to kiss him. I pull back and gaze into his emerald green eyes. They shine back at me with so much love in them I have to look away. I can’t tell him about what Penny said. He’s doing a little better since the day at the farm. I haven’t had to wake him from a nightmare since. I wish I could bring his father back from the dead just so I could kill him again. Beat him to an inch of his life and leave him there broken and bleeding like he did to his son. “Hey, come back to me,” Lay says, running his hand down my back, gripping an asscheek. I groan and he gives me a mischievous smile. Sliding his hand over and gripping my hardening cock through my shorts. I reach down and grab his wrist gently, pulling it away. I would love to just get lost in his body right now, but I don’t think I could get my head in the game. I lean down and kiss him, moving his hand to his own cock. He moans softly into my mouth and I smile. “Let me take care of you, Lay,” I whisper, before kissing his neck and moving down his body. I pull his shorts off and his hard cock springs free, smacking his abs. Lay has a killer body. Toned, smooth, and an amazing cock, but what really gets me is his heart. Even after all the trauma he’s been through, he is one of the kindest, most caring people I know. A lot like Cara. I guess I have a certain type.
I grip his cock firmly, and blow gently on the tip, he shudders and runs his hand through my hair, gripping gently. I may not be in the mood right now, but I can show him how much I love him. I suck him down until he hits the back of my throat, then move back up. I bob up and down until he can’t take it anymore and starts to control the pace by the grip of my hair. I think about the blow job Cara gave me, and smile around his cock, causing me to gag. He groans and I do it again. I don’t gag that much anymore, but I know he loves it when I do. I also know he loves when I squeeze his ass and press gently between his sack and his asshole. I do just that and he shouts, shooting off like a rocket. I swallow him down, moaning at the taste. He sits up shoving me to my back, before straddling me. I don’t have time to tell him it’s okay, before he's slowly inching my hard dick in his tight hole. I throw my head back on the bed and groan.Fuck.He feels incredible, clenching me tight. We haven’t done this in a while so I let him take his time. Once he’s fully seated on my cock, he places his knees on the bed and leans forward over my chest, kissing me hard, and slowly moving up and down.He whimpers into my mouth and I groan. He sits up and circles his hips, driving me insane. I thrust up a little and he moans, slowly stroking his hardening dick as I fuck up into him from below. I grip one of his hips, and take over stroking his cock as he rocks back and forth. My breaths start to come out in pants and sweat drips down my brow. He clenches again so I smack his tight little ass. I know what he’s trying to do. I pull him down on top of me and bite his lower lip, thrusting faster and faster. He starts to get loud, and I know East will bitch that I didn't turn any music on, so I muffle his mouth with mine. I reach down and stroke him harder. I know he’s close, and I just need him to come so I can follow him. I smack his ass once more and sit up a bit sucking the tip of his dick in my mouth. That sets him off, shooting hot cum all over my tongue and lips. I groan, swallowing what I can and thrust a few more times, gripping his hips to hold him down and grind into him. I cum hard, filling his tight ass. I let him go and starfish on the bed, making him whimper. He collapses on top of me, panting hard. I don’t think I’ll need the gym today after that, but I do need a shower.
“Wow you look beautiful,” I tell Cara when she meets me at the coffee shop on campus. It’s not a lie. She really is one of the most genuinely sweet, beautiful people inside and out I have ever met. She beams as her cheeks pinken a little. God I love making her blush. I can’t wait until I can see it go farther than her neck. Tonight is the night according to Penny. I’m both looking forward to finally advancing our relationship and dreading what's to come. Sharing her with Lay was incredible and I can’t wait to do it again, but for her first time I just want it to be us. She deserves candles and romance and to be loved and cared for. I can't give her the first two, but I can give her the rest. My hands sweat and I’m nervous. “Thank you,” she says, as I hold the door open for her. She passes by and the scent of her body wash makes me wild.
Walking over to the counter she places her order, but I don’t think I can stomach anything right now. We wait for her drink, then move to a booth in the corner.
