Page 20 of Wildest Dream
"Oh, I…" I trailed off awkwardly.
"No, I don't mean to put you on the spot," Isaac said. "I'm glad you called."
"I can't believe other girls called you."
"Not a lot. And they were just joking or desperate. Obviously, I would know what you look like."
"Yeah, but I could be lying about who I am right now."
"Are you?" he asked.
"I don't think you are, either," he said.
"I'm not. The cook—the one who I left the shirt with—his name is Robert and he's got a little girl named Alisha."
"Anybody could know that," Isaac said. "But I still believe you. I can't believe you live in Savannah, Georgia. That's a million miles away."
"I grew up in Savannah. How did you know… oh, the caller ID?"
"I’m in Atlanta now."
"That's still a million miles away."
"Maybe only like six-hundred-thousand," I said. "I just read the book last night," I added.
He paused for a long enough time that I didn't know what he was going to say. "What did you think about it?" he asked. "Jill heard Cal mention something about the shirt, and she started asking questions. She thought it was an interesting way for us to meet. I hope you weren't embarrassed. I figured no one would really know about it unless you told them."
"No, yeah. I wasn't embarrassed," I said. "My friend was the one who read the book. She called and told me about it. She didn't even know I ran into you at graduation."
"And she still recognized the story?" he asked.
I let out a little laugh. "Yes, she did. She said she thought she might find me living in Seattle."
"I wish," Isaac said.
To which I let out a nervous laugh. "Are you really part owner of that restaurant?" I asked, changing the subject and thinking about Isaac's character in the book.
"I am," he said. "All of that personal stuff about me was true. Except that I played college basketball. That was my cousin."
"I thought it was your brother and it was soccer."
"Good memory, I do have a brother that played soccer, but the basketball thing was my cousin. JD talked me up like I was some amazing player who just didn’t go to college and live that out, so she wrote my character as JD for that part."
"Do you have any regrets?" I said.
"Everyone does, but no, not about working at the restaurant. I like my life how it is. I'm just telling you that part of the book isn't true."
"Well, almost none of it is true for me," I said.
"What are the actual chances that you would ever come back to Seattle?" he asked.
His point-blank question had me taken aback.
"Y-you mean to visit?" I asked.