Page 9 of Quiet Confessions
He walks into the room and drops his case on Patience’s desk, then moves over to her bathroom not bothering to knock. I sit up and move closer. What is he doing there? Is my little rabbit dating him?
I shuffle closer to the window, sitting on the edge of my bed so I can just make out him getting onto his knees as soft, tan legs wrap around his shoulders. I can’t see much from this angle, but I can imagine what’s going on. He stands and reaches behind him, stripping off his shirt and pants. He kicks his shoes off and hands Patience a towel when she comes into view. Her skin is pink and she’s dripping water, but he clearly doesn’t care. A hand wraps around her throat and his lips touch hers as she clings to his shoulders.
Her nails run down his back, to his boxer-clad ass, and my dick hardens. I know I shouldn’t watch this, but fuck if I’m going to get up and close the curtains. Kian steps back and rips the towel off her before attacking her tits. God, I knew she would look amazing naked, but I had no idea. A small tattoo wraps around her ribs and I’m dying to get a closer look. He kisses lower as she bends over, gripping his hair tight with her fingers.
The smile on her face has my heart racing faster. She walks a few steps back, leaning against her bed as he crawls towards her. She sits and spreads her legs, and my balls draw up. Fuck, is that a clit piercing? She’s glistening and I’m craving a taste. She gives him a look as he kisses up her thighs, spreading her wider. His shoulders are blocking my view now, but I watch her face as she’s overcome with pleasure. Her head is tossed back and she’s biting her lip. Her chest rises and falls with each lick he gives her.
I reach into my shorts and pull out my dick, giving it a good rub. I groan and her eyes meet mine through the darkness. I don’t know if she can see me, but she doesn’t stop looking my way. Kian gets to his feet, and shoves her down, claiming her lips, pulling her eyes away from me. He flips and pulls her on top of him. Straddling him, she sinks down onto his dick and I squeeze mine tighter, imagining it’s her wrapped around me. She throws her head back with a moan as he grips her hips, making her bounce. She looks in my direction once again and when she winks, I know I’ve been caught.
I scooch back against the pillows and flip on the light, showing her how hot she’s got me as I jack myself off. Her eyes watch my hand move up and down my cock faster as she rotates her hips for Kian and licks her lips for me. I’m close, and I bite the inside of my cheek as cum sprays along my abs. Her eyes widen and she starts to pant.
I wish I was in that room with her. I would make her lick all this cream from me. Kian grips her throat and pulls her eyes to his, then kisses her hard, slipping a hand around her and grabs her ass. I notice all the red marks along her flesh, and when he smacks her ass I watch as she starts to shake, coming on his dick. Shit, I’m getting hard again. Before Kian can see me, I flip the light back off and shuffle to the shower.
The next morning, I’m surprised to find Cal waiting for me at the kitchen table. “Hi,” I grunt as I walk over to the coffee machine. It’s after ten and I know today is going to drag. I woke up twice and had to masturbate to fall back to sleep. Kian stayed over, and seeing them in bed together not only made me extremely jealous but I was horny as shit. I knew saving my virginity for Patience was going to be hard. I was hoping she would save herself for me too since I was her first kiss, but from what Cal has told me, that ship sailed a long time ago.
“Why aren’t you at school?” I ask him as he looks out the window toward the pool. He seems to have something on his mind and his deep sigh only proves it further. I take the seat across from him and grab a muffin from the basket in the middle of the table, smiling as I take a bite; pistachio, my favorite. I haven’t had these in years.
“I needed a day to think about some things. Plus, I thought maybe you would want to do something today. Hang out?” He looks at me and I nod.
“Yeah, I still need to shower and get dressed, but I’m in.” I finish up my muffin, then rush through a shower. I avoid glancing in Patience’s window. I assume she’s at school, but the memories of last night will stay with me until I get my turn.
Cal drives us to the mall, and I pause outside of a sex toy shop. He walks right in like he’s been here many times. What the hell? Noticing that I didn’t follow, he turns. “Are you coming? I need to grab something really quick, then we can see a movie or something.” I ignore the old man behind the counter who gives me a once over, and follow him to a back wall full of toys. A few women stop and flirt with Cal and give me hungry eyes.Can they smell my innocence?
Cal snorts at my panicked expression, and tells the women I’m gay. “Chill, bro. You look like Bambi or some shit.” I scoff and cross my arms. He peruses for a few more minutes then grabs a box on the second shelf.
