Page 28 of Forever Yours
He closes his eyes and sighs. “Jase came downstairs, he needed a condom from the ‘rubber drawer’. I was in a mood and made him feel like shit for hurting Cara. In the end he couldn’t go through with it. Said he was falling in love with her… so I did what I always do. Stepped in and protected him. And I would do it again. I will always protect you guys.” He throws some cash on the table even though we haven’t ordered anything, then stands. “I hope you find her and she forgives you. It’s too late for me. But fuck, I wish it wasn’t.”
He turns and leaves the cafe as I sit here and try to understand. The waitress comes back but I wave her away. I guess that’s it then. School ends in a month, and I already have all my credits for graduation. Jase is MIA. There's nothing holding me here anymore.
One of the things they talked to us about in therapy is moving on. Letting go of the triggers of the past and moving forward. Is this really my next step? Leave Texas for good and go on a wild goose chase after the woman I love, who may slam the door in my face? Can my heart take anymore abandonment and disappointment?
Carson's face flashes through my mind. Her blue eyes that looked up at me with so much love and kindness. Her strong arms that would hold me tight when she knew I needed a hug. Her amazing heart and compassion.
I stand from the table and leave the cash for the waitress, before rushing out the door and jogging home, slamming through the door I run up the stairs. I grab two duffles and throw random shit in, ignoring Jase’s side of the closet, the hurt is still too strong. I wish he was coming with me, but I know someday we'll make amends and find our way back to each other. He’s my soulmate. Well, one of them.
“Penny, I am not in the mood for this shit right now!” I shout then slam the door. I can’t believe my dad is being blackmailed by her too. Jase called me tonight and told me he went home to tell our dad everything and he laughed in his face.
I know I should have told him what I did, but he’s going through enough right now. I can do this, I can handle Penny. Even when she makes me want to wring her neck.
I open my phone and send my dad another text. I can’t believe he had the nerve to not only treat Jase like shit, but tell me to try and get all the evidence or some dirt to use against her. To clear his name. What aboutourfucking names? Selfish piece of shit!
I’m fuming right now, and Penny nagging me is going to have me snapping. I can’t stand her, and the more time I spend beside her listening to her bitch and whine about who fucking cares what, I want to gag her or bury her in the ground. Either works, but one of those options would send me to prison for the rest of my life. Can’t have that. Though it’s tempting sometimes. I mean we do know how to hide a body.
“I’m sick of the bullshit East. You don’t think I know that you're here just to get dirt on me. I’m not an idiot.”
I sigh and move closer putting my devoted boyfriend mask back on. “I’m sorry babe, I’m just having a bad day. You’re right, I’m wrong.”
I finally concede just to get her to shut the hell up. One of the things Penny loves more than her fake tans and botox is arguing, and I’m starting to get another migraine. Maybe I can just shove my cock down her throat and she’ll finally be quiet. I snort, yeah that won’t happen. My dick has been a limp noodle since Cara.
I wrap her in my arms and give her a pout. She smiles and leans up to kiss me. I hide my disgust and swallow down the bile that wants to escape. She pulls back and runs her hand down to my dick. I will it to twitch, something, anything. Gah, I'm destined for a life of impotence and fantasies about the love of my life that I won’t get to ever slide into again.Ah there ya go buddy.
I start to harden but then Penny makes a noise and it goes limp again. She frowns and I know she is about to make a Cara comment, so I kiss her harder, then move to her neck, mumbling, “Fuck, I’m hungry. Let’s go get pizza or some shit at the Cafeteria,” I suggest and she pushes me back, rolling her eyes.
“If you think for one moment that I'm going to the cesspit, you’re crazy. I’ll take a salad from the place in town. They deliver for the Kippas. Just mention my name. You know what I like. But I want the..”
I cut her off. “Chicken cut up and dressing on the side. Yeah babe, I know. It’s all you ever eat.” She scoffs at that and moves towards my bedroom. I miss Cara. I miss her so much. She’s always on my mind and I want to kick my own ass for letting her get away.
I miss the way she would order a pizza just for herself and then eat it all and still want some of mine. Or the snacks she would demand during our study time. I don’t know why girls think it's unattractive to eat in front of guys. Seriously, all it does is make them look like little birds, picking at their damn food.
I glance around to check that Penny really went upstairs, then plop down on the couch and open my pictures again. I type in my passcode to my hidden albums and scroll through all the photos I have. Even the ones I took of her with the other guys when she didn’t know I was watching.
“East, are you listening to me? What is so important on your phone?” Penny snaps and I jump, quickly shutting my phone off. I turn her way and give her a smile.
“Was trying to reach Lay. Make sure he made it to Kansas okay.”
Her nostrils flare and she clenches her fists, before taking in a deep breath then relaxing. When she opens her hands I can see her nail imprints on her palms. She gives me a fake smile and nods. “Oh yes, I hope he’s happy with Cara. When will the food be here?”
I tell her twenty minutes and she goes back upstairs. I open up the Grubhub app and order our food. I don’t why she insists on hanging here. I need to get into her bedroom. The only time I’m allowed there is late at night after she’s been drinking. Maybe one night soon she'll pass out and I can do some snooping, but I doubt it. She’s perfected the art of holding her liquor. Just like her mother. Plus knowing her, she probably has cameras and shit all over her space.
Our food comes, and of course they didn’t cut her chicken up like I requested. I walk into the kitchen and chop it up into tiny little bites the way she likes it, then grab the bag of food and head up the stairs. She’s waiting on my bed in one of my T-shirts and sits up looking flushed and guilty when I walk in. I set the food on the nightstand and take the spot next to her.
“I was just remembering that day I stopped by and you fucked me to within an inch of my life then took me again in the shower,” she says with a sigh, then looks at me. “Do you think we will ever get back to that?” I shrug and she growls, before pushing me back against the pillows and straddling me.
“You had jumped in the shower leaving me so hot and dripping. I could have come just from a simple touch. I was about to finish myself off and I heard a groan from behind the curtain. I was so mad, but when I opened it and saw you touching that hard cock, I went feral. I pushed you against the tile and kissed you so hard I felt my lips bruising.”
She bends down and kisses me hard, grinding her hips on top of my dick, but he doesn’t budge. Pulling back, she leans down, nibbling on my neck until she reaches my ear.
“I wrapped my hand around your thick dick, barely able to hold it. I pulled you closer, then wrapped my leg around your asscheek and shoved your hard cock inside my dripping pussy. You felt amazing, so thick, my walls had to stretch to fit.” She keeps grinding on my lap, and I know she’s going to get frustrated.
She may be describing one of the times we fucked, but all I can picture is Cara in my brother’s bed as I took her virginity. I close my eyes and sigh.
I push in more trying to be gentle, but she still whimpers and winces. I pause and hold my breath. She feels incredible, tight, hot, the way she's contracting right now, I don’t think I will last long. “Holy shit, you're so big,” she pants out. I pull back a little, then push in more, breaking through the thin wall. She bites her bottom lip and cries out. A tear escapes her eye and I bend down to kiss it away.