Page 2 of Forever Yours
“Dude, you need to chill the fuck out,” he says, shoving me a few more times. I react and swing my arm back, nailing him in the jaw. He stumbles back, before righting himself. His eyes flare with anger and he moves to rush me. Cara comes outside and screams, dropping a pitcher of sweet tea to get in between us.
“What is going on right now?” she says, panting, holding me away from East. Connor has him restrained, and he’s mouthing off, cursing up a storm. Tears fill Cara’s eyes, and I instantly feel like an ass. I move closer, cupping her cheeks, bringing her forehead to my lips.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” East roars looking between Cara and me. “Are you fucking your brother? What, five dicks aren’t enough for you? What kind of backwoods, Deliverance shit is this?” Cara steps back from me, her cheeks flared in embarrassment as she shakes her head trying to explain.
I shouldn’t have been a coward and left. She needed me, and I walked away. Leaving my best friend with tears rolling down her face as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, shaking from the sobs. I don’t think I will ever get that image from my mind.
I know I’m an asshole, but I’ve never been that cruel to her. So why the fuck did she message me tonight?
“Ahh!” I shout to the empty bathroom. I need to nut the fuck up, be a man and go see what she wrote. If I don't, this is going to eat at me.
I quickly wash and rinse off before striding to the kitchen. I don’t bother dressing, air drying as I stand there, letting the water run down my naked chest and drip onto the tile. I snatch my phone, ignoring Dolly’s shit everywhere and lie down on the bed.
I press the button to turn my phone back on, and it slowly boots back up. Why the fuck is this taking so long? Thank fuck the joint I rolled last night is still in my nightstand drawer. I may be cutting back on the coke, but the pot helps me sleep. And right now I am way too wound up. I need to chill the fuck out. The screen flashes my back screen: A photo of me and the band during our first show and immediately starts buzzing. Notification after notification but I ignore them for the message from Cara.
Shortcake:I miss you.
I look for more from her but that’s it. Is that seriously all she sent? After not talking for so long. And why today of all days would she say that. Did something happen? Is she not happy with those idiots? Fuck, I wish she would just leave them. Not like I could step in anymore, but a guy can fantasize right?
I lie back and grip my hard dick picturing the last time I saw my shortcake. That night I came home so late and walked into some fucked up threesome. It’s been one of my most popular fantasies and it still makes me breathless and praying for more.
I reach the third floor and pass Cara’s door, pausing, I turn to knock when a soft breathy moan hits my ears. I freeze and listen as they get louder. My eyes bulge, and I quickly shuffle to the room next door. A guy's voice is saying, “That's it babe, show her how I like it.” What the fuck! How many people are in that room right now? I lie on the bed and will my dick to calm down, but the things I’m hearing right now are basically live porn. A loud smacking starts and a guy’s grunts overtake her moans. I can’t take it anymore. Carson was mine first, and if she’s going to be getting railed in the next room, it’s going to be from me.
I get up and storm out of my room and into hers, ignoring her small squeal and the pissed off yells and grunts from her guys.
“Now what is going on in here?” I growl, watching as Cara’s eyes bulge and she gulps, dropping the dick of one of her boyfriends. I step forward and pick her up from her knees, then dominate her mouth with so much pressure, so much passion. I know they'll be bruised in the morning. I have always been the type to fuck hard and fast, but with my shortcake I think I could go slow. Make love to her, but that’s not what I want right now. I continue to kiss her as I walk us to the bed. Her knees hit the side and I push her down. She’s lying there panting, breasts bouncing with her short breaths, face flushed and looking like mine ... Someone growls behind me, but I snap my fingers and he disappears. This is my fantasy. I look back at my girl lying before me, writhing and biting her lip.
“Do you want me shortcake?” Her eyes pop and she nods. “This is your only warning Cara. Once I have you, I won’t be letting you go.”
Her eyebrows furrow and she goes to speak, but I lean over her and press my lips hard against hers once more. Swallowing her moans. Someone comes up behind me and kisses my neck, wrapping a hand around and gripping my hard cock. Wait?
My eyes pop open and I pant, still gripping my dick. I shake my head and go back to my fantasy.
I spread Cara’s tanned thighs and step closer, letting my cock trail through her slickness. She shivers and I groan. She feels so wet. I just know she’s going to be dripping down my balls. I grip my dick and nudge it closer to her pussy, when someone grips my hand. Fuck! I let him move my hand up and down. His lips trail along my neck again and he whispers, “I know you want me, Memphis.” Before shoving my hand off and placing it inside Cara’s heat and bending me over.
My eyes pop open and my dick jerks. I come harder than I ever have, my eyes roll back and I think I might black out. I'll never admit it out loud but that night with Alex opened my eyes about a few things. I never thought I’d be into guys. I’m not sure how people will react to it, so I have been keeping my distance from Alex. I know it’s hurting him.
When my body stops trembling, I gaze at the ceiling. Cara has been a star in my spank bank for years now, but adding Layton is definitely new. I glance around at the mess I just made and groan. Fuck.
I climb off the bed with shaky legs and stumble over to the bathroom. I need another shower and to wash my bedding before Dolly gets back. If she comes back at all. Most nights she’s out with her uncle, she just crashes at his place. It’s not like we’re living together. Half the time I think we’re just friends with benefits, and honestly that suits me just fine. I do not need to be tied down right now.
While quickly rinsing off under the cool water, my dick hardens again, and I know it’s going to be a long ass night. I should just call Dolly and tell her to come back here. She’s been gagging for me lately, and I know I could use her for a quick fuck. I should feel guilty about getting off thinking of another girl, especially someone who is not only my best friend and now also my family. But if I’m being honest, it’s only made shit hotter. I guess I like the taboo.
I get out of my second shower of the night and pour a large glass of milk. My mama’s cookies are delicious, but I still think my shortcake could beat her in a baking competition. I walk over to the counter and grab the tupperware container full of sugar cookies, then move towards the couch. The TV blares out some mindless show about what people think being a country musician is like, so I dig into my diabetes in a box, chug down my milk and relax back on the plush seat. Don’t get me wrong, some of this shit is close, but they don’t go into too much obscenity. But then again this is a family friendly show. I reach for my phone and realize I left it in the bedroom next to the bedding I definitely need to wash.
I could wait until Gem comes in the morning to bitch at me about something, but she’s been snippy lately, and I know asking her to wash my laundry will just set her off. I stride to the bedroom and strip the bed, then toss it in the wash, and quickly remake the bed. Fuck, I’m tired now and I have that interview in the morning. I should just call it a night, but that text is bugging me still. I climb under the sheets and grab my phone. I pull up her number and hesitate. She did text me first right? Fuck it. I hit her number and wait.
She doesn’t answer, and her phone goes straight to voicemail. I hang up, not bothering to leave a message, and toss my phone on the nightstand beside me. I hope she’s having a good Valentine’s Day. Those boys better have spoiled the shit out of her. They don’t know how lucky they are to have her.
What a fucking mess! I storm out of Cara’s dorm and stomp down the stairs to the lobby. Those assholes have another thing coming if they think the measly hits they got earlier was the end of it. I have never in my life seen Carson so broken. Even after losing her mom. It’s like she’s checked out, given up and that's just not going to fly. Xavier pops up from a chair by the door and tries to block the doors.
“Con stop!”
“No Xav, this shit is about to go down. How can you not be raging as much as I am? I thought you said you loved her?” I don’t bother turning around and keep moving towards the exit. Xavier grabs me around the waist and pulls me back into him. I squirm, and he jumps onto my back, preventing me from moving.