Page 33 of Wildest Dream
"I think he was," Isaac said.
He sounded jealous, and it made me giddy with excitement. It was unbelievable that I could already be feeling like this.
"I loved it, though. I showed the guys."
"Did you really?"
"Is that okay?"
"I hope so, since it's public," I said.
"I know, but I just wanted to make sure you're okay with me showing my friends. I guess I should've asked before I showed them."
"I'm fine with that," I said. "I'm in the background of all sorts of videos."
"Make a list and text them to me later."
"You don't want to see that," I said in a teasing tone.
"Oh, I assure you I do," he said seriously, which made me laugh again.
"I'll send some links later."
"Am I ever going to get to see you in person?"
"I-ee…" I trailed off since I wasn't sure about telling him I had a ticket to go to Seattle. I changed my mind during the first word and left it hanging in the air.
"You what?" he asked.
"I can probably go… over there. Sometime after the first of the year. I could maybe go in January—like the first or second week of January."
"Is that as soon as you think you can come?"
"Yeah, definitely. We've got teachers out right now and our winter recital is right in the middle of the holidays. I'm insanely busy until after New Year's. I have a few days at Thanksgiving, but I was heading down to Savannah to be with my family, and then I have to be back to shoot that video starting that weekend. We don't start until Saturday, but I might need to get together with the girls and rehearse."
"How do you learn something and then perform on the same day?"
"Oh, I'll get them a routine via email before we ever get together. We'll easily be able to manage. It won't be that complicated. I'm sure it'll be similar to other stuff we've done. We've all been dancing for years."
"And what about your boss? I thought you wouldn't be able to work there anymore after you broke up with her son?"
I sucked air through my teeth at the thought of it. "I'm hoping to kind of sweep it all under the rug, honestly. We hadn't talked to her about it yet, so I told him she was the reason I didn't want to continue it."
"Why didn't you tell him you met someone else?" Isaac asked it as if it was a serious question.
"He asked me if that was the case."
"What did you say?"
"I avoided it," I said.
"Well, I'm happy you broke up with him. I feel odd saying that. It's not really me to say these kinds of things when I just met someone, but—"
"I think our situation is… different," I said, cutting him off.
"It is different," he agreed. "We might be the only two in the entire world with a situation like this."
"I guess every single person can say that," I said. "Everybody's unique. Everybody's got their own story."