Page 110 of Lost Track
He scooched closer, bringing his body flush against hers. He snuggled in close to her neck. “See? You fit right by me.”
Sabine sighed, completely exasperated by him and also so appreciative of his adorable antics. Her body finally relaxed with the heat of his nearness.
Which was confusing for so many different reasons. Shouldn’t his nearness make her nervous?
But he’d snuggled her many times since they’d first met and his hands had never wandered. His intentions had never been dubious.
She always felt safe with him.
She resolved that he would always be safe with her as well.
And that was her last thought before she fell asleep.
* * *
He felt Sabine’s body relax, and soon after her breathing evened out.
And he wasn’t upset at all that his mom had bailed.
Not. At. All.
His phone rang and he glared at the screen before answering it.
“What up, Curtis?”
Leslie stuck his tongue out and held his hands up for Dave to pass the ball to him.
“What are you doing?” Curtis asked.
Dave bounced the basketball to Leslie.
“Just shooting some hoops with Les.” He walked to the back of the court and watched Leslie dribble to the hoop for a layup. “What do you need?”
“How did rehearsal go this morning?” Curtis asked.
“Fine.” Dave shrugged and paced towards the pool and back again.
“Will you and your guest be on time tonight?”
“Should be.” He stopped and gazed up at the blue California sky. “Is there something you’re not saying?”
“The background check came back on her and there are some red flags.”
Dave rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know about her ma. It’s not something you need to be worried about.”
“You said that about the last one too,” Curtis muttered.
Dave clenched his free hand into a fist. “We’ve talked about this, Curtis. You don’t get to choose my friends.”
“I know, I know,” Curtis sounded stressed. “But this is a huge event and she’s going to be a person of interest the moment she steps out of that limousine.”