Page 5 of Forever Changed
“Cara, that sounds like a good time. Get out and have some fun before school starts, baby girl. You and Frankie can have a girls’ day when you get back,” he says with a bright grin on his face. I hate it when he is right. I sigh and nod my head. “Okay, yeah that sounds like fun.” The screeching pierces my ears, and I’m soon jumping up and down in excitement, my coffee splashing everywhere. Ugh. The girls back away, chatting a mile a minute about everything we’re going to do, and I nod on occasion, trying to keep up. My stomach growls, and I look over to the empty stove and moan. “I thought you said there were omelets?” They stop talking and give me a sheepish look. Sam takes my hand and looks me in the eye. “I burn water, Cassie sets fires, and Lee is too distracted, so….” I laugh and roll my eyes. Why doesn’t this surprise me?
“Please tell me you at least bought the stuff.” They clap and give me a big hug, before opening the fridge and pulling out all the ingredients. My father leaves the room and they turn towards the back door. I snap. “Um, excuse you. You may not be able to cook, but you have working hands and arms. Get to chopping ladies! And if those boys want breakfast, they better get in here too,” I say exasperatedly. The nerve of my friends. I am not their personal cook.
We finish up breakfast, then hit the road. The guys ended up getting us a van for the weekend so we all ride together. I’m still not sure why, or how, the girls convinced them to come along, but I can’t say I’m not enjoying the eye candy.
“So, Texas? That sounds awesome. Do you know what you're going to study yet?” Connor asks from the seat beside mine. Lee decided to seat me between the quarterback and star basketball player from our graduating class. Yeah, super subtle too. She practically tackled the guys to claim the front seat. “Honestly, not yet. I’d love to do something with music, but I haven't decided. I’m mainly going, to join the Kippa sorority. My mom went there, so I’m a legacy.”
He nods and looks at Xavier over my head. “So do you have plans to go to Nashville like Memphis?” Xavier asks, making me turn to look at him. The sun shines behind his jet black hair through the window, giving him a bluish tint. I will admit he is one gorgeous guy. I’ve never met his family, but I wonder if he gets his Asian heritage from his mother or father.
“I’d love to perform there one day, but probably not. But, I will be visiting sometime soon.” Connor sighs and I feel a hand on my thigh. His other hand moves to the back of my head, and he runs his fingers through my hair. I spin to look at him, and Xavier puts his hands on my shoulders giving me a gentle massage.What the hell is going on?I go to open my mouth and Connor mutters, “fuck it.” Moving closer to me. Holy shit is he about to kiss me?
“I have to pee.” I yell, cringing at how loud that was. They both freeze and Lee starts laughing. “Okay Cara, we’ll stop at the next gas station.” I give Connor a shy smile, and shrug Xavier’s hands from my shoulders. “Sorry. Tiny bladder,” I mumble and he chuckles, backing away from me, nodding. Yeah I think me and my girls need to have a little chat. Definitely need some guidelines for this weekend.
No one touches me again, and we soon pull up at a gas station. Connor hops out saying he’ll top off the tank, and I sigh in relief now that I’m not surrounded on both sides. Lee coughs from the front giving me a look. Oh right I have to use the ‘bathroom’. I unbuckle and shuffle from the van, moving over towards the front window. “Can you guys come too? This place doesn’t look the best,” I ask, giving them a stern glare. Sam's eyes widen and she nods, Cassie looks oblivious but agrees, and Lee rolls her eyes but gets out from the passenger seat. I glance over at Jay in the driver's seat. “Do you need anything from inside?” He gives me a beaming smile and replies, “A water would be great. Thanks, sugar.” My cheeks heat and I duck my head, before racing to the small store. The girls follow, tittering away about how cute the guys are, and how much fun this is going to be. As soon as we make our way into the restroom, I slam the door closed and lock it. “Um babe, this is a public restroom we can’t hog it,” Cassie says with a giggle. I stand firm and cross my arms giving them all my resting ‘B’ face.
