Page 49 of Just for Tonight
He gave me a patient grin, holding me, adjusting me in his arms. "I was here in the house when I talked to you—in the blue bedroom. My mom ordered a poster that looked like the Tokyo skyline. Uncle Max and Casey helped me. Everybody was in on it, even Kai's family." He paused and his smile broadened. "And they saw the whole thing happen, so I'm sure they know we'll be a few minutes getting back online. I'll text Kai to tell him you're fine."
Beau dug his phone out of his back pocket and stared at it just long enough to text Kai and tell him we would be back online soon to finish the meeting.
"Honestly, you could probably sign the papers on your own and send them back to him," Beau said as he put his phone on the table. "They were all in on the surprise, so the formalities of the meeting were mostly a part of that."
He reached out and pulled me closer, grinning at me. I scanned his handsome face. He paid no attention to the blood on the side of his cheek. It wasn't bad, and it looked handsome and tough on him. But I was still stunned that it had happened. I was blown away by all of this. I had fallen out of my chair and now I was in Beau's arms.
"You're crying," he said.
"I'm sorry, I'm trying not to, but I'm just so happy."
"Aw, I thought you were hurt."
"No, I'm the opposite of hurt, Beau. I'm shaking and I just can't believe it. I'm definitely not hurt. I'm sorry you're hurt." I focused again on the nick that was on his cheek.
"It's fine," he said, causing me to make eye contact with him.
Honey, amber, green, brown, yellow, even blue—his eyes were amazing. They were faceted with all sorts of colors, and I could clearly see into them as he stared at me. He grinned a little and leaned down to kiss me, and I let my mouth touch his. I wasn't expecting it, and my mouth was dry. Beau licked his lips and kissed me again, this time taking my lip into his mouth. He sucked on my lip and I pressed into him, aching for it to continue. Tears of relief seeped out of the outer corners of my eyes as I faced upward, maintaining the contact. Beau's touch was light and gentle, but I felt the warmth and wetness of his mouth, and I absolutely longed to get closer—to have more.
Beau must have felt the same thing because he took a hold of me and kissed me deeply. I felt his tongue, the silky intrusion of it. He was solid and he held me securely, covering me in his kiss and leaning against me, as solid as a brick wall.
This was it.
I was no longer his fake girlfriend.
This was as real as it could get.
Beau kissed me deeply, and I kissed him back, and in those seconds, neither of us cared about Japan or anything else. Relief, passion, and love ran through us. We hugged, touched, and kissed as we moved, embracing each other. It was completely obvious that we were in love. Our connection was so electric that it was scientific. There must've been some scientific explanation for how I could feel like this. It had to be something with chemistry.
Beau's hand was on my lower back and he pulled me toward him. I felt the hardness of his body. I had been longing to hear from him, and then once I did, I began longing to see him. All I had done, since I first met Beau Cameron, was long for and resist him.
And now I could have him.
I could feel how much he wanted me. He matched my intensity as he kissed me, and I was breathing heavily when we broke apart.
"Are you here?" I asked, staring at him with an expression of disbelief. I touched the side of his gorgeous face.
"I am here," he said.
I began chuckling at the memory. "Oh, my gosh," I said, laughing quietly as he held me.
"That must have been so funny, what I did. I was not expecting you at all. It totally freaked me out." I shook my head, still laughing at the memory of it, and Beau began laughing, too.
"Oh, my gosh, I thought you died," he said. "I thought I literally scared the life out of you. My heart dropped so hard."
I continued laughing, remembering the sequence of events. "I'm just thinking about what the people in Japan must have seen," I said. "I wonder if it's recorded."
"I'm sure it is."
We laughed for a few long seconds and then I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand. I had shed tears back-to-back for different reasons.
I took his hand and pulled him toward the bathroom. I was still shaken from the fall and from the shock of it all, but I wanted to see his face in the light and tend to it. "Where are we going?" he asked.
"To wipe off your face. I'm so sorry I did that. I can't believe I hit you hard enough to make you bleed."
"I'm sorry I scared you," he said. "I thought you would just get excited. I didn't know you would jump out of your own skin."