Page 13 of Just for Tonight
He was a gentleman, and I wasn't at all worried about him touching me or even having certain urges toward me. I could sense how neutral he was. I did not feel threatened by him in any way—I felt the opposite of threatened—I felt protected. I was free to sing and dance and enjoy the music, and I did that for three more songs before turning to speak to him.
"I know you want to get back to your seat," I said. "I’m actually going to head out after one or two more songs, so you can go whenever."
"If you're only staying for one or two more songs, I'll just stay until then."
I smiled and nodded since I loved him being there. I turned and watched Sam and his band for the remainder of that song and then two more, and then I told Jade and the others I was heading home.
I knew Jade was watching us, so I smiled and stretched up to place a soft kiss on Beau's cheek before speaking to him.
"You're amazing," I said where only he could hear. "You made this night so much better for me."
"Why are you leaving?" he asked.
"My dog. He's in his kennel. My mom usually watches him when I work a night shift, but I didn't have time to go to my parent's house today. I didn't want to miss the show, but I also have to get back to my apartment. I can walk you back over to your place against the wall," I added. "And if your stool is taken, I know where I can get you another one."
"I'll just walk you to your car if you're leaving," he said.
I pulled back and shook my head like he didn't have to go to all that trouble. I was about to tell him as much, but he spoke again.
"I wasn't planning on staying for the whole show, anyway."
Everything he said was everything I wanted to hear. I wanted to leave early, but I hated to walk out alone, and I was thankful that he was willing to leave with me. I wanted to kiss him again.
The music played and we were in a huge crowd. We were close enough to the stage that the moving colored stage lights fell across his face in waves and patterns. I stared. I was not about to put myself in a position where I got my heart broken again, and Beau Cameron with his classic, perfect face was a severe threat—a red-level threat.
I knew I would ultimately stay away. I was, however, a female. And as a female, I experienced certain urges and attraction, and in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to kiss Beau Cameron.
If I was going to do it, this was my last chance. If I was ever going to randomly kiss a guy, it had to be when we were pretending that we were dating each other. I knew the opportunity was rare so I took it.
I leaned into Beau, stretched upward, and tenderly put my hand on his face as I let my lips hit his. I was perspiring from dancing, and I tasted his mouth along with the edge of my own sweat. I kissed him three or four times, slow but light innocent kisses where our mouths made gentle contact again and again.
We were surrounded by people and the feeling and rush of it all had my body soaring. My senses were stimulated by the deep, pulsing rhythm of the music along with the feel of his mouth on mine. Ecstasy.
I had to snap out of it before I got confused and started having feelings for this guy. I pulled back, smiling at him. We waved at a couple of my friends before taking off, weaving confidently through the solid wall of people who were standing behind us and all around. I worked here, and I moved through crowds like this all the time so I knew how to do it. I held Beau's hand and pulled him along, and soon we were at the back of the crowd in a spot where it was quieter and we could talk.
"I need to run to the back," I said. "I left my purse in the break room."
"Do you want me to wait here?" he asked.
"If you want to. You paid for a ticket. I don't want you to leave the show early if you're not ready. I just need to get home for Ralphie."
"The Jack Russell?"
"Yes. You know he's my man if I leave Sam Wells for him."
"I'm ready to go anyway," Beau said. "I told my dad I was going to help him with some stuff in the morning."
"What stuff?" I asked, feeling curious.
"Rental property," he said. "He's been paying a yard guy to keep it up, but there's a bunch of limbs and vines to deal with, so I told him I'd help. He wants to go over there at seven."
"In the morning?"
He nodded.
"That's only seven hours from now."
"That's why I'm leaving," he said.