“One of you better start talking right now!” I growl. “Why are the guys here? I’ve barely talked to any of them during school. Flippin’ Connor Hannaberg just tried to kiss me, and Xavier Dai was massaging me!” Cassie's eyes light up.
“Cara, that's great news! Maybe one of them will be the one.” She goes to continue but Lee cuts her off. “What Cassie is saying is we asked them if they wanted to maybe hang out with us this weekend at my family's beach house, and maybe hook up with you—”
“WHAT!?” I yell, making Sam flinch.
“Cara, you’re going off to Texas. To college. We all know you haven't spent time with guys because you were pining for Memphis, but come on, it’s time. I’m not saying go screw one of them, but it wouldn't hurt for you to flirt. Have some fun, and as for Connor and Xavier, girl they’ve liked you for years. How you were so blind to see that I don’t know.”
I uncross my arms and run my fingers through my hair. Have I really been that blind? No, I would know if someone liked me right? I mean they are really cute.Gah I have no clue these days.
“Okay if I were to maybe agree with you, how would I go about maybe having one of them date me?” I cringe at how clueless I am.
Cassie comes over and wraps me in a hug. Sam squeals and claps, and Lee answers me. “If you want my advice go for Connor. That boy has been smitten for a while now, and he’s never been a player. Xavier is super hot, like a K-pop star, and he has abs I want to rub up against, but he doesn't have ‘girlfriends’,’” she says with a roll of her eyes. I nod and step over to the sink, cringing at the panicked expression I’m wearing. My phone buzzes in my back pocket and I pull it out to check it really quick.
Ten I See: I miss you. I miss home.
Me: IMU2 Memp. Wherever you are, as long as you have music. You are home.
Ten I See: Where did you hear that horse shit?
I burst out in giggles and Sam gives me a knowing look. I glance up at the mirror and my panic has turned to elation.Crap, I have a problem.
Me: You told me that!
Ten I See: Yeah sounds about right. I love you shortcake.
I tell him I love him too then put my phone away with a groan. Gah why is this so hard?Okay Cara it’s time to pull up your big girl undies, or bikini bottoms in this case. Go out there and have some fun. I give myself a small pep talk, use the toilet, then splash some water on my face after washing my hands. I can do this!
I jump out of the van and mumble something about getting gas. Cara gets out behind me and shuffles over to her friends, making some excuse about them going with her. I watch as they enter the gas station. Cara looks pissed.I am such a fucking screw up.The guys start to laugh in the van and I know it’s about me. Can’t blame them.
I put my credit card in, push the buttons without paying attention and grab the nozzle. I turn, unscrew the gas cap and push the button for the cheap gas, all while thinking about how incredibly dumb I am. How could I just kiss her out of the blue like that? I may know everything about her, but she barely knows my name.Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.I mentally berate myself and try to think of a way to fix things. Xavier jumps out of the van, shaking his head, and smacks my shoulder.
“Dude! You have it so bad. Don’t get me wrong, she’s stupid hot, but making a move before letting her know you’re interested is child’s play man,” he tells me, making me feel like an even bigger dumbass. I groan, running my hand down my scalp. I need a haircut. My honey brown hair is too shaggy. “I know man, but she's just so pretty and sweet. The way she was looking at me, I just got lost in the moment.”
He nods and coughs looking at something behind me. I turn, and Carson is striding towards me pretty damn fast with a determined look on her face. She walks right up to me and pushes me back hard against the side of the van before pressing her lips to mine. I stand frozen for a moment before snapping out of my shock and grabbing her by the back of the neck, pulling us closer together. Fireworks flash behind my eyes and I moan.Wow how embarrassing. I smile into her mouth, letting her neck go and she pulls back, blinking up at me, before her eyes go wide with realization. A pink blush covers her cheeks down to her chest and she rushes away to the other side of the vehicle. I stay against the van for a few seconds panting, trying to catch my breath. No one says a word.
“Did that really just happen?” I ask aloud.