“Okay, I know this may make me sound clingy, but something is wrong with you today. What’s up? Is this about the other night?” she asks worriedly. I lean back onto the couch and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “No, trust me I can’t get the other day out of my head. I’m just dealing with some family drama, but I’ll worry about that later.”
She cuts me off, placing her head on my shoulder. “Don’t do that, Jase. I’m happy to sit here and talk about anything you want to.”
I take her hand and bring it to my lips, placing a kiss on her palm. “Can I say something, without you becoming upset?” I ask her taking a deep breath, then face her, making her sit up. She watches me for a moment then nods.
“Why are you here, Cara?”
She furrows her brows, opening her mouth to talk, but I keep going. “I can tell you’re not happy here. Not to mention people are being assholes to you. So why do you stay?” I ask and she sighs, before giving me a small smile. “Because I made a promise, and even though some days I want to give up and run back home, I won’t because I always keep my word. But even if I hadn’t made a promise, I’d been so excited to come here and get out of my small town. To experience life. I know things are hard. I’m hoping soon, they will get bored,” she says, looking off at a couple sharing a piece of cake. I wish the same thing, but some things we can’t control, no matter how much we want them to.
“Okay this is depressing, how about we go back to the house and watch a movie or something? The guys are out for the night,” I ask, and her eyes light up, she bites her bottom lip, and I swallow. Yeah tonight is the night.
I hold her hand the whole way, trying to force myself to tell her to run away, get out of here, while she still has a chance, but I don’t, and I won’t no matter how much I pray someone pops up along the way, or stops me. I open the door and listen, but it’s quiet. “Would you like something to drink?” I ask her, but she shakes her head no and kisses me softly, before gripping the back of my neck and pulling me closer to her. She runs her other hand along my chest, down to my belt buckle, gripping me until I’m rock hard. I pull back panting and kiss her forehead. “Are you sure?” I check and she kisses me once more. I back her up to the stairs, then grip her ass until she jumps, wrapping her legs around me. I carefully move us up the stairs to my room somehow. I kick the door open and she laughs. I set her down on her feet and shut the door, giving me a moment to calm down. I spin back to her and groan. She’s standing in a pale pink lacy bra and matching panties. I rip my clothes off and grab her by the hips, gently laying her on the bed. I reach around her back and remove her bra, freeing her perky breasts to me. I place one in my mouth and she moans, then trail my fingers down her body making sure she's wet for me, but I shouldn’t have worried, she’s dripping. I yank down her panties and toss them over my head, then I start to stretch her out, kissing her whimpers away. She grabs my dick and starts to stroke, driving me crazy. I lean over her and kiss her harder, swallowing her gasps, and small moans. I rub my dick along her slit, pressing gently when she freezes. “Relax, babe,” I tell her and she laughs, “So yeah. I’m not on anything. I probably should’ve mentioned that earlier, but I was caught up,” she whispers. I stop and wait for the lust haze to go away to understand what she’s saying.Oh condom.I jump up and run out the door. “I’ll be right back,” I yell over my shoulder, letting her joy and laughter consume me. I run down the stairs to the kitchen where I know we have a stack and freeze. East is sitting on a stool in the dark, drinking a beer, staring off at nothing. I move around him to the ‘rubber drawer’ and he snorts. “So you're really going to do it? Going to destroy her. You have bigger balls than I thought, brother,” he says, shaking his head. I freeze, ice running through my veins. I got so caught up in the moment I forgot.Fuck.I stumble over to the stool next to him not caring I’m bared ass, I sit, then drop my head on the island. “I’d forgotten.” I mumble. He groans, “This is so fucked up.” I roll my head over to face him, giving him a small nod. “I don’t think I can do this to her, East. I’m falling in love with her,” I whisper and he sighs. Standing from the stool, he chucks his beer into the sink, ignoring the shattered glass, moves over to the drawer and grabs the condom I had come down to get. He turns to face me and holds it out. I shake my head no and he shuts his eyes, his shoulders slumping.