“What the hell is that?” I ask him after reading the description on the box. “What is a hollow strap-on? Why do you need one?” He looks around before telling me to shut the fuck up. He quickly pays, then rushes out of the store.
We sit on a bench and he runs his hand over his red face with a groan. “I want to try it, okay? Rooke is bigger than me, and I want to just try something new.” He looks ashamed, but I have no right to judge. I mean, I’m a fucking virgin.
“That’s cool, man. Whatever helps to boost your confidence.” I shove his shoulder and point towards the arcade. He gives me a grin and we dart inside, heading straight to the air hockey table. It’s been years, but we used to play here every weekend. I miss the old times. But the thing I miss most is that my rabbit isn’t here too.
Chapter Eight
When I wake up for school, Ki has already left. Not shocking since he has to arrive at his classroom about thirty minutes before his students. I send him a good morning text, then start to get ready. The shower feels amazing, and I let the hot water loosen some tension and help the soreness. Fuck, last night was incredible. I can still feel the way he controlled my body.
I have always loved Kian. I loved all my boys, but when the twins left me a broken, bloody mess, and then my mom married his dad, things changed. I never thought one night I would kiss him, or that he would return it. I just wish he would take us out of the shadows. I mean, sneaking around is hot as hell, but I want to date. I want someone to hold my hand, to kiss me over a bowl of pasta. The little things.
I quickly dress in a short skirt with a flower pattern and a cute, light blue top. I curl my hair and put on some makeup. I message Nate good morning, then toss my phone in my bag. I know we’re not supposed to talk, but it’s so hard; he’s an important person in my life.
Plus, him watching us last night was fucking hot. When he came all over his chest, I wanted to lick it off of him so bad. Ki and I have talked about bringing someone in on our fun, or even playing at the club where I work, but I’m not sure he would be on board with Nate, especially since he’s someone we know. Strangers are key when you’re trying to keep a secret relationship. But, I mean, Nate already knows, and he obviously wasn’t disgusted by my secret.
I open my door and head to the kitchen. Mom isn’t here again, which I guess is a good thing since Ki stayed over last night. I make myself a coffee and grab a banana before leaving for school. I have to pick up Hana because her car is in the shop. I can’t believe she swerved for a possum. A kitten, dog, even a squirrel I could understand, but a fucking possum? She cracks me up, but I love her and her bleeding heart. If I hadn’t already claimed Nate when we were kids, I would say they are perfect for each other.
When I reach her gate, I don’t even have to buzz. She’s waiting there for me with a small cooler and her purse. “Hey, babes,” I tell her through the window. She gives me a huge smile and bounces to the car.
“Oh my God, thank you. Thank you for picking me up. My dad offered, but I have been avoiding him since that step-monster incident,” she tells me, as she flips the visor down to check her lip gloss. “I still can’t believe she thought I should be punished for saving that helpless animal.” I bite my tongue and just nod along.
“Total bummer, but I don’t mind grabbing you. It’s not like you’re far away,” I say with a laugh. Hana and I have been besties since I was thirteen. When her family moved here after my dad died, Hana, along with Ki, pulled me out of a dark place. Her light and energetic demeanor helps to keep the shadows at bay. I would compare her to a Border Collie. She’s always so bubbly, but I love her.
“So, tell me all about last night. Did you and Brad hook up? God, he is so hot. I wish a guy like him would look at me.” She goes on to talk about how amazing Brad is. I mean, I can obviously see the appeal, and he is fun to play with, but I could never see us long-term. Maybe I should hook them up. I smirk as I drive to campus and a plan starts to form.
I mean, I can give up one of my toys, I have plenty more.
Chapter Nine
“Itotally kicked your ass at skeeball,” Nate shouts as we walk to the food court. I roll my eyes and act annoyed, but I’m actually having a blast, and I’m just glad he’s back home. These years without him have been empty. Yeah, he’s my brother, but he’s also my twin. I felt like a piece of me has been missing, and just him being home for twelve hours, I’m starting to feel complete again.
“Fuck, I’m starving. What do you want to do for lunch? We can eat here or at that pizza shack we used to go to?” I’m hoping he goes for the pizza. I haven’t been there in years, and I think it’s time to start doing things again that we used to.