Page 18 of Just for Tonight
I opened my door and turned to get in.
"Hey," he said. touching my arm.
I looked at him. "You are definitely not a bad person. You're, like, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And you're cool and nice, too."
"Thank you."
"And I like how you dance."
"Thank you," I said, smiling at him.
"Hey, I think I see your friend—that Cameron guy." He glanced behind me with a concerned expression, and I turned quickly but saw no one.
I looked at Beau.
"I swear he was there," he said, innocently.
"But the venue's that way," I said.
"I'm pretty sure I saw him."
I could tell he was lying, and I scrunched my face up at him. "Are you trying to kiss me right now?"
He shrugged. "If you think we should," he said nonchalantly.
"You are the weirdest guy I've ever met, Beau Cameron."
"I was thinking the same thing about you."
"That I'm a weird guy?"
He laughed.
Our conversation was lighthearted, and we smiled the whole time. I liked him a lot. "I wish you were coming to the cabin," I said.
"You always call it the cabin," he said, smiling and shaking his head at me.
"What should I call it?"
"I don't know. See when you get there."
"Is it more of an estate?" I said the word in a deep voice with a fancy British accent, and he laughed again.
"It's too bad you're not going," I added.
"My mom wishes I was going, too. She and my dad are staying a while this year."
"Then you should."
"I'll think about it. I have some downtime in between trips."
How could this man think he was second-best to his brother?He was amazing. If I was interested in a relationship, I would stop at nothing to have him. As it stood, I enjoyed hanging out with him and I certainly didn't mind kissing him. It was late, and I had been dancing, and I felt in the mood to do it again right then.
"You should definitely go to the cabin," I said. "But if you do, we have to go back to being friends, you can't be my boyfriend anymore over there," I said that hoping to let him know I was okay with it continuing tonight.
"Am I still your boyfriend right now?" he asked, thank goodness.
"For sure," I said. I knew what was about to happen by the way he was looking at me. "In fact, I think I see Cameron coming now. He's right back there." I didn't glance away when I said it. I kept my eyes locked on his. There was no way I could see anyone coming and he knew what I was doing. I was daring him to kiss me.