Page 1 of Marrying a Cowgirl
James had been to the Callahan ranch several times under the cover of darkness. Beneath the moon and stars, he’d steal away with the one Callahan daughter who had been worth the trouble. No man with any amount of sense would date a Callahan girl for one reason.
The man was a terror to the young men in the county. One false move with his daughters and they could expect a shotgun pointed right at their chest.
But Brielle had been worth it.
He could feel her gaze drilling into his back as he headed for the barn with Constance. She prattled on about one thing or another, but every one of his senses was trained on the girl he’d walked away from.
Their relationship hadn’t gone anywhere and the sneaking around hadn’t been worth the trouble. Brielle wasn’t willing to fight for him so he had cut the cord, gone to college, and returned as a veterinarian.
Seeing her around town was one thing. But seeing her this close and remembering every place they’d hidden to steal a forbidden kiss had him distracted. As much as he would prefer never to set foot on Zeke’s property, he had a job to do.
“…the last time you were here?”
He started and gazed down at Constance. She wasn’t little Connie anymore. When he’d dated Brielle, they were in high school and Constance was a year or two behind. He’d always viewed her as the little tagalong.
She’d grown up. Her large brown doe-eyes could suck a fellow in and hold him tight. Her hair was swept up off her neck in a small chignon.
Wait. She’d asked him a question.
What was she saying? Seeing Brielle had really messed with his attention span. It really was too bad that he couldn’t take a pregnant horse off the ranch and care for it at the clinic. But then where would she give birth?
He gave Constance a chagrined expression. “What were you asking?”
Her wide smile made it clear she wasn’t worried in the slightest. “Calliope’s baby. I wasn’t here last time so I didn’t get a chance to ask you. Do you think she’s going to have an easy birth?”
James peered down into her innocent, deep gaze. There was a small crease between her brows and her lips puckered ever so slightly into a frown. He stopped and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I think Calliope will do just fine. All you will have to worry about is what the foal’s name will be.”
“Oh, I already know that.”
His lips quirked at the ends. “Oh?”
She nodded. “I’m going with Clio.”
“Clio, huh?”
She nodded again. “She’s a—”
Her lashes fluttered and the smile faded from her face. “Yes. How did you know?”
He chuckled. “I learned about Greek mythology in college. That, and the mother’s name sorta gives it away.”
Her smile deepened and a little dimple appeared on her right cheek just below the corner of her mouth. “I didn’t realize that veterinarians took Greek mythology.”
James turned, once again on his way toward the stall where they housed Constance’s horse. “They don’t. It was one of the classes I took for fun.”
Constance hurried forward and placed a soft hand on his forearm. “Why did you want to learn about Greek mythology?”
He pulled open the stall door, then grabbed the lead rope that hung on a hook just inside. Calliope shifted, pawing at the ground. James held up one hand, then glanced back at Constance with a grin. “Why wouldyoutake it?”
“Because it’s fascinating.”