Page 51 of Forever Yours
I know I can be an asshole, but lately she’s become needy and with all the drama with her and her uncle I don’t trust her enough to fuck her. But she’s good for giving me stress relief. Even if I’m thinking of someone else the whole time.
The stage lights heat my skin, and the music flows through me leaving a permanent grin on my face. I love this. The sounds of my fans screaming my name and singing my music will never get old. Cara jumps on the chorus to harmonize with me and the huge smile on her face and the glee in her eyes say she loves this as much as me. She swears back and forth that she will never be a front runner, but I know one day the world will know Carson Star. It would be too much of a waste for them not to.
We finish our set, and Cara disappears before I can talk to her. We’ve been in a weird place since the whole Dolly drama in New York. She’s become distant, and I miss my best friend. Gem runs up giving me a new T-shirt to change into before the VIP and press interviews. We also have a few radio winner contestants tonight and an adorable little girl for her Make-A-Wish. I slip the shirt on then follow Gem and Mikey to the room. I place a huge smile on my face and enter, stopping in my tracks. Cara has Annie, the little girl on her lap and she’s showing her a photo album of her and me growing up. She has tears in her eyes, but she is holding them back so as not to upset Annie.
Her heart and compassion for others still takes my breath away. Annie giggles at something, and Gem leans up to whisper in my ear. “You’re a dumbass to let her get away Memphis.”
I freeze, my jaw dropping as I turn to deny that nothing is going on, but she just pats my cheek and leaves the room. I shuffle closer so as not to interrupt and introduce myself to Annie’s mother. She has tears in her eyes as well and I can tell how much this moment means to her.
“She’s amazing. Annie usually shies away from other people besides her family. Thank you so much for doing this for my baby. I haven’t seen her so happy and full of life in a long time.” She pulls me into a huge hug, and though I should be telling her she’s not allowed to touch me, she seems genuine and isn't trying to feel me up like women usually do. I pat her back and she pulls away face red in embarrassment. Before she can start apologizing I give her a smile, then move over to Cara who has Annie giggling so much that little tears are running down her face.
“Memphis used to be so mean. He would pull my pigtails and steal my ice cream,” Cara says and I interrupt.
“Um, if I remember correctly you would always wear these little ribbons in your hair. It was a test of my will not to pull them, and as for the ice cream, you always stole mine,” I scoff and Annie squeals, before gushing about meeting me. I take a seat next to Cara and open my arms in offering. Annie doesn’t need to be told twice. She jumps into my arms and gives me a huge hug. Flashes go off all around the room but I don’t care about the press or what this does to my image. I only care that I’m giving this little girl what she wants. Cara gives me a glance, her eyes full of tears, and I grab her hand giving her a squeeze. She leans closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder as we listen to Annie talk and ask us so many questions. Cara never taking her eyes off the little girl.
We chat a little longer, and Annie can’t keep her eyes open, curling into my chest, breathing soft and slow. Her mother comes over and takes her from my arms, but I’m struggling to let her go. Gem comes over with a bunch of swag and a poster. I write Annie a little message then sign it. I hand it to Cara but she seems shocked.
“Sign it, shortcake.”
She glances Annie’s way then flips it to the back. There's nothing there but when she starts to draw a rough sketch of me holding her I know that picture will mean more than all the photos they took. She signs it and hands it back to me. I lean down and press a kiss on her temple. This woman blows me away. We hand it back to Gem and she has tears in her eyes looking at us.
Mikey comes over and grabs me. I’ve been putting off these interviews for way too long. Cara yawns.
“Go back to the bus and get some sleep. We have some time off coming soon and we can do something fun.” She gives me a smile then kisses Mikey on the cheek, before shuffling over to Annie.
“Goodbye Sweet Annie. I’m so blessed to have met you.” She gives her mother a hug then leaves the room. Jeeves following. He may be our driver but he also makes it his job to keep Cara safe.
I finish up the press and Dolly comes bouncing in the room. “Let's go do some karaoke!” She squeals and I can tell she's high.
“Where the fuck have you been?” I growl and she looks confused. “We had that meeting with the little girl and you never showed.” She rolls her eyes and waves it away as if it wasn’t anything. My body heats, and I’m this close to throttling her. How could she be so insensitive? Mikey comes over, probably noticing the tension now in the room.
“We just got done playing a show for over one hundred thousand people and you want to go out and sing some more?” Mikey snorts and Dolly rolls her eyes again. She’s nibbling on her lip and can’t stop fidgeting. I’m so sick of her shit. I’m just tired. I think it’s time to make some changes.
“I'm exhausted, not to mention Cara is already passed out in her bunk.”
She growls and gives me a pout, but lately I couldn't care less. I'm done with her trying to manipulate me. Cara has opened my eyes about a lot. I’m over the partying, and after holding Annie tonight and seeing her with Cara I think I’m ready to find someone serious and settle down. I wish it could be with my shortcake but I know that’s a fool's dream. Maybe someone else in my life would be willing. My phone buzzes, and I smile knowing who it is. Layton isn’t anything if he’s not predictable, and I know it’s about his bedtime.
I ignore Dolly as she has a hissy fit and turn to talk with Mikey. She huffs and pulls her phone out of her purse, a small baggie full of a white powder falls too. I bend down and snatch it before she can. “What the fuck is this?” I growl an inch from her face, and she flinches as if I’m going to hit her. I have never, and never will, hit a woman. I’m nothing like my father. I step back and give her some space. She looks around nervously before biting her lip. I watch as a switch flips and she becomes some seductress.What the fuck!?
“Baby, I don’t know how that got there,” she purrs, leaning closer to me, giving me an ample view of her breasts. I laugh and throw the coke at Mikey. He knows what to do with it. We made a pact after the shit with Alex that this band would be drug free. He'll be back soon, and I want him to know we support his choice to stay sober. I turn and move towards the door.
“Babbyyy,” Dolly cries but I don’t bother turning around.
“We’re done, Doll. And this is your last chance before you’re out of the band too,” I say as I walk out to the hall.
“What?!” she screeches but I keep moving.
I pull my phone out and call Lay back but it goes to voicemail. I run my hand over my face and sigh. My bodyguard Phil walks beside me as I head for the bus. Fans scream and paparazzi shout, but I don’t have the energy to give them any mind. I make it to the bus and say goodnight to Phil. He fistbumps me with a smile and I know he’s probably excited to have the rest of the night off. The doors open and I walk up the three steps, turning to the living area. Cara is there on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and a mug of tea. I’ve noticed she likes ginger tea with honey now instead of the coffee she always used to have.
“Hey. Is everything okay?” she asks in her soft tone, and I feel the tension fall from my shoulders. I give her a smile and move closer, taking the seat beside her and pulling her into my arms, sighing.
“It is now, shortcake.”