Page 53 of Forever Yours
“Soon,” I say when there’s a knock on the door. Memphis pops his head in and gives me a big smile.
“Let’s go shortcake. I have a surprise for you.” He grabs my hand and tugs me out the door. I pass a pissed off Dolly, but I don’t care anymore. She fucked up. I still think she’s up to something though. We reach a limo and Memphis pushes me in as if someone is chasing us. The door slams then Jeeves peels out of the parking lot, leaving the screaming fans behind us. I glance over at Memphis. He's still holding my hand and rubbing circles on my knuckles with his thumb. I don’t think he knows he’s doing it. He’s looking out the window, biting his lip, thinking hard about something.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I ask, and he jumps as if I startled him. He looks my way and gives me a big smile, shaking his head no.
Memphis decided to surprise me with a trip back to Nashville. We have a small break and don’t need to be at the next venue until Tuesday. I'm so excited to sleep in a bed and get away from the motion of the tour bus. The morning sickness has eased up, but those bunks are starting to hurt my back.
We pull up to Memphis’ building and I groan. “First thing I'm doing is taking a bubble bath,” I say and he snorts.
“I’ll order us a pizza while you do that. I’m going to plop my ass on my leather couch and watch a game. It’s been way too long.”
I roll my eyes and laugh. Jeeves opens the door and I thank him, giving him a quick squeeze. Mini and him came with us and they have plans of their own. Jameson flew to Memphis to be with Kiki and Mikey went to LA to go see Alex. I don’t know what Dolly is doing, and honestly I couldn't give a fuck.
The doorman opens the door for us and Memphis tips him. We’re walking across the lobby towards the elevator when a flash of blond hair hits my eyes before I'm being mauled in a tight hug. I start to panic but the scent of citrus immediately calms me. I wrap my arms tighter around him and start to cry. “Shh Carson, don’t cry,” Lay coos and I cry harder. Memphis comes closer and Lay lets me go, spinning and wrapping him in a tight hug too, surprising me. I wipe my eyes and watch as Memphis holds him tight back.Am I missing something?
They pull away and Lay turns back to me. His eyes are worried and he has dark circles under them. I take his hand and cuddle it against my cheek. He sighs and his shoulders drop.
“What are you doing here?” I ask and he shakes his head.
“Later. Right now I really need a shower and a nap. If that’s okay?” He turns Memphis’ way and he nods.
“Of course, man. This is a nice surprise. You came at a good time too.”
Lay gives him a shaky smile then pulls me to his chest again. I look at him, and he kisses me so softly I sigh into his mouth. I pull away when Memphis stomps off towards the elevator which is being held by a bellhop, avoiding our eyes. Lay releases me and grabs his bag before coming back for me and taking my hand. We meet Memphis inside the elevator but he won’t look at me and is playing with his phone.
We reach the penthouse and Memphis opens the door, before leaving us and going to his room. His door slams and I jump.
“He’s not happy I’m here,” Lay groans, rubbing his hand down his tired face. I shake my head, but honestly I’m not sure. I lead him to my room and take a seat on my bed.
“Why are you here, Lay?” I ask and he drops to his knees on the floor, hugging my waist and crying. I run my nails through his hair as I try and figure out what the hell is going on.
“Are you sick Carson?” he asks after a few minutes and I freeze.
“Why would you think I’m sick, Lay?” He lifts his head and meets my eyes with his tear filled ones, then releases my waist and takes the seat next to me.
“I came home late and overheard Frankie and Harry talking about doctors and your condition. I know your mom died of cancer, and I panicked. I got the first flight I could and came straight here. It was some miracle you guys came home tonight. I was asking the front desk where you were. I lost my phone. I think I left it in Levi’s truck. He’s mad at me right now so I don’t think I’ll be getting it back anytime soon.” He continues to ramble and I think about the important parts that he said.My condition. Doctors.
I stand up and start to pace. Is this some sign that I need to tell the guys now? I was going to do it all at once, but Lay is here and he looks a mess. I bite my lip and close my eyes.
“Lay, I’m not sick.” I open my eyes and look at him on the bed. He looks three seconds from passing out. I shuffle closer and take his hands, placing them on my small bump. His eyes widen. I wait for the meltdown but he rests his head on my tummy, crying softly, but I don’t think these are bad tears. He releases me and stands, wiping his eyes with a huge smile on his face. He grips my cheeks tight and kisses me so hard, pulling back he rests his forehead on mine panting, before reaching down and pulling the hoodie up and off over my head. Groaning at my naked chest.
“Fuck, Carson.” His hands trail from my heavy breasts down to my stomach. I've been feeling flutters lately, but the moment his skin touched me, I felt a little kick. He laughs and I smile.
“I’m going to be a dad?” he asks in awe, I nod and shrug. Right here and now, I know that I need to tell the others. The joy on Lay’s face, I know I can’t hide this any longer.
I never thought today would turn into one of the best days of my life. Not only is Cara healthy, I’m going to be a dad! I have always wanted to have kids. Yeah, I know right now isn’t the best time, but it still doesn’t take away from the joy I feel. I drop to my knees in front of Carson and kiss and rub her cute little bump. I can’t believe she has a baby in there. She moans softly and runs her nails through my hair, and I laugh. I can smell her. How wet she is just from this simple touch. I kiss lower, trailing my tongue and mouth to the waistband of her leggings. She whimpers and I look up at her.
“Does my little mama need something?” I ask, rubbing my nose against her band. She moans and grips my hair pushing me lower. I lean back for a second and tug her leggings and panties down. Fuck! She's glistening. So pretty and pink. I’ve missed this. She’s still the only girl I’ve ever gone down on and she will be the only one. I press a kiss to her inner thigh and she releases my hair, lifting a foot, then the other so I can pull her pants completely off.
I shoot her a wink, licking her deep and straight up to her clit. She moans so loud and grabs my hair once more, shoving my face into her pussy. I lick her until she can’t take anymore, she’s barely standing. Using my shoulders and arms as support. I pull back and she groans. Eyes flashing with annoyance. I get to my feet and pick her up. She kisses me fast and hard, licking her taste from my mouth. She wraps her legs around my waist and uses the heel of her foot to pull my shorts down. I move us over to the bed and lie down, keeping her straddling my waist. I love having her on top. Using me, taking what she needs.
She gets my dick free, and slides it against her heat before sinking down. I jolt up into a sitting position from the sudden sensation and grip her hips, slowing her bounce, pressing my mouth to hers.
“It’s been a long time, baby,” I groan and she nods, panting onto my lips.
“Please Lay, fuck me! I’ve been so fucking horny these last few months. Just use me until I can’t move,” she pleads. My dick twitches and she whimpers. I lie back down and she places her hands on my chest as I move her hips in a swirling motion, grinding her clit down on me. She shudders, and I know this won’t take long. I release one hip and she starts fucking me slow, speeding up gradually. Her moans get louder as she goes, and I know Memphis is probably being tortured right now.