Page 13 of B-Side
Chapter 5
I went into nurse mode when Mackenzie came in requiring multiple bandages. I had to clean and tend to her knee, hands, and chin, poor baby.
They were all surface wounds, though, and wouldn't require stitches or any measures beyond what I could do right there in the tent. I gave her a popsicle and went to work, talking to her the whole time, telling her what I was doing like it was no big deal. People were curious about her injuries, and I had a group of about ten of her older siblings and their friends standing around the tent by the time I finished.
It took me about fifteen minutes to tend to Mackenzie, and by that time I had no idea where Alec had gone. I went into the zone as soon as the crying child came into the tent, and when it was all said and done, I was left with a surreal feeling like it might have been a big dream.
We had kissed, though, right?I kissed Alec Abramson, and then I slapped him. It was a sorry thudding excuse for a slap, but it was a slap nonetheless. I thought I had done a really good job of being honest with Alec. I thought I had put it in plain English and told him that I wasn't interested. But maybe I was too doubtful.
Then I clearly kissed him back, and I also agreed to go to lunch with him. My actions and feelings were both conflicting. One minute, I would be asking myself why I had ever agreed to see him again, and the next minute, I would be looking around, wondering where he was, wondering if he would come back. If he didn't come back, obviously our lunch plans were off.
I didn't expect him to come back. Alec was a heartbreaker—a notorious player. He probably wanted to flirt until I agreed and then he lost interest.
Two other groups of people stopped by my tent after Mackenzie. A teacher and her spouse came by with no medical needs, and then a lady I didn't know came in with something in her eye. It turned out to be an eyelash, but I helped her wash her hands and held the mirror so she could get it herself.
I couldn't stop thinking of Alec. I had no idea what he was going to do, and I kept going over possible scenarios.
I was scared by how much I wanted him.
In general, though, I felt strong. I wasn't tempted to the point where I thought I might do something stupid and let feelings get involved. It felt good that he was attracted enough to me to try to kiss me again, though. He had been with enough beautiful women that I took that as a compliment.
It was a confidence boost, and that was all it was. I knew I would never be able to trust Alec enough to give him my heart again. I had learned how to guard it, and I had learned the hard way. I guarded it so securely that I could kiss him and enjoy it for what it was. A kiss. I had no feelings about it whatsoever.Oh goodness, who was I kidding? I already had feelings, didn't I? This was just too much.
I decided that if Alec came back I would officially deny having lunch with him and tell him it was a better idea that we didn't. I was in the middle of coming to this very conclusion when Alec came into the tent.
He moved quickly like had been jogging. He was smiling and he rushed right up to me, holding onto me by my arms. "My mom and dad are about ten seconds behind me," he said. "They know you're in here and they're coming in to talk to you before we leave. We're getting out of here because there's a group of women who keeps asking me to sing."
"I told you," I said.
He smiled and licked his lips and then he leaned in to kiss me again. He was so irresistible that I felt obliged. I could not help it. Alec was literally irresistible. My heart was inexplicably his. He was smiling when he pulled back. He quickly put me at arm's length.
"Write down your number, please, my parents are right behind me and we're leaving."
"Grace Bailey, of all people to run into, how are you, sweetheart?"
"Fine, Miss Jenny, how are you?" I said.
"I’m great, baby. We're good. We've got a group here wanting Alec to sing, and we were going to try to sneak off, but Alec said you two are going to get together next weekend." She hugged me.
"Yes ma'am."
"Well, good. Maybe I'll look forward to seeing you again sometime, sweetheart, when we can have some more time to catch up."
"Oh, okay, great," I said since I did not know what else to say. At that moment, Sean Abramson, Alec's dad, rode up on a golf cart with the school board superintendent.
"I don't know why he took off that mask," his mom said. "It was working so well. But people are starting to get excited now. We better go."
"Grace, can you please write down your phone number so I can call you?"
I had a whole plan before Alec ever walked in here. I was going to tell him I couldn't see him again, and I was going to be really firm about it.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it," I said searching for a pen and paper.
I felt rushed and didn't know what else to do. I reached out grabbed a notebook that was resting on my table. I jotted down my phone number and handed it to him. Alec smiled at me as we made the exchange. He let his hand linger on mine longer than necessary, and I left the paper in his hand and let go first.
"I'm coming back, okay?"