Page 16 of Just for Tonight
"Thank you," Beau said. He looked down and kissed his own arm muscle. "Maybe I should try my luck and go back in there."
"You would have absolutely no trouble in there, Beau. I can seriously hook you up with about ten different women in there if you want."
"That would be odd since I'm supposed to be your boyfriend."
"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I might've ruined your chances for tonight."
"I don't want to be fixed up, anyway."
"Why not?"
"Not here. I wouldn't want to date a girl who goes to a place like this."
I shot him an offended stare. "Why not? You went in there."
"I know, but I wouldn't want to date a girl who did. Half the girls in there are rubbing up against guys they don't even know. I'm not judging them, I'm just saying I could never be with somebody like that. It's too bold for me. I need a nice, calm, innocent, non-party girl. I need someone quiet."
"You don'tneedit you just want it. You're attracted to good girls, I get it. I'm not a bad person, though, just because I went to see Sam Wells."
"I know you're not. I never said you were. And it's not a matter of attraction, it's about knowing what kind of person I need in the long term. I don't want to worry about my wife going around and talking to other guys. I don't need somebody bold and talkative like that. I just want to marry somebody I can have a low-key good time with."
"I get it. That was too much for you what happened with us in there."
"Then what's the problem? What about me can you not handle?"
"I don't know. You're just fine as a friend. I like you a lot as a friend. I think you're a really cool person."
"But you're only attracted to girls you can completely control."
"I did not say that. Please don't turn my words into something they're not. Look, my mom is a no-nonsense type of person. She is a ballet instructor, and she does not sugarcoat things. She's also wise, and she has a good marriage and knows what it takes to have one. She sees my personality type. She told me a long time ago that if I wanted a successful marriage, I would need to marry someone quiet and loyal who wouldn't look at AJ or anyone else."
"Quietness has nothing to do with loyalty," I said.
"Sometimes it does," Beau said. "It depends on what you're saying and to whom."
"Well, just so you know, I would be really offended if I liked you right now."
"Well, you don't like me, so that's good."
"I never said I didn't like you. I said I don't date because I got hurt. If I was capable of dating, I certainly wouldn't judge you just because you have trust issues or family issues."
"Trust issues and family issues? Who said I have those?"
"You. Just now."
"You're just offended because my mom warned me about women like you."
I laughed. "I'm offended because that's offensive. You and your mom are implying that I would be unfaithful, and that is the opposite of my personality. I was the one who had someone be unfaithful to me. It is a completely offensive and unfair judgment of me."
"Look, I definitely don't want to offend you. It's not your problem that I need a quiet wife, it's my problem. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's trust issues. But when you watch all of your middle and high school girlfriends check out your brother the whole time they're with you, it gives you trust issues. And you have guys coming up to you all the time. It's too much. I had to help you try to fend them off just now."
I took a deep breath, calming the frustration I felt. I smiled at him. "I can't say anything because I have trust issues, too. So, thank you for helping me tonight."
"You're welcome. I'm sorry if anything came across as judgmental or whatever. I think you're a really great person. I think you're too great."
I stopped in my tracks. "Please show me a picture of your brother right now."