Page 44 of About to Fall
He laughed. "I'm not Micah's security. I'm just here for the Ryman. If this job came with four VIP tickets to every concert, I would be the coolest dad ever."
"I'm telling you. We can work it out. This is one time, it can work. Just consider this a thank you. You came and got me out of line and went along with that whole thing, pretending I was in trouble."
"I wasn't pretending you were in trouble," he said. "I was just told to ask you for your ticket and take you to that room. You started admitting to all that other stuff before I asked."
I laughed.
"Thank you for the offer, but I couldn't possibly go get my girls. They have rules for things like this." He stopped talking when everyone else started murmuring.
Everyone in line was reacting to seeing Micah. I turned to him as he walked by. I stepped forward so that I wouldn't ask the question too loudly and put him on the spot. "Micah, this officer has a wife and daughters who would love to meet you. They're outside. Is there any way they could come get in line with me?"
"Of course, " Micah said without hesitation. He looked at Aiden who was walking with him.
"This man helped me a minute ago," Micah said. "Can we please get his wife and daughters into the line?"
"Sure thing," Aiden said with a nod.
Micah gave me a smile and he walked toward the front of the line, waving at everyone as he made his way to the area where he would sign autographs and take photos. Aiden walked up to us to speak to the policeman.
"Hey Claire," he said, since we had met before. "I didn't recognize you at first."
"Yeah," I said, without bothering to explain. "Hello, Aiden, thanks for this."
He smiled and shrugged it off like it was no big deal and then he looked at the policeman. "Your family can just get in line here with Claire. If anyone asks at the door, tell them you're with Aiden Fox. It'll be fine."
"Yes sir, thank you," the man said. His badge said Simon. I was relatively sure that was his last name, but I just thought of him as Simon.
Simon looked at me with wide eyes and mouthed the words, "Thank you." He was smiling as he stepped to the side to contact his family on his phone.
I stayed quiet when his family came in. They got in line behind me, and Simon stayed at his place closer to the door. His family was extremely excited and they talked about how cool their dad was for hooking this up. I almost made friendly conversation with them, but I decided to keep quiet and listen as I waited my turn to speak with Micah.
The line moved quickly. He spent around a minute with each person.
I was nervous and entranced by the Micah-centered conversations that were going on around me, so I didn't even notice the time or exactly how long it took me to get to him.
The group that was in front of me mentioned Micah having a possible girlfriend now, and it seemed to them that it wasn't good news. This made me proud and mad at the same time, but I just stood there and listened, not saying anything.
That group went to see Micah before I did. I could see them interact with him. I loved seeing him in his element. I loved seeing and hearing what his fans saw and heard. I was a fan. I was a huge fan.
Before I knew it, it was my turn to go up to Micah. "You guys go ahead," I said. I gestured for Simon's family to go ahead of me, and they looked at Micah for reassurance. He instantly nodded and waved them over while I stood back to give them space.
He had a routine where he made a polite conversation for a moment, signed something, and then took a photograph with the person's phone. The family was really thankful and excited, and they walked away giggling and talking excitedly.
I grinned at Micah as I headed that way. He was standing there, waiting for me to approach. "Hi what's your name?"
"Sue. Sue Ellen," I said in my best country accent.
"Oh, it's Sue Ellen now?" he said, looking at me with an amused grin as I stepped up to him.
I acted confident, and I shrugged. "I’m so happy to be here. I just thought you were… (I came close to him) … such a good singer." I was being playful and still speaking in that same southern accent.
"You are hilarious, Claire. You're the weirdest person I have ever known, and I can't wait to get back to the hotel with you. Let's go. I don't have to work tomorrow. We're traveling in the afternoon, but we can sleep in."
"I have a hotel room," I said.
He shook his head. "I'm in a suite with Aiden. It's basically a house—it's got three bedrooms. You can have your own room."
I looked around us. "How long do you have to stay here before you can go?"