Page 39 of Just for Tonight
"I'm not. Calm down."
"AJ gave me those jeans at the lake house, that's why I left them in the bag. Uhhh. There's a note? Are you sure?"
"Yes. I’m holding it."
"Okay, is there any way you can open it and take a picture of it without reading it?"
"I can, but I can't promise I won't see a little bit of it. I don't know what's inside. If it just has three big words blasted across the paper, I might accidentally read it."
"Just do your best to not read it."
"What is it? Is it something illegal?"
"No. It's from a girl."
"A girl? Seriously? A love interest? Oh, I want to read it now."
"Rose, please don't. I'm serious. I called because I trust you. It was from a while back, and I'm not even sure what it says. I'm calling in a favor. Just take a picture of it and send it to me, and then fold it back up and delete it forever off your phone."
"Okay, okay, Beau, goodness. I won't look. I've got tokind oflook to set it out and take a picture and stuff."
"Thank you," he said since he could tell she was trying.
"It's from Holland."
"Dang it, Rose!"
"I’m sorry, Beau! I see her name at the bottom, written by itself. It's handwritten and my eyes just fell on it. I'm… (Beau heard rustling and shifting and paper.) I'm taking a picture right now. I'm blurring my eyes from the writing. I hope the picture isn't blurry. I'm going to send it to you, and if it's not good, I'll do it again."
"Thank you, Rose."
Beau put his phone on speaker and stared at the screen, waiting for the text. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He had to call Holland. He wanted to call about her birthday, and he couldn't do that until he read the note. He saw handwriting on a folded paper and he felt like his limbs could not move fast enough to zoom in. It had been weeks since he had seen Holland, and now it was a matter of seconds to get to this note, and he couldn’t get his fingers to work.
"I think I have it," he said. "Could you please delete it?"
"I know you want me to delete it. I'm already doing that. I promise. Do you want me to burn the paper?"
"No, don't burn it. Just fold it up and put it back where it was, please. Thank you. I'm zooming in to make sure it… yeah, I think I'm going to be able to read it. Thank you so much, Rose. Yeah, I can read it. Okay. I’m going to let you go so I can see what this is about. She gave it to me when I left Arkansas, and I didn't see it until now."
"Is it a love letter? I thought you were flirting that night in the pool. Does she like you?"
"I hope so," he said.
"Do you like her?"
"Have you talked to her since you've been in Japan?"
"Rose. Give me a second. I’m trying to read this."
"I'm sorry."
"Am I done in here? It's hot in here."
"I have the air conditioner set higher."