Page 61 of B-Side
"Hey, we're going to get something to drink," he said to his brother. "We're just going down the hall, so text me if they come get us to go back."
David nodded in agreement, and Alec stood, causing me to stand, too. He kept his hand on me at all times, leading me to the door and into the hall. He held my hand, and I just followed him, having no idea where we were going.
Alec peered at the doorways of several of the rooms as we passed them. I assumed he was looking for the vending machines, but he took a sharp right, glancing behind us briefly before pulling me into a private hospital room.
"What are you doing?" I whispered.
"I'm getting alone with you for a second," he said. He moved to stand behind the door, partially closing it behind us. We landed with Alec standing against a wall, pulling me into his arms.
"What if this is somebody's room?" I whispered with wide eyes.
"Hello?" he said innocently, shifting to get a look at the bed, which was right around the corner.
I cringed, thinking we were about to get caught.
"Nobody's in here," he said. "There was no name on the door."
"In that case, hi, my love," I said, touching his face and smiling at him.
"Hi," he said. "I miss you so much."
"I miss you too," I said.
"I can't wait to get back home."
I kissed him gently and he returned it with a tortuously light kiss of his own.
"I'm sorry I told everyone even though I'm the one who said we should wait."
"I'm not sorry you did it," I said.
"Are you sure it's true?" he asked. "Did you read that thing right?"
"I read it right, but I still didn't believe it. I took four more tests, just in case. Five total."
"And they all said yes?" he asked. I nodded and he kissed me. "How am I ever going to leave you two?" he said. "I already don't want to be apart from you, Grace, and now this. Just come on the road with me."
"You only have a few more weeks," I said. "We've got this."
He pulled me in, kissing me deeply for several pulsing heartbeats before pulling back.
"Fine," I said breathlessly. "Maybe I can go up there and see you guys while you're in New England to make the last bit go by faster." Alec was holding me so close that I felt his phone when it vibrated in his pocket. "That must be David," I said.
Alec kissed me again before moving to the door. "Are we just walking out there?" I whispered at his back. "Don't you need to look out and make sure we don't get caught?"
But Alec Abramson was a rockstar, and he couldn't care less about getting caught. He walked out of that room, holding my hand and pulling me with him.
This thing we just did—this holding my hand, pulling me with him, and ducking around corners—this was something we had done many times before and would do countless other times and places over the years.
Alec wouldn't be told when or where he could duck away with his wife. He constantly pursued me. He pursued me so unrepentantly that I knew he didn't have time or space in his life for anyone else. Alec Abramson was my one and only all along. And from now until forever, I was his one and only, too.
The End