Page 39 of Forever Yours
“Holy hell!” Mikey groans, “That’s it. I’m chaining you to my guitar and never letting you go. Please say we can keep you?” he says and Cara blushes even darker than before, the flush running down her neck and to her cleavage.
“It’s a beautiful song. I think you just needed to add that one part,” she says modestly, and I snort. Always so humble.
I move closer and take the guitar from her, handing it to Mikey, before pulling her up from the couch.
“We have ten stops left for this tour. Including one in Paris.”
Her eyes bug and I fight the urge to boop her on the nose like I used to when we were little. “So what do you say, shortcake, ready to tour the states with us?” I gaze into her eyes with a huge smile on my face. This is just what I’ve been missing. I should have kidnapped her a long time ago.
She looks around as if she’s contemplating something I know is a sure bet, backing away a few feet. She shoots Gem a wink, then shrugs and looks at her nails all nonchalant.
“Yeah, I guess I can fit that into my schedule.”
I charge her and pull her into my arms in a tight hug. “Really, you'll fit me into your schedule?” I tickle her sides and she gasps and giggles.
“No, Memphis don’t. Oh I feel sick.” I immediately stop and give her a once over, she does look a bit green. I set her down and point to Gem.
“Cara has been dealing with a bout of food poisoning. Do we have anything here to help settle her stomach?” She gives me a nod, then rushes from the room calling out, “I’m on it,” over her shoulder. I help Cara over to the couch and Mikey takes the seat beside her.
“You need some charcoal tablets. I swear they're the best thing for food poisoning.” He squeezes her hand and she gives him a grateful smile.
“Thanks Mikey, I'll look into those.”
I frown, glancing between them. I may need to give Mikey a reminder of the rules.
The door slams open and Dolly walks into the room immediately starting her shit. “Well, I see no one cares that we have a show to do here,” she scoffs, walking over and plopping onto my lap. She gives me a sloppy kiss, and I pull back, wiping my mouth. I gaze into her eyes and toss her ass to the floor.
“You’re high!” I shout and her eyes widen. She drops to her knees and crawls towards me.
“I’ve been a bad, bad doll. I think I need to be punished.”
Cara gapes at Dolly, and even I have to admit she’s never acted this way out of the bedroom. Gem returns and hands Cara something, totally ignoring the mess in front of me who's trying to unbuckle my pants. I look over at Jameson and he nods.
“So I know you're not supposed to play with us tonight, but I may need you to do backups for Dolly,” I say, giving her a pleading look. She looks like she may hurl again, then swallows the water in her hand and nods.
“Um yeah, you’re lucky that I know all the songs by heart.”
I give in and kiss her temple and Dolly starts laughing on the floor. Jameson pulls her up and puts her in the chair in front of the mirror. This isn’t the first time Dolly has had to perform wasted, but I told her I wouldn’t continue this shit. As soon as Harry gets back to me about what the fuck is going on, I’m kicking her ass to the curb and out of the band.
“Well that was almost a shitshow,” I tell Cara as soon as we make it back to the house. She kicks her heels off and moans. My dick jumps and I fight not to let him out to play. All night I've been fighting not to touch, kiss, just hold her. Maybe having her on tour isn’t such a good idea. I move around her and over to the kitchen and pull out the container of cookies my mom sent on Valentine's Day from the freezer, and Cara’s eyes light up.
“Oh hell yes!” she groans then rushes over and snatches them from me. I follow her to the living room as she plops down on the couch and tucks her legs under her butt. We changed out of our formal attire before the show, and her sitting there in tight leggings with a sweater on that keeps slipping from her shoulder is almost as tempting as the dress she was in. She opens the top and sucks on the end of one of the heart shaped cookies.
“Why are they frozen?” she asks me, giving up and taking a bite.
“Because there was no way I was going to eat three dozen sugar cookies before they went bad,” I say with a laugh and she gives me a look.
“You were supposed to share them with the band, Memphis. Frankie sent me a ton too, and I shared them,” she says, softly, looking away and blinking. I haven’t asked what happened yet and she hasn’t mentioned it. She hands me the container then stands, stretching.
“I’m going to go to bed. Tonight was amazing. Thank you Memph.” She bends down and places a kiss on my cheek, then strides off to her room. I watch her go. Her ass bouncing with her steps. I lean back and smack myself in the face, groaning quietly. Yeah, I am so fucked!
The next morning, we lay down the new track we finally finished last night, and Cara can’t stop gushing about being in a real life recording studio. Everything is great, and I’m having fun for the first time in a long while when Dolly slams in late and hungover as fuck. She drops down on the sofa and orders Gem around like she’s her slave. The label has given her multiple assistants, but they don't last more than a few weeks. The guys' nickname, Prima donna Dolly, fits her to a T. She drops her bag and a little fluff pops out surprising the shit out of me.
“What the fuck is that?” I yell as she slides her sunglasses up and puts them on her head.
“It’s our baby. Isn’t he just the cutest. I saw him in a pet store window and just knew he was perfect for our little family.”