Page 8 of Wildest Dream
"Thanks, Cal."
"Isaac, I need to hear more of this story."
"I'll be right back, and I'll tell you everything," Isaac said. "But there's not much to it."
Before Isaac made his way back to Jill, Sherman and his wife came to share coffee with her. The couple had met in this restaurant twenty years ago, and their story would be one of three main storylines in Jill's book.
"How's the book coming?" Isaac said to Jill a little while later as Sherman and Linda walked out of the restaurant.
"It's great. I'm in the final draft. But there's still a chance that I… Isaac, would you please tell me the story about the girl?"
He leaned onto the counter, getting comfortable.
"Last week, the day before Ryan's graduation, I woke up after dreaming a really vivid dream. It was long and draining, and the most memorable part was running with these wild horses—like a herd of them. They were kicking up dust, and I was right there with them, hearing and smelling the whole scene. And then, the next day, this girl comes in wearing a shirt that was a scene straight out of—bye, Cal," Isaac said, seeing that it was 1pm on the dot and Cal stood up and began walking out even though he was interested in the story.
"Bye!" Cal answered. He high-fived Jill on the way out, but she was focused intensely on Isaac. She blinked, staring at him.
"A scene straight out of what?" she asked.
"Out of my dream," Isaac said. "The woman had on this shirt that was a bunch of horses running—just like my dream. I was staring at it. I just stood there and stared, not realizing where I was looking. And then she walked out before I could really explain."
"Weird!" Jill said.
"But that's not all. I thought I would never see her again, and the very next day I ran into her at Ryan's graduation."
"What was she doing at Ryan's graduation?"
"She wasn't there for Ryan. She was there to see her friend. The dance girl. I can't remember what she said her name was."
"The girl didn't tell you even her first name?"
"No, her name is Ari. I don't know the friend's name."
"But you talked to her at the graduation?"
"I did. We had a good conversation."
"Were you able to explain about the shirt? Or did she not even ask you about it?"
"No, it was the first thing I brought up. I told her about the dream and apologized and everything, and the next day, she came by the restaurant and left me the shirt. She assumed I would want it."
"Did you want it?" Jill asked.
"Yes, I did," Isaac said. "I hate that Robert didn't ask her for her contact information, though. I know it's not his fault, but he's the one who talked to her. Like I said, I have nothing."
"Why wouldn't she leave a note?" Jill asked.
"She did. There was a note. She remarked about the shirt and signed her first name. It's the worst. I have no idea why she did that. I liked her, too, Jill. I'm starting to think that dream was less about the horses and more about the woman."
"Oh, my gosh, do you think you missed your soulmate?" Jill asked, sinking her face into her hands theatrically.
"I don't know about all that, but I liked her. I didn't even realize how much I liked her until she was gone. I can't stand that she came up here and I missed her." Isaac shook his head. "I have no choice but to put it out of my mind. There's nothing I can do."
Jill rubbed her own face, making a pained expression like putting a soul mate out of one's mind was the worst thing she could ever imagine.
"Give me a minute or a day to think about this."
"There's no solution," Isaac said. "Aside from going full stalker mode with the University dance team, or whatever her friend was a part of."