Page 49 of Forever Yours
“Babe, you’re not wearing a bra. Don’t hug men without a bra on.”
I look at her appalled and she cracks up. “Cara, it's so obvious.”
I know I’m the one blushing now, so I pull her aside. “I don’t have any that fit.”
Her jaw drops and she nods, before giving me a huge smile. I groan and smack myself in the face. She opens her mouth and I slap my hand over it muffling her squeals of glee. “No one knows!” I snap and her eyes go wide, before she licks my hand. “Ew, what are we five?” I mutter, wiping my hand on my jeans. She pulls me into a huge hug.
Memphis comes around the corner and moves behind me to get in on this hug. “Um, what are you doing?” I ask and he chuckles.
“Hugging my best friend. Why?” Gem giggles, and I pray she can keep a secret. She tugs me out of Memphis arms and he grunts.
“Um excuse you, Mr. Rockstar. You are her best guy friend. I am her best girlfriend.” Someone shouts from down the hall and my eyes go wide. I wiggle out from between them and run full throttle, almost knocking my Sassafrass to the ground.
“What are you doing here?” I squeal and she jumps up and down with me, before kissing me hard on the mouth. I pull away shocked and she shoots me a wink.
“I missed you too babes.” Memphis and Mikey are staring at us and I give them a smile. I know my face is red. Why the hell did she kiss me? Dollzilla comes out of her dressing room and snorts.
“Everything makes sense now. You’re a lesbian!”
I groan and she squeals, before wrapping Sassy in a huge hug. Sassy pushes her away and gives her a glare. Dolly looks a little put off as if people don’t die for her hugs or something, and I laugh.
“Wow Dollzilla in the flesh. It's so nice to meet you,” Sassy says with a huge smile. Memphis snorts, Dolly looks confused, Gem is howling while crossing her legs. I think she may pee herself, and I’m twisting my hands, scared as shit that Dolly is going to murder me some day. She gives me an evil look then stomps off.
“God, I've missed you,” I tell Sassy, pulling her into another hug.
“I thought maybe you would like to see your friend. Since we’re in her hometown and all.” Memphis smiles and I release Sassy and jump into his arms.
“Thank you Memph,” I whisper, kissing his cheek. He clears his throat then sets me down. Sassy and Gem come closer and interrupt our moment.
“We're going shopping.” Gem claps in excitement and then grabs my hand. I groan and give Memphis a ‘save me’ look. He shakes his head and chuckles.
“Have fun,” he shouts and I roll my eyes. I just wanted to take a bubble bath and relax in a hotel room. Three more weeks on the bus have sucked but it has been cool seeing all these new states. We’re in New York this weekend and I'm loving the sights. I think that's why Gem is so excited to go shopping. The fashion here is crazy, but now that Sassy is here we will be out for hours.
We sneak past the paps, and I sigh when we slide across the buttery leather seats in the limo. Sassy and Gem follow, and once the door is closed Gem starts screaming and clapping and gushing. I sit back in shock. I have never seen her act like… well a girl.
“A baby! Oh Cara, a baby. I am so excited. We need to go shopping for clothes, and little booties and oh my god, a tiny little leather jacket.”
I’m nodding along, until she says leather jacket then I shake my head. “Wait, what? Why a leather jacket?”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes at me. “Because every baby needs a leather jacket, especially when their daddy is a rockstar.” My eyes go wide and my jaw drops. Sassy gasps and looks at me with hurt. I shake my head so fast I feel dizzy.
“No, Memphis isn’t the daddy. I honestly don’t know who the daddy is,” I say in a quiet, embarrassed voice. Sassy pulls me into a hug then shoots me a wink.
“My vote is Connor. You guys were screwing like bunnies.” My eyes water and the tears start.
“A little Connor would be so cute. God why am I crying?” I laugh and they look at me like I’m crazy. I think they may be right. “We went to the doctor in Memphis and the OBGYN was shocked to learn that I knew why I was vomiting and that I hadn’t seen anyone yet. After she was done giving me a stern talking to, she brought in an ultrasound machine and I got to see my little Jelly Bean. It was so beautiful, but I was all alone and it made me realize that I need to suck it up and call the guys. They need to be here with me. I don’t want them to miss out.” I wipe my eyes and pull my phone up. I put in my secret code for my hidden video file and open the video I recorded. I hand it to Sassy and she moves closer to Gem. They coo and wave a finger at the screen like a bunch of loons. I laugh and they look up at me with glassy eyes. Gem hands me my phone back then pulls me over to her seat to give me a hug.
“I don’t know what went down in college Cara, but you will never be alone. I'm a permanent auntie to this little bean, but I think you need to tell Memphis and maybe Ron. This could hinder future shows and things.” She bites her lip in thought and I nod.
“I’m planning to tell them after LA, and after I tell my guys. I just need a few more weeks. But in the meantime just having you here and in my corner is the best gift.”
We get back to the hotel late just like I knew we would, and poor Jeeves’ arms look like they may fall off from all the bags he’s carrying. Gem promised to make it up to him later then whispered in his ear and he took off like a bat out of hell, threw all the bags on the bed, then tossed Gem over his shoulder and carried her down the hall. Her squeals echoing around the walls. I smile and watch the glee on her face.
Gemini and I have really bonded since meeting, and I'm thankful to have her crazy ass in my life. But I hate calling her Gem. I frown and Sassy comes over giving me another hug.
“What’s with the pout babe? Is it because I keep hugging you and you’re not in a towel? I know girl, I missed them too.”
I snort and give her a ‘really’ look. “I was just thinking how Gem doesn’t have a nickname from me yet.”Gemi, Emi, Mini…Oh my god yes! I give her a big smile and pull her towards the bed. “I’ve got it!” She laughs and shakes her head at my antics. But I know she loves my crazy.