Page 24 of About to Fall
"So, you just broke up with him?" Micah asked.
Again, it was on the tip of my tongue to mention the arm squeezing incident, but I didn't. I looked at Micah, and he was staring back at me like he supposed there might be more to the story. Maybe he wasn't looking at me that way. Maybe he was just looking at me like normal and I was overthinking it. Micah's blue eyes pierced through me, though. He knew me so well that I was almost certain he could tell I was hiding something.
"Why did you date him?" Lila asked.
I took a deep breath, thinking about that. "Honestly, because when I'm not dating someone, everyone is constantly asking about it. I feel like everyone assumes I should be married and be starting a family. I took a break from dating before I met Jake, and Uncle Jim asked me if I was going to become a spinster." I made a silly face as I shrugged. "I don’t even know what that is."
"You don't know what a spinster is?" JD asked me.
"Not really. I know it has to do with not marrying anyone, but it sounds like someone who spins wool to me. Maybe that's what unmarried women do," I added.
"Spin wool?" JD asked.
Everyone laughed.
"Do the two things have to do with each other?" JD asked, looking at Jordan.
She shrugged.
"I'm not even sure that I know what spinning wool is," JD said. Everyone laughed again because of his delivery, but he shrugged. "Really. I know what wool is, but I have no idea what it is to spin it."
"It's how you transform a pile of loose wool or fleece into a single thread," Lila said. "You spin it to make the yarn, and then you use that to knit or whatever."
"Don't you do it with that wheel?" Micah asked.
Lila nodded. "There are different ways to do it, but that wheel is one of them."
"Didn't somebody in a cartoon prick their finger on one of those?" I asked.
"Yes!" Jordan said, snapping. "Who was it? Snow White? Sleeping Beauty? It was one of those."
"It had to be Sleeping Beauty because Snow White didn't fall asleep. Did she?" I asked, trying to remember and feeling confused for a second.
"Yes, she did, actually," Lila said. "I think," she added, looking more confused than ever.
"She did," Jordan said, nodding. "But it wasn't a finger prick. It was an apple. Remember? She ate it."
I shook my head, smiling. "It's been forever since I watched either of those. I'm not even sure I ever saw the whole movie of Sleeping Beauty. I think I just caught parts of it."
"Either way, I'm still not sure if the word spinster has to do with spinning wool," JD said. "And you're not going to be a spinster. My dad was joking with you."
"I know he was," I said with a little shrug. "I'm not sure I won't end up being one of those, but I know your dad didn't mean anything by it. I’m just saying, everyone notices when I stay single for too long, and I had been single for a year when I met Jake."
"So, you jumped on it?" Lila asked.
"I guess," I responded.
"I always thought you and Micah had a thing," Carson said.
That suggestion sent a wave of nervous energy through me, but I remained calm and collected on the outside.
"Claire's had enough of relationships for one night," Micah said. "Plus, she hates broken things."
Chapter 9
My head whipped around and I stared straight at Micah when he said I hated broken things.
I tried to say something but I was speechless. "I-I never said I didn't… that's not about people. That's about… and you, we, you, we didn't… uhh…" I looked at everyone else. "Micah can have any girl he wants, and I'm the opposite of his type, anyway," I said confidently, shaking my head.