Page 40 of Wildest Dream
"You're my girlfriend," he said.
I made a celebration face and began to wiggle my body in a tiny, hip-hop version of a happy dance. I was in the middle of shifting my shoulders when Isaac kissed me.
Oh, did he kiss me. He leaned in and covered me with his kiss. I tasted his open mouth, and the hot, wet, perfect feeling of it caused me to grip onto fistfuls of his clothing. I took his shirt in my hands and pulled him even closer. I opened to Isaac, and he kissed me passionately. He claimed me with that kiss, and I thankfully allowed it to happen. My body molded into his. Isaac found a rhythm, and for several, long pulsing seconds, he connected with me in a way that felt like our actual cells started to intertwine.
He gave himself to me so relentlessly in that kiss that I let out a tiny uncontrollable sound when he finally pulled back. He kissed me again. Taking my mouth, tasting it. Isaac kissed me like he truly loved me, and that had never happened to me before. My heart felt swollen. My lips felt swollen. I was spent. I closed my eyes, letting my head rest against the wall with an absentminded grin on my face.
"What are you smiling at, beautiful?" I stared at his face.
"You. That. That kiss. I loved it so much."
"I think we should do that again… often."
"At first, I thought you meant right now," I said, smiling.
We didn't leave that hallway for another twenty minutes.
Chapter 14
Isaac and I spent all day Wednesday sightseeing in Atlanta, and then we drove to Savannah Thursday morning early. It was a four-hour drive, and Isaac picked me up at 7am so we could get an early start and get to my parents' house in plenty of time for lunch. We would spend one night with my parents before heading back to Atlanta on Friday. We drove his rented Tesla, which was fun and comfortable and made me feel like I was a rockstar.
I held Isaac's hand on and off during the whole trip, and we talked about a lot of things, such as my large family and what he could expect when we got to Savannah. Isaac knew it would be chaotic and that there would be small children, my nieces and nephews, running around.
"I called my mom yesterday and gave her a heads up about us," I added casually as we drove. We only had a minute or so left on our trip, and I wanted Isaac to know I told her.
He glanced at me. "What did you say to give her a heads-up?"
"Just that you were probably… that b-word or something."
"B-word? Like it's profane?" He knew that wasn't the case and was giving me a hard time.
"No, I'm just shy about saying it to you."
"Did you say it to her?" he asked.
"I did. I thought we talked about wanting them to know." I stared at the side of his face as he drove. He was being quiet, and I had no idea what he was thinking. I was nervous and wondered if he felt weird about what I just said, but he was still holding onto my hand.
"Are you okay?"
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"You were quiet, and I was wondering if you were okay with me telling my mom that. Because I'm sure she said something to my dad by now."
Isaac tugged my hand further onto his lap, causing me to lean gloriously toward him. "I thought we already established this. I didn't react because I assumed you would tell her. I hoped you would. And I like it when you're shy," he added, cutting his eyes at me.
I pulled his hand into my lap and held onto it as I leaned back into my seat again. I hugged his arm, letting his forearm rub against my cheek. My heart ached in my chest. His hand wasn't enough. I wanted to get closer to him.
"Ari, how am I supposed to leave you and go back to Seattle?" he asked.
"I don't know. I don’t want you to go. I have a ticket to see you in January. At least we don't have to wait too long befo—Isaac that was it. I'm so sorry. That was my driveway. I just assumed you… I forgot you didn't know where you were going. That was it right there. The greenish one. That's okay. Just go up here and turn around whenever you can."
It only took Isaac a minute to turn around and make his way back to my parents' house.
"It's woodsy and shaded out here, I like it," he said. "That's a nice house."
"Thank you. They bought it when I was in middle school, and by that time, I was really busy with dance, so I barely lived here until I was ready to move out. It's a nice house, though. I like it out here."