Page 5 of Forever Yours
After a few minutes I can finally breathe without it burning like hell and I moan.
“Remind me never to do that again,” I rasp and she laughs again, before sniffling. I turn her way, wiping the water from my eyes and see she's crying still.
“She’s really gone, Xavier. And I don’t see her ever returning.”
I slide my arm up and over her shoulders offering to hold her. She scoffs, but gives in.
“Don’t get any ideas, big guy. I still like kitty.” I snort at that and nod. Yeah, like I would ever do anything with her. Even though things are up in the air right now, Cara still has my heart. I hold her for a few more minutes until her yawning is every minute or so.
“Come on, crazy girl. Let’s get you to bed.”
She nods, and I stand, offering her my hand. She bats it away and stands by herself. I laugh, though it’s hollow and follow after her. It’s late but there is still one more thing I need to do tonight. I drop Sassy off at Jhonson Hall then go back to the Kippa Nu party. It’s time I had a talk with someone, and I’m not leaving until I do.
“Bro, you awake? We really need to fucking talk,” I shout with a sigh. Well that was a shitshow. I drop my shit on the counter and take my shoes off, before stumbling over to the fridge. I’m fucking starving. I dig around and give up. Looks like Cafeteria it is. “Connor, seriously man, wake your ass up!” I shout again, but he doesn’t respond. I slam the fridge then stomp over to his room, preparing to force his hungover ass up. I was not expecting an empty bed with his clothes thrown all over the place. Did we get robbed? I check his closet and his duffel bag is gone along with his phone charger and tablet. Fuck! He went after her.
No, this is not good. I run back to grab my phone from the counter then hit his number. It immediately goes to voicemail. I try again and again but it's the same shit. I pull up Cara’s number but hers doesn’t ring either. What the hell. Is no one going to answer my damn call today! My phone rings and I sigh with relief.
“Bro, why the fuck did you take off?” I ask Connor, but he’s not the one on the other line.
“Have you heard about Layton?”I move the phone from my ear and check to see who's calling me.
“Nate? No, what happened, is he okay?” I ask, and he sighs on the other line.
“Xavier, you need to come back to the house man. Something happened. It’s not good, brother.”I blink a few times. What the fuck! Can anything else go wrong? I take a deep breath and respond.
“I’ll be right there.” I quickly hang up the phone. Holy fuck can this day get any crazier? I slide my shoes back on and head out the door. I stop and groan. Shit! Has anyone told Cara?
What the fuck just happened? Not only has this night gone to complete shit, I just had my face smashed in by fucking Connor Hannaberg. East pulls him off of me, and Connor turns his fury on him. I get up from the floor and wipe the blood from my lip, wincing from the sting of the split.That’s going to leave a nasty mark.Cara rushes out of the house almost knocking me over when I reach out to stop her. Connor shoves East away and takes after her with Lay following. I know I should try and catch her, talk to her, maybe I can still fix this.
I should have talked to her from the start. The moment I knew that I was falling head over heels for Carson Matthews. I stumble over to the door and avoid my brother yelling for me or Ella trying to step in the way. My head spins, and I know having my head knocked to the ground is going to leave me with a killer migraine in the morning. I glance around and across the yard but I don’t see them. Cara, Lay and Connor have all disappeared.
“Fuck!” I shout, gripping my hair in my fists and giving a small tug. I pull out my phone and try Lay, but it has a weird beeping sound, he’s probably on the other line, calling Cara. I can’t blame him. I take a seat on the steps of Kippa Nu and drop my head into my hands. I’ll take five minutes to grieve. Then I need to suck it up and track down my guy. Lay is going to be beyond a mess from this. I lean back against the stair rail and gaze up at the night sky. The weather is nice tonight especially for February. I take my five minutes, then stand. It’s time I grew up and fought for the people I love.
I try Lay again, but he keeps denying my calls, and now I’m getting worried. I have a bad feeling. I knew this wasn’t going to end well, but I never thought I’d lose them both so soon. Johnny runs inside and grabs my arm, tugging me out on the Kippa’s porch.
“Dude, Layton just raced past here on his dirt bike. Threw this hotel room card at me and kept going. I could smell the alcohol, man.”
Fuck.This is not good. “Thanks Johnny, I’ll take care of it. Don’t mention this to anyone else.”
“Of course, brother, what are fraternities for, if not keeping our secrets,” he says, with a gleam in his eyes. I pause at that and choose to ignore it. Running inside the Kippa house, I find East cuddled up with Penny. “What the fuck is this?” I roar, making her squeal. She turns to me with a lopsided grin and jumps up, kissing my cheek.
“We’re celebrating, J. We did it; the wicked witch is dead,” she hollers, earning some excited “woo-hoos” from her girls in response.
“What the fuck, Penny? You just destroyed an innocent person who didn’t deserve what we did. How can you not see that? Carson was sweet and compassionate. Just because you were jealous does not excuse what you did to her, or to me and Lay,” I growl, two inches from her face, before turning to leave. She snatches my arm and digs her talons in, breaking the skin.
“You watch how you talk to me, Jase Hawthorne. She may be gone now, but I still hold the answers to that night in my grasp.” She lets me go and crosses her arms, pushing her tits higher, before looking at her nails, “Maybe I just need to have a chat with Daddy.” East stands, probably to talk her out of it, but I’ve had enough of this shit. I snort and give her a maniacal grin. I hate her. I have never hated someone as much as I do Penelope Smith.
“At this point, I don’t care anymore. Tell our families, tell the world. It’s not worth it. I’d much rather be locked up somewhere than under your submission.”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “You’re being dramatic! Who the fuck cares that people saw your threesome, or East plowing that skank.” She turns and strokes East’s cheek, gazing at him with lust in her eyes, before slapping him hard.