Page 36 of Wildest Dream
"Hi," he said, staring at me when Kai walked off. He was only two feet away—there was barely any space between us. People were all around us, standing in groups and not caring at all what we were doing or saying.
I was completely mesmerized. It was the oddest sensation looking at Isaac's face. My heart already felt deeply connected to him, but it was as if I was just meeting him for the first time.
"In the book, I slapped you, but I didn't do that in real life."
"I didn't tell Jill you slapped me. She added it. He looked me over with a small smile. "I guess you owe me one."
"A slap?"
He nodded.
I shook my head.
"Why not? I probably deserve it."
I reached up tentatively and placed my hand on the side of his face. I was touching him ever so gently.
"There," I said.
"That is not a slap," he said, staring at me. "This is the opposite of a slap."
"I don't feel much like slapping you right now, though."
Isaac dropped the handle of his suitcase and left it where it was, taking a small step toward me. Our bodies were only inches apart now.
"You're tall," I said, looking up at him.
"You're really you," he said, staring at me dazedly.
"I am me. The last time I checked. I remember when I saw you at Husky Stadium on the other side of the universe."
"I just got here after five hours in the air. My day is in fast-forward a little bit with the time change, but that's nothing. It was an easy flight, and here we are." Isaac said all of this in a soft to normal tone because he was only inches from me.
I was staring at his mouth as he spoke, and I felt an ache in my gut. He was unbelievably handsome. I already loved Isaac for what was on the inside, and now his outside was giving me all sorts of ooey gooey feelings. I felt like he already loved me, too. I could see by the way he looked at me that a kiss was inevitable, and I was thinking about it as I stared at him.
"I'm so happy," I said, referring to his comment about the easy flight.
"Ari, do you mind if I—"
"No," I replied, instantly, causing Isaac to give me an amused grin.
"How do you know what I was going to say?" he asked.
"I don't know, but I don't mind if you do anything."
His smile broadened, and I found it difficult to breathe. I was stunned by his perfect white smile. Isaac stepped forward and reached around me, placing his hand softly on my lower back.
My hand rested gently on his face. I wasn't aware of who moved first. We both moved. Each of us moved closer until we kissed. Our mouths came together in the most natural, soft kiss any two human beings had ever shared.
"Hello, Ariel," he said as he broke the kiss and pulled back a little. He was confident and outgoing, and I loved his personality.
"That was the first and only time I ever wore that shirt," I said. My hand dropped to his shoulder, and he pulled back a few inches so that he could focus on my face.
"That shirt. My sister gave it to me for my birthday when I was in high school, and I never wore it. I saw it in my drawer and stuck it in my bag when I was packing because I thought it looked hipster, like Seattle. It was a complete fluke that I had it with me or that I had it on that day."
"I think we both know that's not true," he said sincerely, with a small smile.