He moves closer and starts to strip his clothes off, before taking his piercings out. He grabs the condom and walks to the stairs. “I love you, J, and I would do anything to protect you guys,” he says in a whisper, before disappearing up the stairs. I wipe my cheeks from the tears running down my face, then stand. I throw on East’s clothes and walk out the door, then glance back up towards my window. Where my girl is lying there waiting for me. “I’m sorry, Cara.” I whisper, then keep on walking.
I watch him leave, before spinning around and walking back up the steps. I don’t know what is more fucked up about this situation, the fact that I basically just cock blocked my brother, or that I’m about to bang his girl in his bed, pretending to be him. I push the door open a little and sigh with relief. The lights are off, so she shouldn’t realize it’s me. I took out my piercings too. I knew that would be a dead giveaway. I don’t want her to ever know that this was me, but I know it’s inevitable eventually. I make it to the bed, using the little moonlight that shines through the window. Her blonde hair glows and her body calls to me. She’s beautiful inside and out.
“What took so long?” she asks, reaching out for my hand. I crawl over the top of her and sigh once her lips meet mine. I don’t do slow, gentle, passionate love making. I fuck hard and fast. This is going to be a challenge for me. Ever since that day in the library, I’ve fantasized about taking Cara, but now that I have her under me and can feel her soft shaking of nerves. I want to go slow. Cherish her. Make this a night of good memories. Maybe if I do, she’ll forgive me someday. Fuck, I need to nut up and just get this done. I should have never allowed my head to lose sight of what this is all about. I need to do whatever I can to protect my family. Cara needs to leave Texas, so we can get that tape back. I run my hands down her curves and move to her pussy, checking she’s ready for this. I grab the condom that I haven’t let go of since taking it from my brother and rip it open with my teeth. Reaching down, I roll it over my cock, before sliding between her legs. She freezes, and I wait. I know this is a big thing for her, and I won’t pressure or rush her into anything. I kiss her gently again, waiting for her body to relax, when I feel her starting to melt into the mattress, I press more weight down on her pussy, slowly grinding my cock along her slit. “Are you sure?” I whisper into her mouth. She groans and nods her head.
“Just go slow. I want this, Jase. I want you,” she says in a breathy tone, reaching up and pressing her lips to mine gently. I groan and pull back. I don’t know if I can really do this. She thinks I’m Jase, and it should be him here, or Lay. I don’t deserve to take this from her. Fuck Penny and her getting into my head. I know she’s using sex to manipulate me, and I’m letting her. I start to pull away, but she wraps her legs around my lower back and arms around my neck, pulling me down on her. “Is something wrong?” she asks, with concern and hesitance in her tone, before continuing. “Don’t you want me?” she says shakily. I lean down and kiss her tenderly. I do want her. I’ve wanted her for a while now, but not like this. Not when she thinks I’m someone else. She deserves so much more than this. She reaches down and strokes me, before placing my cock between her thighs. She rubs me up and down her slit, letting me feel how wet she is.
I inch forward a little, barely sticking the tip in and she clenches.Fuckshe’s tight. I knew she would be, but I figured one of the guys would have been at least fingering her, stretching her out. I’m not a small guy to be breaking her in for the first time. I stick two fingers in her mouth and she moans, “Get them wet,” I say quietly. She sucks and licks them, getting them extra wet. I pull out, reaching down and coating my dick and her pussy, hoping it helps. I should’ve used some lube. I push in more trying to be gentle, but she still whimpers and winces. I pause and hold my breath. She feels incredible, tight, hot, the way she's contracting right now, I don’t think I will last long. “Holy shit, you're so big,” she pants out. I pull back a little, then push in more, breaking through the thin wall. She bites her bottom lip and cries out. A tear escapes her eye and I bend down to kiss it away. I don’t know what this girl is doing to me, but I do know this was a huge mistake and I hope I don’t lose her for good when the truth comes out.