Page 68 of Forever Yours
“I am fighting to not kick your asses. So please give me a reason to,” he growls and Xavier laughs.
“What did I do?” Xavier whines. I cut Memphis off from going on his rant. I know that comment was meant for East and Jase.
“Memph, please.”
He takes a deep breath, then moves over to his chair giving me space, but still around if I need him. East turns to look at me and I freeze, but he gives me a big grin and doesn’t seem shocked.He knew.He winks at me then turns back around.How the hell did he know? Do the others?
I stand frozen for a moment, until Lay comes to stand behind me, and I lean back on him for support.
“Um… I need you guys to do something for me. You coming here has really thrown me for a loop and I’m struggling to think straight,” I ramble and Connor starts to turn.
“I need you to close your eyes and listen to me. I need you to be quiet and let me talk,” I shout with a hint of anger and they freeze. Jase’s shoulders start to shake and I get even madder; is he laughing at me? But then a sniffle sounds and I know he’s crying. I fight not to run over and comfort him. I still can’t get over what he did to me. Connor sighs but nods and Xavier snorts again.
“Babe, since when did you get so bossy? I think I like it,” he groans and someone smacks him in the stomach. “Fuck! Seriously. Fine.”
I look to Memphis and he nods when they can’t see me. I walk over to him and take a seat on his lap. He tosses me a blanket and I cover myself. I open my mouth to speak but Jase cuts me off, “Can I just say something? I will keep my eyes closed and listen to what you have to say because I will do anything to make this better. I just want you to know…both of you, that I love you with all that I am, and I’m so sorry for everything I did. All the hurt I’ve caused. You guys are my forever and I fucked it all up.” He takes a breath, then starts to sob and East wraps his arm around him but so does Connor, shocking me. I glance at Lay and he has tears running down his face.
I turn to Memphis and whisper just for him. “I’ll be okay. Go to Lay.” He looks into my eyes hard checking for any lies, then presses a kiss to my temple, and shifts so I can sit in his seat. He moves over to Lay and takes his hand, leading him to the bedroom. I wait til the door closes.
“Okay, let me start by saying Connor and Xavier, I owe you an apology. I never should have pushed you away. I was hurt and confused and I took all that out on you. Connor, you came to me and I told you to leave. I still do think that we have different plans for our futures, but I’m glad you're here. Xavier, I’m not sure what to say to you because I haven’t heard a word from you since Valentine’s Day. Only that you were hanging out at Kippa Nu parties.”
I sniffle, pausing and he opens his mouth to speak but closes it. I look over at the two guys who broke me. Shattered my heart and soul. Tears run down my cheeks and my throat gets tight.
“I’m struggling not to hold you right now,” Connor says and I smile. I place the blanket firmly over me, then sigh.
“You can open your eyes.” Hazel eyes full of tears and blue eyes full of concern greet me. Xavier and East seem to be fine right now. I lean back and Memphis and Lay return. They walk into the kitchen, giving us a moment.
“We have a lot to talk about and we will… because some things are more important than past fights, and heartbreak and betrayal. As you can see I’ve moved on and I’m happy… but that doesn’t mean that I don’t miss you guys every day,” I choke out, reaching for a tissue. Memphis has loaded every surface with tissues lately since all I do is cry. I wipe my eyes and nose.
“You became my everything in a short period of time. During all the daily torture from the sorority, you became my solace. I think I started to take advantage of that comfort, and I was so wrapped in a bubble I didn’t notice what was going on around me.” I pause and softly cry. East rises from the couch but I put my hand up. Then take a breath and continue.
“Lay was suicidal. Connor, you were unhappy having to share me. I know now things weren’t as amazing as I’d thought. I still don’t understand a lot. I’m hoping you guys showing up means that I will finally get some answers.”
“That’s why we're here,” Jase croaks. “I want to tell you everything. Explain everything. I fucked up and I should have told you from the beginning. I knew the moment I met you that things had to change.”
“Please. Wait,” I cut him off and shift in the chair. One thing about being pregnant is that it's hard as hell to get out of chairs, or off of couches. Don’t get me started about the bathtub. The guys are looking at me in confusion, and I groan. “When I left school I was hurt, broken. I didn’t get out of bed for days. I felt sick, and couldn’t keep anything down. I… I thought maybe I had the stomach flu.” I stutter my words just trying to get them out. Lay moves closer, seeing my struggle and offers me his hand. I take it and let him pull me to my feet and the blanket drops showing off my seven month belly. Which is getting harder and harder to hide. I avoid their eyes and from the sound of crickets, I don’t know what they’re thinking.
“Holy fuck!” Xavier shouts, before jumping from the couch and wrapping me into a tight hug, pushing Lay aside. He kisses me so hard my lips hurt and I lean into it. Arms wrap around me from behind and gently touch my stomach.
“A baby,” Jase whispers in awe, before breaking down on my shoulder. I pull back from Xavier and pat Jase's head from behind. I glance over at Connor but he’s not on the couch where I left him. East nods to the kitchen and I bite my lip to keep myself from sobbing again. I knew things could go this way, but I hoped they wouldn’t.
I walk into the kitchen and listen to the others shout and cry and ask questions. Memphis comes over to me and hands me a beer.
“Be careful what your next move is, Hannaberg. That woman in there has been through enough. She doesn’t need your jealous, passive aggressive bullshit,” he growls, then stomps into the other room. I lean back against the counter, opening the beer and chugging it down. Cara is pregnant! Cara is going to be a mom. I don’t know if I’m more upset about that or the fact she has been keeping me away and not telling me.
“Are you kidding me right now?” Cara comes storming in the kitchen, before smacking her palms on my chest, shoving me harder against the counter. “I know this is a shock Connor, trust me it’s taken me time to get used to it, but I never thought you would walk away.” Tears are welling in her blue eyes and her lip trembles. “Are you saying you don’t want to stay? You don’t want to be a part of your daughter’s life?” I place the beer on the counter and hold her trembling body close. I breathe her in and feel myself relaxing for the first time since I left Kansas.
“It’s a girl?” I gasp and she nods, nuzzling closer to me.
“Yeah, Dallas Anne. I haven’t decided on her last name yet. Though Memphis is fighting for his.” She laughs softly, but I freeze.Has he proposed to Cara? Are they getting married? What does that mean for the rest of us?
“Cara, can we talk? There are some things we need to tell you,” Jase says, coming into the kitchen. He must see my panic because he gives me a shaky smile. She groans and pulls away, spinning to face him.
“Can we rain check? I really need a nap and to decompress from the past hour.” She yawns and moves closer to him. “Would you like to maybe talk to Lay? You need to work things out with him as well. He is a big part of my life and I won’t choose.” She kisses him on the cheek then waddles away.
“You good?” I ask him and he shrugs but nods, then walks out of the kitchen. I finish my beer then have another, pulling my phone out. Xavier comes around the corner with the biggest grin I have ever seen. He looks happy.